Embracing Winter Read online Jocelynn Drake (Lords of Discord #4)

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Lords of Discord Series by Jocelynn Drake

Total pages in book: 149
Estimated words: 139076 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 695(@200wpm)___ 556(@250wpm)___ 464(@300wpm)

Fox didn’t say anything as he let Winter help him to his feet. He ushered the young man into the bathroom and left him leaning against the counter while he turned on the water, adjusting it to the right temperature. When it was set, he found Fox was only half-undressed. He helped Fox finish before he stripped off his own clothes.

Thank God he paid for the extra-large shower stalls. He’d never imagined using them with someone, but he was glad he was standing there with Fox. The man moaned softly as the warm water hit him. He closed his eyes and turned in it, letting it wash over him and soak into his hair. Winter quickly grabbed up the shampoo and started working his hair into a lather. After rinsing, he repeated it with the conditioner, massaging his scalp.

Once his hair was clean, he soaped up a scrubbie and carefully washed every inch of Fox’s body. He winced at the ugly bruise and scrape on his back between his shoulder blades. He’d already found a matching bump on his head. But the one that really bothered Winter was the ugly bruise forming on Fox’s jaw. He’d put that there.

When Fox had asked him to do it, Winter’s logical brain had known he was right, but his soul screamed at the very suggestion of harming him. In the end, he’d caved only to get the moment over with so they could be here. So he could have Fox safe in his arms again.

His fingers drifted to that bruise now of their own accord and Fox caught his hand. He turned Winter’s palm and pressed a kiss to the center.

“Don’t. That bruise very well could have saved my life. Luke and the others never questioned that I escaped you. Never thought this was all part of a ruse.”

“I never want to hurt you. Don’t want you to be scared of me.”

Fox released Winter’s hand and pulled him into a tight hug. “Maybe I’m crazy, but I’ve never been scared of you. Even after seeing what you can do, I’m not scared of you.”

Winter didn’t know how long they stood there like that. It was only when the water started to run cool that he turned it off and they separated. He grabbed a towel and dried off the heaviest of the drops, then picked up another for Fox. He batted the younger man’s hands away and carefully dried off every inch of him.

“Is there any way for me to subscribe to this bathing service for every night?”

Winter looked up from where he was kneeling in front of Fox to find the first glimmer of a smile playing on his lips. “Maybe.”

“Good, because I have never been so relaxed or clean in all my life.”

“I’m glad to hear it.” Winter stood and tossed the towel aside for the wash. “You should try to get some sleep. I need to call my brothers and report what we learned tonight.”

Fox’s tentative smile evaporated in a heartbeat, and worry marred his beautiful face again. “Do you mind if I stay with you for a while? I just…”

“No, of course not. I’ll meet you downstairs. I need to grab my phone off the charger.” Winter paused to brush a kiss across Fox’s temple and double-check that he was looking steady prior to grabbing his clothes.

He hurried to his bedroom to grab his cell and then moved to the kitchen, where he quickly swallowed a bag of blood. He’d taken some minor hits during the fight at Luke’s. Nothing major but it was enough to make his body use the blood it had to heal itself. He didn’t want to feel peckish around Fox right now. He’d have to hunt soon and wasn’t looking forward to it. Fox felt tender and wounded. Winter didn’t want to leave him alone. Not yet. And definitely not for this reason. He’d just have to make the bagged blood stretch.

Rinsing his mouth out with water, Winter cursed himself yet again for not having mints handy. Or even gum. He grabbed a cookie and it brought a smile to his lips.

“Did you have a midnight snack?” Fox asked for the doorway.

Winter looked up to find him wearing a pair of soft pajama pants and a T-shirt. His hair was looking rumpled and adorable, but there was also a sad and bruised quality to his demeanor that worried Winter.

“I was just thinking of the last cookie you gave me. I think I still owe you a kiss for that first argument.”

Fox made a small huffing noise. “I think we owe each other a lot of kisses for yesterday.”

“We’ll get caught up. Do you want something to eat or drink?”

Fox shook his head, so Winter shoved the cookie into his mouth and ushered Fox into the living room. He got the man settled on the couch with the TV turned on to something mindless with the volume low. Fox lay with his head in Winter’s lap while Winter quickly called Marcus.


