Fate of a Royal (Lords of Rathe #1) Read Online Meagan Brandy, Amo Jones

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors: , Series: Amo Jones
Series: Lords of Rathe Series by Meagan Brandy

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 93354 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 467(@200wpm)___ 373(@250wpm)___ 311(@300wpm)

“Mmhmm…” He brushes me off before talking about what his mom, Melinda, and her girlfriend, Jessica, have started. Melinda has a hoarding problem, only hers involves collecting small businesses. It’s not always a bad thing, but considering she’s on her fifth this year, I don’t know.

We’re rounding the corner that leads onto the main stretch of downtown. Daragan isn’t small, but it isn’t large either. It somehow sits right in the middle. The township is quiet, yet modern, especially with all of the buildings they always seem to renovate along the roads. Joey’s sticks out at the end of the street. It’s a large building that curves around the corner, right at a busy set of traffic lights. The streets are extra crowded this morning, and the air a little colder than usual.

I zip up my jacket and follow Justice as he enters the diner. Heat crashes into me as soon as the door opens. Dammit. It’s always hot in here. The place is forever full, and the cooks are always busy. I would go as far as to say that Joey’s is in the heart of Daragan.

Justice leads the way to our usual spot and I slide into a booth, sitting comfortably at the edge of the red leather seat, shuffling out of my coat. “So, what do you think?”

Unzipping my pocket, I pull out my phone and ChapStick. “Hmmm?”

“You weren’t even listening, were you?” he sulks, his bottom lip drooping.

Girls are a sucker for that bottom lip. I don’t suck on anything unless it’s over six foot and has a red flag hovering over their head.

I wasn’t listening, though. “No…”

He rolls his eyes. “I was asking you if you guys have any plans this weekend?”

I love that he says “you guys,” already aware Ben and I are a duo that’s not to be fucked with. Letty comes sometimes, but for the most part, she’s the smart one. Sticks her head down and does her work. Where Ben goes, I go, and where I go, he better fucking come too. Call it codependent…because it is.

“Why?” I ask, picking up the menu and scanning through, even though I already know what I’m going to order.

“There’s a party happening—”

“Jus, no offense, but after the last party you took me to, I don’t know if I’m up for it.” I squash the memories of the massive rager Justice dragged us all to a month ago. I tried to blame it on his school friends, since he doesn’t go to the same college as us, but I can’t. Straight up, Justice is just trouble, and you put him and Ben together and it’s a catastrophe.

“Aw, come on! If that threesome would have happened, it would have been fun. At least for you, since I know Ben doesn’t swing his big dick this way.”

“Justice…’’ I tsk, shaking my head just as a waiter comes to our table with her little iPad. “I can’t take you anywhere.” I’m about to yap off what I want when I feel a wave of heat whip past my face. Like being kissed by a furnace, I swear I can feel warmth penetrate my skin much closer than I’ve ever felt.

In the background, I hear the doorbell sound as heavy footsteps pile in, but I tuck my long platinum hair behind my ear and flash the waiter a smile. “Could I get the cheeseburger, please?”

“Girl…” Justice snatches the menu off me. “You always get that.”

The waiter leaves just as Justice sighs, running his hands through his hair. “Look, it’s—I’m throwing the party. But one, you can’t tell my moms, and two, you seriously can’t tell my moms.”

I stop drinking my water. “You’re in so much trouble.”

“Just tell me you’ll be there.”

“Fine!” I widen my eyes at him, smiling. “I’ll be there.” Movement catches my attention from behind him and I look to see what it is.

My stomach falls to my feet when I’m met with those sharp blue eyes I’ve been thinking about. He’s with a group of other guys. Whatever Justice is yapping about now turns into white noise because holy shit.

Why the fuck do I keep seeing him everywhere now? He looks different today. His hair looks scruffier, but somehow it only makes him more sexy . Rough around the edges. Like a jagged blade one would yield as a weapon. I look around the guys he’s with, and my cheeks flush when I realize how attractive they all are. Jesus. What the fuck? They all have darker hair except one, and I would probably go as far as to say that they could all be brothers.

That one, though. I’d bet he uses his dick like a weapon, serving up a raw, rugged ride. My favorite kind.

He rolls his bottom lip into his mouth quickly before his tongue slides over the base and I greedily wait for more.


