Evil Read Online Book by Tijan Full Free Complete Novel

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Magic, New Adult, Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 93
Estimated words: 88849 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 444(@200wpm)___ 355(@250wpm)___ 296(@300wpm)

When he didn’t move past me, I followed his gaze and saw he was locked in a heated look with Kellan. They were talking through their thoughts, but I wasn’t privy. Neither wanted me involved, and then Kellan jerked away. His shoulders dropped slightly, and I knew he’d given his permission, but I didn’t know why. And then before I could think about it, Vespar’s body was jerked in the air. It floated toward us and Damien touched it. A bright light burst from him, blinding Kellan and Matt. I was immune, as was Damien and we both watched as the poison from the bullet retracted itself and then poured from the wound. The skin healed itself, and then Vespar’s body was laid back on the floor.

It was done as quickly as it started.

We put Vespar beside Gus in the backseat and Matt in the trunk. Kellan refused to leave him behind. He’d seen too much, but I wouldn’t let him kill Matt. Too much death had already occurred. Then Damien and I climbed into the front with Kellan behind the steering wheel. As we drove off, everyone was quiet. Gus and Vespar were unconscious. Aumae remained quiet beside them and I felt the tension between Kellan and Damien. It was thick, so thick I wondered what would spark it. It was going to happen. I just didn’t know when.

“Shay’s father is tracking us. I can feel him,” Damien murmured.

Kellan kept driving. “I know.”

“He waited for us to deal with the humans. He can’t interact with them. It’s not why he’s here.”

“I know that, too.”

“Do you have a plan?” Damien whipped his head around and glared.

I closed my eyes, just waiting.

“My plan? My plan was to get Vespar and Gus. We’ll need their help dealing with Shazaam.”

Damien bit out, “That’s not his name.”

“It is in my world.”

“And what world is that, Kellan? The underworld? Where you came from.”

Aumae sucked in her breath, as did I.

It was quiet for a beat before Kellan responded, in a quiet voice, “I’ve grown up with humans, among this world. I consider them family. Where I was born means nothing to me now.”

“What about who you were born to? Does your father mean nothing to you as well?”

Kellan grew silent, and I felt his anger start to churn. It was there, underneath his surface, boiling to the top. But then he replied, flicking some switch so he was calm once again, “My father ceased to be my father when I went to Shay. You know that. I know that. My father knows that. And Shay knows now. No, Damien, my father has no bearing on me anymore. He hasn’t for a very long time.”

Damien went silent this time, but I felt his tension, too. His hand fell and rested beside mine. It was an accident, but he didn’t move away, and his pulse started to skyrocket. It was rapid, steady, but now it was sporadic and racing. Something Kellan said didn’t sit well with him, but I held my tongue, too afraid to ask the wrong questions at that time.

“He’s not going to let you regroup.”

I had a very strong feeling that wasn’t what Damien wanted to say, but it was what came out. Something was going on between those two, and both of them had made the decision to focus on something else. Which was fine, for now, but I intended to find out what was going on because I had another feeling that it had to do with me, and I wasn’t okay with that.

Damien added, “I know you’re thinking that we can get somewhere and rest, but he won’t let that happen. Shay’s out in the open. He’s going to come now and not risk losing her again. She shouldn’t have been there to start with.”

“I needed her help getting them out.” Kellan was quiet as he watched the rearview mirror.

Regardless of what Damien thought, I knew that Kellan was three steps in front of him. Now, where he was going, I had no clue about, but I knew my supposed soulmate had a plan already in motion. We were all along for the ride, for the roles he had slotted us into. When Damien figured that out, that Kellan was the mastermind controlling him, manipulating him to do what he wanted, that was the spark he’d need. Then the explosion would happen after that, but until then—I knew enough to sit back and let Kellan’s plan happen. It’d work. It always worked, but I felt there would be collateral damage this time.

“I could’ve helped instead.”

Kellan snapped at him, “But you chose not to. You made that decision very clear, early on, when we could’ve left Shay in hiding. Deal with it now.”

I prayed he would, the interrogation wasn’t helping. Then, after another beat of silence, I released my breath, thankful. He had stopped…for now.


