Fierce Obsessions Read Online Suzanne Wright (Phoenix Pack #6)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Funny, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: The Phoenix Pack Series by Suzanne Wright

Total pages in book: 110
Estimated words: 104350 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 522(@200wpm)___ 417(@250wpm)___ 348(@300wpm)

She swallowed. “No matter what, I’m yours.”

“No walls, no doubts.”

“No walls, no doubts.”

He slammed home, jaw grinding as her pussy closed around him like a hot fist. Knowing he was about to claim her, that from this night onward she’d be irrevocably his . . . it sent his hunger raging and made his wolf’s control snap.

Riley clung to Tao, digging her nails into the hard muscle of his back, as he hammered into her, slamming deep. He was always rough, but this was different. Almost animalistic, as if his wolf was feeding his need to claim her. His thrusts were brutal, his pace was ruthless, and his features were set into a savage mask of raw hunger and pure possessiveness. And Riley loved every minute of it.

Feeling his climax creeping up on him, Tao scraped his teeth over her throat, right where he’d leave his mark. She moaned, arching into him, showing him she wanted it. That was all he needed. Tao sank his teeth down hard, licking and sucking to make a permanent, definitive mark that told the world she belonged to him. Her pussy heated, tightened, and rippled. She screamed, fisting his hair and digging her heels into the base of his spine. Then she reared up and bit down on his neck, claiming him right back. Tao jammed his cock deep and erupted, pouring himself inside her.

That was when it happened.

The breath slammed out of Tao as pain crashed into his head and chest. It felt like the world had tilted and faded. His vision dimmed and blurred. The only solid thing was the female beneath him . . . and the mating bond that suddenly bound them, strong and vibrant and complete.

Using what little strength he had left, Tao rolled onto his side, keeping her close. His wolf pushed against his skin, wanting to be near his mate. Tao hadn’t been lying when he said he wasn’t sure if she was his true mate; he also wouldn’t have cared if it had taken imprinting to permanently bind her to him this way. One very big advantage of their being true mates was that they wouldn’t need to wait for the bond to form. He loved feeling it, feeling her through their connection. He especially loved that their scents had mixed into one unique scent that would tell the world she was mated and belonged to him.

Shuddering with aftershocks, Riley licked her lips. “That was . . . intense.” For lack of a better word, she thought.

Tao stroked his thumb over the bite on her throat. “The bond is fully formed, that’s why.”

Riley blinked, still a little in shock to discover they were true mates. Her raven was high on happiness. “Doesn’t it usually take certain steps to make it fully form?”

“Sometimes, but not for us. Maybe it’s because we made those vows before we claimed each other—there was nothing to mess with the frequency of the bond.” He’d always worried the bond would make him feel trapped, but he felt far from trapped. He felt whole and calm and happy, a little like in his dream, but better. And to think he might never have known this because he could be a dumb shit. “I can’t believe I tried to have you thrown off our territory.”

Her mouth curled. “I’ll never let you forget it.”

Tao was sure that Trick would never let him live it down either. “Our kids will enjoy the story.”


“You want kids, right? I know we technically already have two—”

“I want kids.” She’d just been a little surprised by the enthusiasm in his voice.

“Good.” Threading his fingers through her hair, he kissed her. “It would be better if our little girl wasn’t a raven. She’d have all the boys chasing her just to play with her hair.” He found it mesmerizing and suspected other males would too.

Riley just rolled her eyes. “Think the pack will be surprised we’re true mates?”

“I doubt it. I doubt your uncles will be either.” Maybe Ethan and Max had been right and Tao had sensed on some level that Riley was his. He’d feared finding his true mate for so long that he supposed it was natural he’d feel threatened by her. Yet again, he’d been a dumb shit. “I guess we’ll find out in the morning. I want tonight with you.”

“Sounds good to—” She frowned as he flipped her onto her stomach. “Well, that was a little abrupt.” One finger sank inside her, swirled around, and then trailed up to the puckered hole at the back. She froze. “Tao . . .”

“I need this. I can’t explain why I need it so badly, I just do.” As if then he’d have claimed every single part of her. “You’ll love it, baby, I promise you. Trust me.”

Riley kept her forehead pressed to the bed as he slowly and gently prepared her, using first one wet finger, then two. It burned, though not in a bad way. But when she finally felt the head of his cock start pressing inside her a little while later, she wondered if it would be much fun after all. “Tao, I really don’t think this is going to work.”


