Fierce Obsessions Read Online Suzanne Wright (Phoenix Pack #6)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Funny, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: The Phoenix Pack Series by Suzanne Wright

Total pages in book: 110
Estimated words: 104350 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 522(@200wpm)___ 417(@250wpm)___ 348(@300wpm)


“She’s pretty, I’ll give you that, but since when did you start thinking with your—?”

“Mom. Enough. You’ve made your fucking point.”

“Don’t you fucking swear at me. And I’m not fucking done.” Avery’s nose wrinkled. “God, her scent is all over you.”

“Good. That’s where it should be.”

“You’re a smart wolf, Tao. You know better than to have a fling with a female from your pack.”

“It’s not a fling.”

Avery’s brows snapped together. “Excuse me?”

“It’s not a fling. It started out as one, I won’t lie about that. But it’s far from one now. That’s all I’m prepared to say on the matter. I don’t owe you explanations. I’m a grown fucking man.”

Mouth tight, Avery cut her gaze to Riley. “Don’t you have anything to say?”

Riley pursed her lips. “About what?”

“Mom, don’t,” Tao advised, because Riley would toy with her like a cat with a mouse.

Avery lifted her chin. “I want to hear her speak.”

“Mom, really, don’t.”

“What, she can’t stand up for herself?” Keeping a wary eye on the kids now coiled around Riley’s legs, Avery said to her, “You’re very dominant. I can sense it. And yet you haven’t once spoken in your defense or tried to state your right to be with my son. That tells me you don’t want him as much as he appears to want you.”

Riley twisted her mouth. “Huh.”

“Huh? That’s all you have to say? You don’t deserve him. Only his true mate—the other half of his soul—will ever really deserve him. That’s clearly not you, and, regardless of what Greta seems to think, he can do better than you.”


“Huh? Are you capable of saying anything else?”


Avery turned to Tao, who had a hand over his face. “What, is she possessed by a mentally defective spirit?”

Riley frowned. “I don’t think it’s mentally defective.”

Avery glared at Riley, mouth tightening. “Really? Well, then, maybe the spirit can talk to me since all you seem to want to say is ‘huh.’”


She scowled at Greta. “I suppose it’s your influence that’s made her so bitchy.”

Riley’s frown deepened. “You can’t teach someone to be a bitch. They either have it or they don’t.”

Greta nodded. “Very true. Avery doesn’t have it.”

“Now that I’ve met you,” said Riley, “I understand Tao better. Studies show that ninety-two percent of males born to highly strung mothers grow up to become—”

“Highly strung?”

“Okay, everyone just stop,” ordered Tao. “Mom, trust me when I say this could go on all night. Let it go. Like I told you before, I’m an adult. I make my own decisions, not the ones you want me to make.”

Avery sniffed. “I don’t interfere in your business, but this is different. It’s bad enough when I thought that it was just a fling. If it’s more and you care for each other, that will make it even harder for both of you to see each other with whoever you mate. A lot of people will be hurt because of this.” She looked at Riley. “Including you. I’ll bet your mother would have the same concerns.”

Tao growled and snapped out, “Not another fucking word.”

Avery seemed surprised by the whip in his voice, but she challenged, “Am I wrong?”

“I guess we’ll never know,” said Riley. “She’s dead.”

All the bluster left Avery in a rush. “I’m sorry.”

Tao shifted to stand in front of Riley, eyes hard as he spoke to his mother. “You have two choices. You can drop this and sit down. Or you can go. One or the other. If you do stay, the conversation will not include any of the bullshit you just spouted. You made your point. We heard it. We’re ignoring it. So, what will it be?”

Lennon squeezed his mate’s shoulder. “Let’s just sit down, Avery. I understand why this is a sore spot for you. It’s not bad that you want to save him and his mate from what you endured, but you don’t have a prayer of coming between Tao and the raven here. I can see it. Surely you can.”

“He’s right on that,” said Trick. He pulled out a chair and gestured for Avery to sit in it.

After a few moments, Avery said quietly, “Thank you, Trick.” She and Lennon both settled at the table. Everyone other than Tao and Riley did the same.

“I’m taking the kids to the playroom,” Riley told Tao.

He cupped her chin, hating that she was hurting at the mention of her mother. “Baby—”

“They’re a little wound up right now and I can’t guarantee that Savannah won’t bite your mom—or that I’d try to stop her.”

Tao didn’t want her to go, but he knew she wouldn’t want an audience for her pain. “All right. I’ll come to you when they’re gone.” He squatted to speak to Savannah and Dexter. “Thank you for protecting Riley. I need you both to look after her for me. Can you do that?” They both nodded solemnly, and he smiled. “Good.” Standing, he gave Riley a quick kiss.


