Fierce Obsessions Read Online Suzanne Wright (Phoenix Pack #6)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Funny, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: The Phoenix Pack Series by Suzanne Wright

Total pages in book: 110
Estimated words: 104350 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 522(@200wpm)___ 417(@250wpm)___ 348(@300wpm)

“I don’t like how well you see me.”

“I know you don’t, baby. Isn’t it better that I see you?” He smiled at her “not really” look and rubbed his nose against hers. “Don’t worry so much about it.”

“I cannot believe you.”

At the new voice, Riley turned sharply to find Cynthia striding toward her, with Shirley close behind. “Problem?”

“My sister is shot because you led a madman here, and instead of taking responsibility for that, you’re trying to pin the blame on someone from the flock?” clipped Cynthia.

“Not true, but I can see why you’d want to believe that,” said Riley. “I mean, if someone really is finishing what Wade started, you’re on their list.” Riley wasn’t ruling out Cynthia as a suspect, actually, but she decided to keep that part to herself.

Hands curling, Cynthia said, “There is no ‘list.’ This has nothing to do with Wade or what happened four years ago.”

Riley cocked her head. “I don’t think you really believe that. I also don’t really care what you think, though, so why don’t we both just walk away?”

“If it were up to me, you’d be walking all the way off this territory. You brought this trouble here; you need to lead it back to where it came from.”

“Everything was fine here until you showed up,” Shirley piped up. “Now everyone’s eyeing each other with suspicion.” She looked at Tao. “If you want my opinion, your Alphas should think twice before giving Riley a place in your pack. Some people are just poison.”

Tao glared at her. “That’s the thing: I don’t want your opinion. I’m clueless as to why you think I would.”

Protectively, Cynthia ushered Shirley to stand behind her. “Don’t bother, Shirley. Let him find out for himself what trouble he’s accepted into his pack.” Looking down her nose at Riley, Cynthia shook her head in contempt. “It should amaze me that you thought you’d get away with manipulating the flock into believing one of its own is a killer. But then, you got away with manipulating Wade into—”

Riley snapped her hand around Cynthia’s throat and dragged the bitch to her. “Finish that sentence, I fucking dare you.”

Eyes wide and nostrils flaring, Cynthia just stared at her.

Riley’s raven wanted to peck her fucking eye out. “You know, Cynthia, there are no guys standing around with their pants down, so I can’t help but ask myself why the fuck you keep opening your mouth.”

Sawyer shouldered his way through the crowd that was beginning to form. “What the hell is going on here?”

“She has Cynthia by the throat,” said Shirley, sounding a little shrill. “You’re an enforcer. Aren’t you going to do anything?”

Riley tensed. Not because she feared Sawyer, but because the laugh that came out of Tao was a dark, menacing sound that made the little hairs on her arms and nape stand on end.

“Touch her,” Tao said to Sawyer, “and I’ll kill you.”

Sawyer sifted a hand through his hair. “Riley, stand down.”

Ignoring him, Riley kept her attention on Cynthia. “You can submit or you can fight me here and now—either works fine for me. Honestly, I’d prefer the fight. I’ve got a lot of anger to burn off.”

Cynthia’s eyes fairly glowed with hatred, so it came as a sincere shock when the female then looked down in a gesture of submission.

Riley shoved her away. “I guess I can’t blame you for backing down. I wouldn’t want to get my ass kicked in front of my male either.”

Stroking her throat soothingly, Cynthia bared her teeth. “Don’t you have an off button or something? By the way, some guy from the village down the road just called; apparently their idiot’s gone missing.”

“Aw, bet you thought up that insult while Sawyer was using a map to find your G-spot. Am I right?”

Sawyer planted himself between them and snapped, “Enough.” He sighed. “Riley, why don’t you and the wolf go see your uncles or something? Cynthia, I thought you wanted to see your dad.”

Shirley glared at him. “She’s trying to make the flock believe one of us is a killer and you’re doing nothing?”

“Stop trying to stir the pot, Shirley,” said Sawyer. “You’re a grown woman. Act like one.” He turned his back on her and, with one last look at Riley, stalked away. The crowd then gradually dispersed, whispering among themselves.

Head held high, Riley crossed to the rental car and hopped into the passenger seat. She and Tao had agreed that since the route to the main cabin provided no real cover, they would use the car to get there. She was glad of it now, because she needed to get away from Cynthia and Shirley fast or she’d seriously let loose on the shit-stirring bitches.

What bothered her more was that the flock had just stood around, watching the drama unfold—no support, no speaking to Sawyer in her defense, no nothing. Not that she needed anyone to defend her, but dammit, they were supposed to be her flock. The Phoenix wolves would never have stood by while allegations were thrown at her feet. If nothing else, they’d have been at her back in a gesture of unspoken support. And she had to face that the Phoenix Pack felt more like home than the Exodus Flock did.


