Enticing You (How to Marry a Billionaire #1) Read Online Helen Hardt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors: Series: How to Marry a Billionaire Series by Helen Hardt

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 77452 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 387(@200wpm)___ 310(@250wpm)___ 258(@300wpm)

No shirt. No shoes. No underwear.

Just relaxed-fit jeans that highlight my abs and my Adonis belt—what women call that tight V pointing to you know where. Gets them hot every time.

Evangeline’s suite is on the second floor a few doors down from mine. I pad toward it and knock softly.

No response.

I knock again.

“Yeah? Who’s there?”


“What do you want?”

“You,” I say. “We need to talk.”

“Yeah, sure. Just a minute.”

Seconds pass and she opens the door. Her long black hair is piled high on her head, and her face is devoid of the goth makeup. Her brown eyes are oddly pretty and long-lashed without all that eye liner. She’s wearing a black silk robe that reaches her ankles.

“What is it?” she asks, not even attempting to act like she’s not gawking at my physique.

Good. All is going as planned.

“May I come in?”

She holds the door open. “Yeah. Sure. I was just going over tomorrow’s schedule. There’s been a problem with the menu on the catamaran, and I⁠—”

I hold up a hand. “The menu’s fine.”

“It will be, but heads are going to roll. The salmon sashimi was delayed, so it will be all tuna, and the eel smells like it’s been warming in a garbage heap. The chef insists that it’s good, but I told him if he tries to serve it he’s fired.”

“Everything’s fine, Evangeline.”

“You didn’t mind the topless dancing?”

I tilt my head. “Why would I mind?”

She shrugs. “I was just hoping the ladies would conduct themselves a little more appropriately this evening. I know what this event is about, Sebastian, and I know what will go on here. But tonight was special. I wanted…” She sighs. “It doesn’t matter now anyway.”

“You’re right. Whatever is bothering you doesn’t matter. The party was a success. Thank you for your hard work.”

She eyes me for a moment. “You’re welcome. Why are you here?” She cocks her head. “This is about Misty, isn’t it? That’s why you were interrogating me about her earlier.”

“I won’t lie to you. Yes, it’s about Misty.” I close Evangeline’s door and meet her gaze. “I need the truth, Evangeline.”

“About what?”

“About Misty Holmes. Did you approach her?” I take a step toward her. “Or did she approach you?”

Evangeline steps backward, nearly stumbling over a chair. I grab her arm to steady her.

“Thank you.” She looks at the floor.

“You’re welcome.” I keep hold of her arm, expecting her to yank it away.

She doesn’t.

“I followed your rules,” she says. “I found eight suitable women from all walks of life to⁠—”

“You did a wonderful job, Evangeline. That’s such a long name. Do you have a nickname?”

“Not really.” Her cheeks blush a bit. “Some friends call me Evie.”

“You did a remarkable job, Evie. We appreciate everything. I hope you understand that.”

“Of course.”

I let go of her arm. I want to be seductive, not threatening. “So about Misty… Just tell me the truth about her involvement. It will in no way affect your compensation.”

“I told you, I…”

I take another step toward her, this time slowly. “I’m not accusing you of anything. We simply told you to find eight suitable women. I want to know the circumstances behind Misty being on that list.”

She turns her head, glances at her computer screen on the desk. Her bedroom is through the door on the other side of the living area.

I’m prepared to take her there if I have to, but I hope I can get what I need without that.

“Please,” I say. “It’s important that I know how she came to be on the list.”

“Why?” Evangeline asks.

“Simple curiosity.”

Evangeline sighs. “And I thought Ariel would be the problem.”

“Why would Ariel be a problem? She’s sweet, beautiful, engaging.”

“No reason.” Her computer dings and she looks down at it, tapping to bring up the screen. “More emails. It’s the middle of the damned night. I have work to do, Sebastian.”

I extend a hand and grin. Her gaze darts to my chest and then back again. I reach forward and take one of her hands.

“The emails can wait. Now…Misty…”

Evangeline pulls her hand away, the top of her chest now flushed. “Yes, she came to me.”

“Why did she come to you, Evie?”

“I didn’t ask her why. It wasn’t a secret that I was looking for eligible women. I put out feelers in all the right places. Sifted through myriad photos and resumes. Invited the finalists to mixers and chose them from there.”

“But not Misty. She didn’t send a photo or attend a mixer, did she?”

Evangeline bites her bottom lip. “No, she didn’t.”

“How did she approach you?”

She pauses a moment, tightens her robe, and clears her throat. She opens her mouth, but closes it before any words come out. She opens it again, her throat moves, but— “Excuse me a moment. I’m sorry.” She heads into her bedroom.

I follow her, only to see her run into her bathroom and slam the door.


