False Start (The New York Nighthawks #8) Read Online Fiona Davenport

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love, Sports, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: The New York Nighthawks Series by Fiona Davenport

Total pages in book: 29
Estimated words: 26712 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 134(@200wpm)___ 107(@250wpm)___ 89(@300wpm)

Either way, I looked better than I ever had in my navy-blue suit and white blouse as I walked into the conference room the receptionist had guided me toward. I’d thought I would meet with someone from human resources, but Justice Kendall also waited for me.

All of my hard work over the past four years seemed to have paid off. Sitting across from a founding partner of one of the most respected investment firms in the country for a second interview was a dream come true. Especially since Janet—the woman from human resources—had a stack of papers in front of her that looked an awful lot like the documentation new hires had to complete before they started work.

Mr. Kendall dipped his head in greeting. “Thanks for coming in again under short notice, Dakota.”

“It’s my pleasure.” I smiled at them both. “As I mentioned in my first interview, K-Corp is at the top of my list for prospective employers.”

“That’s good because I was quite impressed with how you handled your interview.” Mr. Kendall steepled his hands. “Your achievements at Wharton say a lot about your intelligence and work ethic, but your ability to keep your cool while interviewing with me was what stood out the most. Most recent graduates get flustered when they’re face-to-face with the CEO of a firm like ours.”

Janet laughed softly and shook her head. “Which is why he likes to ambush potential new hires like that. Trial by fire.”

“Our business isn’t for the weak of heart. We have clients whose portfolios put mine to shame and advising them on their investments requires as much confidence as it does brains,” Mr. Kendall explained.

I nodded. “I have no doubt that I’m up to the task, sir.”

“I hope you’re right because I’d like to fast-track you in our client management program.”

My breath caught in my lungs. Not only had I been offered a job at K-Corp, but it was even better than the one I’d been interviewing for. “That sounds like an amazing opportunity.”

“But it comes with a catch. Can you leave for London by the end of the week?” he asked.

My eyes widened, and Julie added, “We have a six-week training program starting on Monday that we’d like you to join.”

“In London?” I echoed softly, my brows drawing together as I tried to wrap my head around their offer.

She nodded. “Yes, it’s the best training we offer and at a much faster pace than what you’d get here. You should be ready to take on clients of your own when you return to New York.”

“Wow,” I breathed, stunned by their confidence in me. And the prospect of traveling all the way to Europe for a job. Six weeks wasn’t long in the grand scheme of things, but my relationship with Ames was so new. I wasn’t sure if we could survive the time apart, having only known each other for two weeks. I felt torn between my dreams for my career and the one building in my head about a future with Ames—and the family we could have.



I hadn’t heard from Dakota, and it was driving me batshit crazy. Every time I heard a sound, I would go diving for my phone, so eventually, I just gave in and stared at it while I paced in front of the elevator.

I didn’t doubt they’d offer her a job, but I was anxious to hear it and celebrate with her. If I had to wait much longer—

The elevator whooshed to my level, and I breathed a giant sigh of relief. When the doors slid open, I rushed over and gathered Dakota into my arms, lifting her off the ground. “How did it go?”

“Um, it…they offered me the job.”

“Fuck, yes!” I shouted as I spun her around. “Congratulations, baby.”

She didn’t say anything, and it suddenly registered that she hadn’t sounded very enthusiastic when she’d shared her news.

I stopped and gently set her on her feet. “What’s wrong, baby? Why aren’t you excited?”

Her brown eyes turned misty, and she sniffed, sending a streak of anger through me. Why the fuck was she crying? Had they done something?

“Calm down, Ames,” Dakota said hurriedly, probably seeing my reaction. “I am excited. It’s a great opportunity.” She gave me a fake smile, and I rolled my eyes.

“Then why do you look like someone just took away your favorite toy?” I asked suspiciously. Her lips curved down, and I picked her up and carried her over to the couch. When I sat down, she curled herself up against me, resting her head on my chest and hugging my torso.

“Talk to me,” I encouraged, tenderly stroking a hand over her hair and down her back.

“The job is in London!” she blurted before she promptly burst into tears.

I was stunned by the news and her sobs, so it took me a few seconds to get my bearings.


