Enticing You (How to Marry a Billionaire #1) Read Online Helen Hardt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors: Series: How to Marry a Billionaire Series by Helen Hardt

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 77452 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 387(@200wpm)___ 310(@250wpm)___ 258(@300wpm)

“Just… Just a moment.” She heads to the changing room.

I take another sip of bourbon and smile. Now we’re getting somewhere.




“That dress is pure magic,” Brett says as we walk through the courtyard.

Alex and Ariel are dining in a secluded spot under a palm tree. I force myself to look away from them. Just last night, Alex and I fucked on the beach until we were interrupted by the tide washing away our clothes. Since then, I’ve had two orgasms—one from Brett on the catamaran, and the other from Zion the hunky bartender in Emily’s bed.

Wallflower no more. Rather an orgasm monster. If Leroy could see me in this dress…

But tonight isn’t about Leroy. Leroy is my past, and one of these young billionaires could be my future.

When we reach the concrete pathway, I glance to the right. Sebastian and Heather are sitting several yards down at a table, and Sebastian is strumming on an acoustic guitar.

Brett turns to the right, and I follow. We come upon another table set closer to the walkway and out of view of Sebastian and Heather. Brett holds out a chair for me.

“Thank you,” I murmur. I hold back a wince at the chill of the metal mesh against my thighs as I sit.

“That flower in your hair is perfect.”

My cheeks warm. “River gave it to me.”

He lifts his eyebrows. “He did?”

“Yeah. He had a bouquet for Misty, I guess.”

“I can see that between Alex and Riv, I’ve got my work cut out for me. It seems you’ve caught a lot of eyes here, Sienna.”

I squirm against the metal fabric. My instinct is to deny it and revert to my wallflower days, but mere hours ago I was riding his thigh like a bucking bronco, so that ship has sailed for sure.

“The only eyes I’m concerned about tonight are yours,” I say, trying to sound demure.

He smiles. “Good answer.”

A server comes by with water. “I’m August, and I’ll be taking care of the two of you this evening. Would you care for a cocktail? Some champagne?”

What was that bourbon Alex introduced me to last night? Rip Van Winkle or something? Brett is waiting for me to answer. “I’d like a bourbon.”

“Same,” Brett says. “Bring us the Pappy’s.”

Pappy Van Winkle. That’s it. I smile. “You read my mind.”

August nods and leaves us.

“A woman who likes bourbon,” Brett says. “That’s refreshing.”

“It’s always been my drink of choice, though I’ve learned a lot more about it in the one day I’ve been here.”

“That’s not surprising. All four of us prefer a good bourbon to just about anything else. Especially Alex.”

The fact that he brought up Alex isn’t lost on me. Is he gauging my interest? Or is he just stating a simple fact?

I take a sip of water. Time to stop analyzing evidence like a damned attorney and just enjoy the evening.

August returns with our drinks and a small appetizer. “Toasted rye point with avocado and Ossetra caviar. Your amuse-bouche,” he says.

Leroy and I went to enough fancy dinners that I know exactly what to expect from an amuse-bouche. One bite of decadence and deliciousness that leaves you wanting—exactly like my interlude with Alex last night.


But tonight is not about Alex. Tonight is about Brett.

My whole body is warm as I eat the appetizer. The briny caviar complements the creamy avocado perfectly.

“Delicious.” I wipe my lips with my napkin.

“Tell me about your work,” Brett says.

“You read my bio.”

“Of course, but all it said was that you were a senior associate at a corporate law firm.”

“There’s not much else to say.”

“Was that your dream? To practice corporate law?”

I can’t help myself. I burst into an abrupt laugh, nearly spitting out the sip of water I just took. “Are you kidding me? Does anyone dream of practicing corporate law?”

“I’m sure some do,” he says.

“I suppose so.”

Not me, though. My original dream was to be a prosecutor, but in the end, I followed the money. Having come from a modest background, I didn’t want to live paycheck to paycheck anymore. It worked out fine, though, because I met Leroy through work when he came in to have us review a merchandising contract.

Maybe it didn’t work out fine…

“What’s your real dream?” he asks. “If it’s not practicing corporate law.”

I take the first sip of my bourbon.

And wow… It trickles down my throat with a warmth that doesn’t burn, doesn’t scorch. It’s perfection in a spirit. And it reminds me again of last night…

Of Alex…

Who’s dining with Ariel right now and probably not thinking of me at all.

And why should he? I certainly wasn’t thinking of him while I was getting my rocks off with Brett.

I face him. “I’m not sure I know, and that’s the God’s honest truth.”


“Yeah. I used to want to be a prosecutor. That’s why I went to law school. When the opportunity arose with my current firm, though, I took it. And it’s been a good choice.”


