Fire in His Embrace Read Online Ruby Dixon (Fireblood Dragon #3)

Categories Genre: Alien, Dragons, Dystopia, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Fireblood Dragon Series by Ruby Dixon

Total pages in book: 115
Estimated words: 107619 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 538(@200wpm)___ 430(@250wpm)___ 359(@300wpm)

I can feel the blush of embarrassment move through her. She is not flustered at the thought of the others knowing, I realize, but at the thought of my arousal. This fascinates me. This is the female that mounted me boldly and claimed me, yet she gets shy at the thought of touching me once more?

“Sorry,” she whispers, a hint of a smile matching the dusky color of her cheeks.

Why does the thought of mating with me embarrass you? I ask her. I find this curious.

She shrugs and looks away, smoothing her fingers down my arm again before remembering that it arouses me. It’s not the thought of mating with you, exactly. It’s the thought of mating, period. It’s rather new to me.

You have never mated before? The thought fills me with a swell of pleasure. I am the first to touch you?

Jesus, don’t sound so damn proud. Just never seemed like the right time to get intimate with anyone. And it’s hard to trust in this day and age. Again, she is shy.

But you trusted me. I am flattered. More than that, I am pleased. I am the only one to have touched her, and I will be the only one to ever touch her. I will be the only male that will taste her cunt and hear her cries of pleasure. It makes me even more impatient to be free.

“You’re twisting again,” she murmurs. “Stop it.”

Artie looks over the edge of the pit down at my mate and barks something that causes a flash of irritation inside my mate.

“I’m slow because I’ve never done this before,” she retorts back, lying. “Give me a chance. Besides, I don’t know why you’re rushing me, jackass. You’re still not getting sucked off when I’m done.”

He makes an angry sound and gives her a dismissive gesture, then wanders away again.

I make an angry sound, as well. The human male wants favors from my mate? From my female? I will shred every membrane in my wings to get free before I will let him get close to her.

“You’re growling,” she whispers. “I need to feed you and then get out of here. We’re going to make plans, you and I, I promise.” Emma quickly picks up one of the containers on her tray and begins to mix it with a spoon. I vaguely recognize the scent—it is the tasteless sludge they have been feeding me since I arrived.

Despite my hunger, my stomach churns. What is that you feed me?

Protein powder shakes. I’m sorry. I know it’s gross, and probably worse because it’s long expired, but they’re keeping all the fresh meat for the others. I tried to sneak some, but I would have gotten busted. There’s regret in her tone. Can you choke this down?

For you, I will try. My stomach growls, reminding me that any food is better than no food. I remind myself of that even when she lifts the container to my lips and tilts it so the first taste of sludge touches my mouth. I choke, because the taste is terrible. It is cloyingly sweet and chalky and thick, and it makes my empty stomach churn.

I’m sorry, Emma tells me again, her thoughts full of distress. I’m so sorry.

My reaction upsets her. I send her a wave of reassurance and take another drink, resolved to bear this misery for her. She is worth everything, even a few mouthfuls of foulness.

Even as I drink, I feel Emma’s hand move under my neck, to the collar. She finds the clasp of it, explores it with her fingers, and then seems to be satisfied with what she finds. I think I can get this off of you the next time I come. I just need to grab my lockpicks. Can you hold on for me a bit longer?

My Emma, I send to her, my gaze locking with her eyes. I will wait for you forever. When will you realize this?



I can pick the lock on the back of his collar.

The realization fills me with a weird sort of glee. It’s a basic lock, one that could be picked with a paperclip if I had nothing else. They didn’t bother to put something heavy duty on his collar, since no one in their right mind would be freeing a dragon.

I guess that makes me not in my right mind. I chuckle at the thought. All I need to do is get in there again and get some time alone with him. I can’t today, I don’t think. Not without anyone getting suspicious.

I do not care if they are suspicious, Zohr tells me. I want you here. I did not get enough of your scent.

I’ll be there again as soon as I can, I promise him. Right now I have to make dinner.

I think about how I’m going to sneak out and visit Zohr again all through dinner. It’s stew tonight—because when you have a dozen people to feed and not a lot of meat, it’s stew most nights. Azar gets more pancakes and canned peaches, because he’s got a sweet tooth. I know how that is. I spend most days dreaming of cookies and candy bars. I’d give my left arm for chocolate right about now. Or ice cream. God, ice cream.


