Fate of a Royal (Lords of Rathe #1) Read Online Meagan Brandy, Amo Jones

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors: , Series: Amo Jones
Series: Lords of Rathe Series by Meagan Brandy

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 93354 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 467(@200wpm)___ 373(@250wpm)___ 311(@300wpm)

The third comes up behind the one doing the sucking, tipping out a bag of translucent white powder over his back, leaning down and snorting a line in one go while reaching behind his back, sliding his finger down the crack of his ass and massaging his heavy balls in the palm of his hand.


So. Hot.

I almost feel like I shouldn’t be watching, but I feel the heat rush to my cheeks from the familiar heaviness of someone watching me. A flash of silver catches my eye and my body freezes as my gaze tracks the figure from the kitchen.

It’s one of the guys Knight was with at the diner. I haven’t spoken to him directly, but the way he stares back at me always leaves a bitter taste in the back of my throat. And now he just caught me perving on the exhibitionism in the glass rooms. I need to go back there.

Ben tugs my arm as he starts walking us into the living room, where more people are gathered. I don’t want to look too close, afraid of what I might find, so instead, I turn to Jus, desperate to change the subject to anything. Anything but the fact that he could be here.

“Hey, Jus, is everyone coming tonight from your school?”

“Mostly, yeah, but you might recognize a few people from yours. Usually every clique invites at least one…ah… outsider.” There he goes again, with the humming and hawing. It would annoy me any other day, but tonight I don’t care. Or at least I shouldn’t. Where’s that shit he gave me earlier? I think mine is wearing off.

I scoff. “Outsider? We literally live on opposite sides of a bridge. You’re being dramatic.”

Jus only chuckles. “Hey, I’m going to say hi to someone. Look around, have fun, but don’t leave with anyone, okay?” His eyes search mine, the depths the color of honey chocolate and cocoa flakes. Fuck. I am fucked up.

Ben and I nod enthusiastically, secretly squeezing each other because we are most definitely hoping to leave here with someone.

The moment he’s gone we start laughing.

I swiftly steer Ben toward the door a certain silver-haired boy slipped through, but before we make it halfway, we’re intercepted by a leggy blonde with green eyes and tits that would make Pamela Anderson weep.

In a flash, her hands are on Ben’s pecs and his body jolts slightly.

Frowning, I look up at him, but he’s smiling wide at the Playboy version of Barbie before him.

“Alex.” He smirks.

“Benjamin,” she purrs back and I kind of want to vomit because I know that tone. The sugary sweet tone of desperation.

Ben was right.

He’s getting laid tonight.

When I release his arm, he looks at me and only then does his mystery date Alex do the same.

She smiles at first, but then her head tips and she presses closer, her heels meeting my Chucks.

Wait. Is she about to kiss me?

I mean, I wouldn’t stop her if she were. Actually, maybe I would since she’s Ben’s happy ending tonight. I’m not about to join in on some kinky shit with my best friend. Love him, seen and appreciate the size of his cock, but I don’t want it anywhere near me.

Suddenly, one of her hands leaves Ben, her teeth sinking into her lower lip as she reaches up to cup my cheek, but before her palm can meet my skin, her wrist is caught mid-air.

All our eyes snap up to the guy it belongs to and my mouth runs dry. Crap.

It’s the other guy from the diner. The angry one with a darker shade of blue eyes than Knight but the same color hair and skin. The similarities … they can’t be a coincidence.

They have to be related.

“Creed.” Alex grins, and I swear little sparks burst in her eyes. “Want to play too?”

Ben and I catch each other’s gaze a moment and he fights a grin as if to say I found myself a freak, be jealous. And you know what, I might be if I wasn’t so interested in what this Creed, as she called him, has to say.

“Not this one.” His tone is calm, a stark contrast to the harshness of his expression.

The guy is tall, maybe almost as tall as Knight, minus an inch or two, and I can’t help but enjoy the way his black shirt stretches over his biceps. I’ve got the urge to lick across the bulging vein there, but the death glare he shoots me makes me think he wouldn’t be into that.

But the way his tongue rolls across his lip has me questioning my whole life. Or maybe I’m still horny from the live action and I’m not thinking straight.

“Why not? She smells so…sweet. Different.” She reaches for me again. “Almost like I can taste her already. And the boost…”


