Fate of a Royal (Lords of Rathe #1) Read Online Meagan Brandy, Amo Jones

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors: , Series: Amo Jones
Series: Lords of Rathe Series by Meagan Brandy

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 93354 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 467(@200wpm)___ 373(@250wpm)___ 311(@300wpm)

“What about you?” he asks, and I toss my handbag onto the kitchen counter, changing ears.

“Uneventful. Ben has been keeping me busy.”

“So you’ve been partying?” he asks, and I smirk into my bottle of water.

“Something like that.”

“Alright, well, I better let you go. Don’t leave it too long this time, Lon.”

“I promise.” I hang up my phone and place it onto the counter. Breathe in. Breathe out. My uncle is my safe space and has been since my parents passed.

When people find out my mom and dad are dead, they pity me, assuming I didn’t have all I needed as a girl, but they’re wrong. Nobody needs parents. What they need is someone in their corner, always and no matter what. I had that. I have that.

My uncle Marcus has been there my whole life and he was more than enough. He loved me with the same volume any child would have with both of their parents. I never asked questions. I guess I didn’t want him to think that he wasn’t enough. I figured he would tell me more about my mom and dad eventually, when he was ready. All he had said about my parents’ death was it was tragic, and that one word was enough for me not to want to know more. I mean, for what? So I could think of all the ways it could have been avoided, if there are any?

Who does that help?

“You okay?” Ben asks, rounding the kitchen with nothing but a pair of briefs on. Tight enough to see the outline of his dick. That I have seen often.

“Like, can you stop walking around like a slut?” I gesture around his body.

He flashes me a full-tooth smile. “No?”

The sight of his smile, or maybe the sight of him in general, has parts of me relaxing when I feel anything but calm. The problem is, I have no idea what to say.

I can’t exactly pop off with, “Hey, so Knight broke into our dorm room, fucked me into a frenzy where I may or may not have seen literal stars exploding all around us, left, and then I woke up with him on top of me again, only to find out, it wasn’t actually him, but a twin brother I didn’t even know he had…who I may or may not have been screwing around with this entire time, who also may not be his twin at all, but some weird freaky magical doppelgänger shit like in The Vampire Diaries when that brunette bitch pops out of nowhere and ruins everything. Oh, and speaking of good old TVD, I’m pretty sure I saw some sharp ass teeth come out to play , and I definitely saw a giant fucking glowing circle they just…walked on through!”

Oh my fucking god, I am crazy. Actually fucking crazy.

Technically, I could say all of that to Ben. He wouldn’t fault me for it and he would never judge. Check my temperature and ask what I’m on, yes, but not judge.

And unless one of the Knights kissed me with some sort of acid on their tongues, I’m painfully sober and some freaky shit is going on here.


I blink. “Hmm?”

Ben cocks his head. “I said you sure you’re good? I was about to head to the shower, but I can stay.”

“No, no. Go.” I clear my throat. “I’m good.”


No. “Yeah.”

I’m pretty sure he doesn’t believe me, but he nods anyway, tossing his towel over his shoulder and kissing my temple before he walks out the door.

I run to the couch and plop onto it, quickly searching the video app for a specific movie. I hit play, only to fast-forward through most of it until I get to the scene I’m looking for.

Storm’s eyes glow a solid white as she calls on her X-Men shit and lightning flashes around her.

X-Men are fake, right? Just like bloodsucking beings?

My fingers fly to my lips, trailing over the small tough spot from where…

From where he bit me.

The day on the trail comes back to me, and I look to my palm.

My palm that mysteriously healed after Silver touched it, but that’s not what has my pulse in my throat.

That day, Knight licked my palm clean, his tongue taking with it every drop of red that glittered it, gravel and all.

I’m a monster, Little London…

His heady whisper fills my head, and I shudder as fear buries itself in my belly.






I can smell her everywhere I walk. It’s torture. With every step I take, I hold my breath. I need to see her. Pull her in closer. Even if I have to tear her open from the outside and remove all her parts to figure them out.

I will.

Over and over, I will.

“You need to chill the fuck out.” Sin catches up to me, and I turn to blink at my twin brother, annoyed that he’s in my face right now.


