Finding Home Read Online Lauren Rowe

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Chick Lit, Contemporary, Dark, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 122
Estimated words: 115706 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 579(@200wpm)___ 463(@250wpm)___ 386(@300wpm)

Aubrey crouches down. “Sweetheart, I’ll be here with you, all night, and⁠—"

“It’s okay,” I interject. “If she’s not ready to stay here yet, let’s not force it. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.” I look at Barbara. By now, it’s clear she’s the true leader of the Capshaw household, at least when it comes to decisions about Raine.

Barbara looks thoughtful. “I think she could handle it, if we insist.”

“I don’t want her to handle it. I want her to want to stay.” My decision made, I continue with, “We’ll come get her in the morning, after my Zoom call.”

“That’s probably for the best,” Barbara agrees. She gently taps Raine’s soft hair. “Come on, love. Let’s get you into the car and into bed.”

“Auntie Aubbey.” Raine reaches for her.

“No, honey,” Aubrey says. “I’m staying here.”

“You want to stay here with her?” Barbara asks hopefully.

Raine looks at Aubrey, and then at Barbara, like she’s tempted to change her mind and stay. But ultimately, Raine murmurs something I can’t make out. Something the rest of the adults who know her better interpret as a firm decision to join Joe and Barbara for their drive.

I thank Joe again for all his help with the deck today and walk the Capshaws to their car, while Barbara carries Raine. Before she straps Raine in, I pat my daughter on the cheek and wish her goodnight, and then stand next to Aubrey and wave goodbye with a fake smile on my face as the Capshaws drive away with my daughter nestled safely in their backseat.

“Today was good,” Aubrey says, as the car’s taillights disappear from sight down the dirt road.

“No, it was amazing.” I take a deep breath. “I need to go for a walk to clear my head. By myself.” I’m elated about today’s progress with Raine; but also disappointed today wasn’t enough to make Raine trust me. Both things can co-exist, it turns out. Elation and disappointment.

“Sorry, I can’t let you walk alone,” Aubrey says.

I grunt in frustration. “You still don’t trust me?”

“It’s not a matter of trust. It’s a matter of what I’ve promised, in writing, to do.”

I run a hand through my hair. Man, I could use a fucking drink right about now. Either that, or a really good fuck. But since neither option is available to me, I’ll settle for being alone on a long walk, followed by jerking myself off to fantasies of Aubrey Capshaw sucking my cock.

“I’ll put on sneakers, real quick,” Aubrey says, motioning to the flipflops on her feet.

“Never mind,” I grumble. “I’ll play my drums, instead. The whole point is for me to be alone, not to walk.”

“Suit yourself.” She frowns. “Actually, it’s pretty late for you to play your drums, don’t you think? If someone in a nearby house has a small kid to put to bed, they’ll be pissed off at you. Might even call the police.”

I stare at her, incredulously. I can’t drink. Can’t smoke a blunt or a bowl. Can’t fuck. Can’t walk alone. And now, I can’t even play my fucking drums to let off steam? Sounds like the only thing left, literally, is working out, taking a hot shower, and then getting into bed to jerk off to fantasies of Aubrey.

Unless . . .

My eyes shift to Joe’s parked truck on the side of the house. Prairie Springs is a ghost town after eight, but I bet the bars and liquor stores in Billings are open till much later, especially on a Saturday night. Billings is only about an hour away, after all. It’d be easy enough to go there and return before Aubrey wakes up, without her ever finding out what I did.

The idea rapidly gains steam inside my head. Yes. This could work. I’ll drive away tonight, after Aubrey falls asleep, with Big Betty in neutral and the headlights off. I’ll find myself a dive bar in Billings where I can relax and play some pool or darts. Nothing too crazy. And I won’t get shitfaced, obviously. Of course, not. I’d simply have one tall whiskey to unwind and recharge my batteries, and then I’ll come back here without anyone ever being the wiser. Frankly, I don’t see how this brilliant plan could possibly fail. Unless someone takes a photo or video of you tonight and posts it for the world to see, dumbshit.


What are the odds of that happening, though? People don’t recognize me nearly as much, when I wear a hat, for some reason. So, I’ll wear a hat and keep to myself in the bar. And if I happen to get made, nobody will know, for sure, what’s in my glass. If shit hits the fan later, I could tell Aubrey and my counselor, Gina, I was drinking a simple Coke. As a matter of fact, I’ll order a Jack and Coke, which isn’t my usual drink, so it’ll look the part.


