Fable of Happiness (Fable #3) Read Online Pepper Winters

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Dark, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Fable Series by Pepper Winters

Total pages in book: 138
Estimated words: 134741 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 674(@200wpm)___ 539(@250wpm)___ 449(@300wpm)

How could I be sure he’d be happy here? That he’d find comfort in a suburb surrounded by people? How could I be sure I’d remain enough for him as he slowly acclimated from animal to man?

Maybe he’d find someone else?

Someone he didn’t share such a complicated beginning with.

Oh, God.

My stomach churned, and my hand turned slick with sweat on the doorknob.

Stop torturing yourself, Gem.

You’re tired from the drive.

You’ve been on high alert since being flown out of the valley.

You’ve brought someone home who isn’t used to this world.

It’s natural your mind is all over the place.

Kas wrapped his arms around me from behind. His chin landed on my head, and his chest expanded with air as he inhaled and sighed. “It’s my turn to trespass on your home, Gemma Ashford.”

I let out a surprised laugh. “I was literally just thinking that.” I turned in his arms, slinging mine around his waist. “I was wondering if you felt this jittery when I entered your home.”

He nuzzled my nose with his. “Seeing you that first day made me feel everything all at once. I went from feeling nothing to being bombarded with lust, hunger, anger, annoyance, and everything in-between.” His stare buried its way into my soul. “I tried to kill you, not because I hated you...but because I didn’t know how to cope with what you made me feel. And you make me feel everything, Gem. You made me come alive.”

Immediately, my racing thoughts calmed. The way he looked at me couldn’t be faked. His love for me blazed all over him. His trust that I’d guide him on this new path made me ache with a different kind of desire.

He trusted me.

After everything he’d been through, he trusted me, and that...God, that was absolutely priceless.

All my worries evaporated, and I stood on my tiptoes to kiss him.

I’d only meant it to be a quick peck, but his arms tightened around me, and his lips parted beneath mine. His tongue lashed out and dived deep, licking me.

I moaned and opened wider, welcoming him to kiss me deep and swift, arching back in his arms, pressing my belly to his cock, growing wet and needy and breathless.

He backed me against the door, wedging me against the wood as his hips ground into mine, and his mouth did wicked things to me.

He groaned as I bit his bottom lip, my entire body burning up.

If any neighbors looked out their windows, they’d see two people mauling each other. Gone were the days when we could be naked in the sun with no one to see us, able to run and fight and figure things out without someone reporting our uncouth dating practices.

Kas thrust his hardness against my belly, grunting against my lips. “Open the damn door, Gem.” The need dripping from his dark tone made my body clench and caused an inappropriate laugh to fall from my lips.

Breaking our kiss, I panted, “I can’t believe this is happening.”

“What? That I’m seconds away from crawling inside you?”

“No...that you’re here...with me.” I tucked a long strand of hair behind his ear, loving the way he shivered under my touch. “It feels surreal.”

Kas reached around me and turned the doorknob.

The lock was already open, and the door swung wide, revealing a slight lavender smell in my quaint little home. “Get inside.”

I turned around and tripped over the threshold, my gaze skipping over my familiar possessions. My brother had obviously been here, wild with fear and messy with looking for clues on where I could’ve gone.

My side table had all its paperwork pulled out and scattered on the top. My kitchen had been the dumping ground for his search of drawers and knickknacks as if each one was a compass leading him to me.

My spare tablet was on the coffee table along with the charging cable as if Joshua had sat there for hours, scrolling through my social media and YouTube channel, desperate to find a mention of me.

God, my poor brother.

The stress I’d put him through.

Kas drifted forward, his eyes locking onto the mess as questions quickly replaced our previous desire. He turned to me, his large presence vibrant and vicious in the homeliness of my feminine living room. “I know you’re not as tidy as me, and you only cleaned the kitchen the night you were going to run because you saw how much it upset me, but Gem...if this is how you live, I guess I have two jobs in which to pay you back. I’ll be your gardener and your cleaner.”

I threw an unopened electric bill that Josh had left on my side table at him. “Ha-ha.” As I brushed past him, tiredness suddenly filled me at the thought of how much tidying I’d have to do. So much for wowing Kas with my mortgage-free home. “Josh has a key. He would’ve looked for hints on where I’d disappeared to.”


