Fire in His Embrace Read Online Ruby Dixon (Fireblood Dragon #3)

Categories Genre: Alien, Dragons, Dystopia, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Fireblood Dragon Series by Ruby Dixon

Total pages in book: 115
Estimated words: 107619 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 538(@200wpm)___ 430(@250wpm)___ 359(@300wpm)

Emma’s lips curve in a smile. “Well, for starters, you can lie back. Unless you’d rather stand.”

I will lie down, I decide. You are small and will not be able to reach my mouth if you so wish.

Her soft laughter is appealing, as is the excitement I feel in her mind. She is looking forward to touching me. I am fascinated by this. Most drakoni females would take a mounting and expect the male to pleasure her. The female does not give to the one that defeated her. It is fascinating how different human females are from ours.

Emma gets on her hands and knees, her hair falling forward over one shoulder. She eyes me with fascination and then reaches out to slide one hand up one of my thighs.

I can feel my cock jump in response to that quick touch.

Her thoughts jump, as well, and then she chuckles. “Ticklish?”

Drakoni are no such thing, I tell her stoutly.

She giggles, pleased at my response. “Is that so?” Her fingers skate up my sides, along my abdomen, and then she flutters them against the muscle there.

I am surprised at how skittish it makes me feel—and how hard it makes my cock. I grab her hands, otherwise I will spill all over myself in a shameful manner.

She peals with laughter. “You should see the look on your face.”

I do not like tickling, I tell her, feeling strangely unsettled. It is too much.

“I’ll keep that in mind,” she tells me, and her voice takes on a sweetly playful tone. “Is it okay if I put my hands on you otherwise?”

I enjoy your touch, I tell her. Do as you like.

“Except no tickling,” she teases again, and she puts one hand on each of my thighs instead, then begins to rub. Her voice is playful, but her touch is anything but. I find myself fascinated by the play of her small hands against my skin. She rubs back and forth, kneading my muscles, and I am reminded of the massage she gave my wings yesterday. It did not feel quite the same.

Now I am going to think of her like this when she touches my wings next. Of Emma straddling my thighs, her cunt wet from pleasure, her breasts pert and upthrust, her hair a tangle around her flushed face.

No drakoni warrior was ever so lucky as I am, I think.

Her attention focuses on my cock, and her hands slide higher up my thighs, until she lets her fingers play against my hips. “You have a really beautiful body,” she says softly. “Look at all this muscle. You’re all strength and no weakness.”

It is as it should be, I tell her, proud of her admiration. I must be strong and fierce to protect my mate.

“Doesn’t hurt that being strong and fierce also means you’re pleasing to look at,” she tells me, and I am surprised again. She likes to look at me? She gets pleasure from gazing upon me like I do her? It never occurred to me, but I enjoy the thought of her appreciating my appearance. Then you should be doubly glad I do not bother to cover my body with the silly coverings as you do.

She giggles again, and the sound makes my cock stiffen even more, makes my sac tighten in response to her pleasure. “Yes, well, if we’re ever around others again, you might want to rethink that.”

Do you want to be around others again? I ask her, curious.

She hesitates. “I don’t know that I do. Humans naturally cluster together for safety, you know, but I’ve always been taught that it’s smarter to be alone.” She shrugs. “Sometimes I think it might be wiser to go back to a fort and play with the devil I know. To hide amongst their numbers. But I’m not a big fan of people overall. They always disappoint you. I’ve only met a few who didn’t.” She thinks for a moment. “Jack, for example. You always knew what you got with Jack because he’d tell you to your face if you were being an idiot. And Sasha. That’s Dakh’s girlfriend. Or mate, I guess. I don’t think there’s a mean bone in her body. She’s very sweet and gentle.”

You are sweet, I tell her.

“But not gentle,” Emma admits, and grins. “All the gentle was beat out of me a long time ago.”

I prefer you as you are.

She smiles at me, and her hands play at my hips a moment longer before her gaze drops to my cock. She hesitates. “Can I…touch you?”

I groan. Please.

I can feel her moment of indecision, and then she slowly reaches forward to touch me. One hand curls around my shaft and she gives me a light squeeze.

All the breath leaves my body. I have never felt anything as good as that one small squeeze.


