Four Always Read Online Stephanie Brother

Categories Genre: Erotic, Insta-Love, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 62
Estimated words: 58142 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 291(@200wpm)___ 233(@250wpm)___ 194(@300wpm)

“It is,” I say, amazed by all of the warm feelings they can create in my body, even as my mind is spinning with worry. Mention of my dress reminds me that my parents are here, and this event isn’t so big that they’re not going to run into each other. I bite my lip as I try unsuccessfully to think of a way to diffuse this situation.

“Is there an entrance fee?” Dodge asks.

“No, but donations are encouraged.”

All four of the men pull out their wallets and put bills in the container. I’m not trying to look, but I catch a glimpse of a hundred dollar bill in one of the deposits.

“Thank you very much,” I say. “Would you each like to register for bidding?”

“I’ll register,” Chase says. “We’ll be bidding together.”

The combination of desire and anxiety is nearly overwhelming. When I give them their ticket, Maddox says, “We’ll see you later. We have some bidding to do.”

Even though I’m still trying in vain to figure out how to stop them from going in, I tell them the same thing I’ve been telling others: “There are refreshments along the back wall, including cookies from Maddy’s bakery.”

Diesel leans in to whisper, “Any penis-shaped ones?”

I shake my head, whispering back, “No!”

“That’s too bad,” he says. “We know those are your favorite.”

As soon as they go inside, the panic I’d been suppressing comes roaring to the surface. I have to fight the urge to flee because I can’t figure out how this is going to end well. I don’t think it’s reasonable to hope that my parents won’t see the men. Best-case scenario may be that my parents completely ignore them, and don’t realize that the men are here for me. That’s actually possible. Maybe I just need to make sure that they don’t interact with each other, and everything will be okay.

As I’m trying to think of a plan to avoid the impending disaster, Lisa comes over to my table. “I’m here to relieve you. You can go ahead inside and mingle.”

I stand, smooth my dress, and take a deep breath. I tell myself everything will be okay, and try to believe it.

From the doorway, I search for Becca. My eyes find Shane and Khalil first, and then Becca next to them. “Can you come with me?” I ask, as soon as I reach her.

She picks up on my tone immediately. “Sure. What’s wrong?”

Keeping my focus straight ahead, I lead her to the restroom. Once we’re inside, I say, “The guys are here. The Stanton brothers.”

“Oh. Okay.”

“And my parents are here,” I explain. “My parents have no idea that I’ve been seeing them, and if they found out, they’d be furious.”

My friend frowns, thinking. “I guess you can’t exactly ask any of them to leave, can you? Do the guys know how your parents feel?”

“My parents snubbed them when they met at the bakery once, and I explained that my parents disapprove of their work, but I never told them about my parents trying to prevent their club from even opening.”

“Okay … you said it’s a silent auction, right?”

I nod. “Yes, thank god.”

“Maybe it’ll be okay. I’ll keep an eye on all of them, and if it seems like they’re about to bump into each other, I’ll run interference,” she says.

“Thanks.” I let out a breath. “Maybe it’ll be fine.”

I feel much better with Becca on the job, and after blotting my cheeks with a damp paper towel, I venture back out into the crowd. I recognize a lot of the people. Many of them have adopted pets from the shelter, others are people I know from around the island, from school, the bakery, and the flower shop I used to work at.

The four Stanton brothers stand out like glowing beacons among everyone else. They mostly hover between the bidding tables and the food, and I do my best to avoid both them and my parents as I move through the crowd. I spend some of the time hiding in the back room under the pretense of refilling refreshments and other supplies.

At some point during my efforts to keep busy, Lisa’s voice comes through a speaker, announcing that there are ten minutes left to place bids. Much of the crowd starts to move toward the rows of seating then, but Chase, Dodge, Diesel, and Maddox remain by the bidding table, right near where I’d seen my date display. Because there are four of them, they’re effectively, if even unintentionally, blocking the way for anyone else to approach.

I spot my parents and breathe a sigh of relief that they’re already seated. With the men apparently occupied, I decide to take the opportunity to talk with my parents, since they may think it’s rude that I haven’t chatted with them since they’ve been inside.

Becca and her men are standing near the end of my parents’ row, and it’s clear she’s still keeping an eye on the situation.


