Embracing His Syn Read online A.E. Via (Nothing Special #2)

Categories Genre: Crime, Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Nothing Special Series by A.E. Via

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 116280 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 581(@200wpm)___ 465(@250wpm)___ 388(@300wpm)

“Fuck! Fuck! You’re gonna make me come, baby! Oh god. Right now!” Furi squeezed Syn’s throat a little tighter and his growl vibrated around his cockhead, rocketing Furi into his orgasm. He’d just felt Syn’s first release of warm jizz against his thigh, his own first jet wrenching a harsh cry from deep in his gut. Syn jerked again, his mouth never leaving Furi’s cock and his throat still trying to swallow down each drop, but Furi couldn’t stop, he kept coming and the sight of his come spilling from the corners of Syn’s mouth was too much. Furi threw his head back against the headboard and wailed again as another blast of come shot from him. Syn was sucking so hard now, his jaw locked from the intensity of his own orgasm. Their moans and curses mixed to create a beautiful symphony, until the finale, both men panting against each other, their cocks completely sated.

‘High Alert’

Syn’s alarm went off at six. He picked up his cell, quickly killing the annoying noise before slamming it back down on the nightstand.

“Mmmm. Don’t break the thing,” Furious groaned behind him, his throaty morning voice making Syn’s already hard cock turn to granite.

Syn didn’t think he’d like being the 'little' spoon. Turned out he loved it. Furi’s arms were warm wrapped around his middle. Syn pushed his ass back into Furi’s long cock and moaned when he received a sexy response. Furi pumped his hips into him, squeezing his waist to keep him in place. “You’re insatiable, you know that?” Furi chuckled lazily.

“It’s your fault,” Syn moaned back.

“How so?”

“Stop fuckin’ me so good and I won’t want it as much.”

“Well you’re screwed, literally, because I know no other way to be but great.” Furi nibbled the back of Syn’s neck and he could feel the smile against his skin.

“Conceited ass,” Syn mumbled before rolling out of bed.

“Hey. Where you going?” Furi whined.

Syn smiled down at the gorgeous man taking up half of his bed. Furi’s hair was spread wildly across the pillow and his dark lashes were half covering his sleepy eyes. Syn wanted nothing more than to get back in bed, wrapped in Furi’s warmth. “I gotta be in early. We’re going to do surveillance on that bastard who was supplying BTNS with the laced ecstasy.”

“Seriously?” Furi sat up, looking more focused.

“Yep. Even though Illustra’s been quiet and there’ve been no more homicides, Sasha told us that the guy sold his poison to anyone, not just BTNS. I’m really glad you left there,” Syn said continuing to throw items in his APD duffle bag.

“Me, too. Illustra was always supposed to be temporary, just until I graduated. I wasn’t trying to make that shit my career.” Furi got up and yanked all the covers off the bed including the comforter.

“What are you doing?” Syn stopped at the door, towel in hand.

“I’m going to wash the sheets. What does it look like?” Furi ran his hand through his hair trying to tame it. It looked so beautiful to Syn that he ended up just standing there watching. “You don’t want to sleep in dried come tonight, do you?”

“Good point.” Syn closed himself into the bathroom, hearing Furi’s laugh following him.

Syn stood by the front door with his bag at his feet. He had on his dark jeans and black turtleneck, warm but comfortable since he’d be in an undercover Roto Rooter van all day. His firearm of choice today was his Sig Sauer in his shoulder holster and a Colt 25 automatic strapped to his ankle. Today was planned as a surveillance day. If all went as expected, then they’d serve a warrant tomorrow. Furi leaned against the wall by the door as Syn closed in on him. “What time are you leaving?” Syn asked.

“In about an hour.”

Syn didn’t let their bodies touch. He ran the back of his hand down the center of Furi’s chest. His hair was wet from his shower and he smelled like Syn’s soap. “I’m going to call you after I get the protective order. Can you wait until then before you leave?” Syn was definitely nervous.

“What time will that be?” Furi asked, already gearing up to say no.

“About three to four hours,” Syn said with his most charming smile.

Furi's look said, ‘for real?’ “I can’t sit here with my thumb up my ass, Syn. I have a shop to open, remember? I have to meet with Doug first, then let in the men who're installing the security system, and be to a meeting at my bank by nine. I’m not sitting here waiting on a goddamn restraining order. I’ll be riding with Doug all day.

Great, fuckin’ Doug. All talk no action Doug.

Syn couldn’t help but think of the threatening text messages Furi’d gotten, or the way Patrick was following Furi just waiting for Syn to not be around. If Patrick got his hands on Furi there was no telling how far he'd go to take him home with him. Syn also didn’t know how many other women from Illustra Patrick had hired to help him get to Furi. He had hated to let Patrick go in that alley, but with the rich man’s high-priced attorneys, they would need something more concrete to pin on him beside the word of a few jilted women.


