Fire in His Embrace Read Online Ruby Dixon (Fireblood Dragon #3)

Categories Genre: Alien, Dragons, Dystopia, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Fireblood Dragon Series by Ruby Dixon

Total pages in book: 115
Estimated words: 107619 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 538(@200wpm)___ 430(@250wpm)___ 359(@300wpm)

Zohr lowers his head to my pussy and inhales deeply.

I squirm, because that seems a little strange to me. It’s not something a human guy would do—ever—and I don’t know how to react. I slide a hand down my belly to push him away, embarrassed.

He flicks my hand away, as if I’m bothering him, and inhales deeply again.

“Zohr,” I protest.

He only growls at me, as if trying to silence any sort of protest I have. Fine then. I swallow my awkwardness and lie patiently under him.

He continues examining me in his leisurely way, gaze utterly focused on my naked lower half. I’m nervous under his scrutiny, which seems silly. We’ve had sex. We have a mental connection and our thoughts are shared. Why does it matter that he’s looking at my pelvis as if he’s never seen one before and he took a deep, long whiff of my lower half? But the truth is, he’s still a dragon and I don’t know what to expect of him. He doesn’t think like I do, and in moments like this, it becomes incredibly clear that we’re not the same.

It’s both fascinating and a little frightening.

Emma, he murmurs again, and he lowers his face. I think he’s going to take another long, awkward sniff, but instead, he pushes my thighs apart with one hand and gives my folds a slow, thorough lick.

I can’t help the little squeal that escapes my throat. My nerves feel shredded and I feel all tense and fluttery and excited all at once. He groans, and a burst of pleased thoughts echoes from his thoughts to mine. He likes my taste. No, he loves it. The wave of hunger that sweeps through next startles me, so much that I’m too distracted to notice that he’s lowering his head again.

Until his mouth closes over my clit and he tastes me there.

I moan again, unable to be still. My eyes close and I rock my hips.

He rumbles low in his throat and pins my shifting thigh down with one hand and continues to lap at my clit. It’s like he’s found a new toy he’s suddenly fascinated with, because each lick he gives me makes me shudder, and he seems to want more and more of my responses. He bathes my clit with his tongue repeatedly and then eventually moves lower, exploring me with his mouth.

He’s careful, though. Despite claws and fangs and the fact that he’s leagues stronger than I am, Zohr’s incredibly delicate in the way he touches me. I know I’m safe with him, and so when he nuzzles my clit and then drags his tongue over the entrance of my core, I’m left wanting even more. God, do I want more.

Mine, he tells me in my head.

There’s no disagreement here. I’m totally his, in any way he wants me. His hand is so hot it’s practically burning against my thigh as he pushes his face between my legs and makes love to me with his mouth. His tongue feels like fire, and I can’t stop writhing with every firm lick he gives me. It’s too much sensation, and not enough at the same time. I love every drag of his tongue, but it’s not enough. I can’t seem to come, and the longer he spends between my thighs, the more I worry. Shouldn’t I be faster at this? Shouldn’t I come immediately once he touches me there? I’ve read books and magazines—and Sasha loves her romance novels, so I’ve read plenty of those—and those women all seemed to fall apart the moment her man touched her between her thighs. I love Zohr’s tongue but…I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. It feels good, but I still can’t come.

I wish I had more experience in this so I knew how to make things happen. Before Zohr, all I’ve done is masturbate. Maybe I should have tried harder to get more experience—

Zohr lifts his head, and his eyes are swirling, edged with black. Mine, he tells me, panting. His mouth is wet with my juices, and the look on his face is so possessive it takes my breath away. No one touches you but me.

“Okay,” I agree, breathless. I don’t want anyone else anyhow. All I want is him…and one teeny tiny orgasm. Last time we did the dirty together I didn’t come that time, either. Someone barged in before I could get off. Maybe there’s a problem with me. Maybe I need more than what he can give. Maybe—

He growls and lowers his head again, and his mouth closes over my clit once more.

But it’s too much, or maybe I’m too sensitive after all the working his tongue’s been giving me. Either way, I don’t think it’s going to work and it’s not bringing me any closer to the orgasm I’m seeking. I push at his head. “No, Zohr.”


