Embracing His Syn Read online A.E. Via (Nothing Special #2)

Categories Genre: Crime, Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Nothing Special Series by A.E. Via

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 116280 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 581(@200wpm)___ 465(@250wpm)___ 388(@300wpm)

“Deeper. Deeper,” Syn rasped.

Furi had a death grip on Syn’s hip as he eased into his channel. He was so tight and hot around him that Furi had to clench his jaw to keep from crying out. “Baby. Baby you feel so good. Oh my god.” Furi didn’t stop until he was balls deep inside his boyfriend. Furi took one hand off Syn’s hip, brought it up under his arm, and wrapped it around his chest, keeping their bodies sealed together. Furi used shallow pumps of his hips, not wanting to separate from Syn.

“You feel good. So. So strong,” Syn whispered. His last word came out as a sob. Syn pushed back into him, his fist clenched tight against the wall. “Mmmm. Fuck, right there.”

Furi bent a little at the knee, angled his cock upward, and ground his pelvis against Syn’s ass, knowing his cock head was rubbing that special spot.

“Oh god, Furi. Fuck me,” Syn cried.

Furi held tight to Syn’s hips and began to thrust in and out of Syn’s snug channel, the minimal amount of lube made the sensations that much hotter. Syn was slamming his ass back against Furi’s thrust; the loud slapping like sensual music to his ears. Furi’s eyes rolled back and he knew he was close, very fucking close. “Touch yourself, Syn. Wanna see you come for me,” Furi panted.

Syn let go of Furi’s hair and braced one hand on the wall while the other hand rapidly pumped his leaking cock. “Oh my fucking god, Syn.” Furi kissed Syn’s neck and bit at the fast pulse beneath sweaty skin. He yanked Syn’s shirt over his head and quickly did the same with his own, needing the skin-to-skin contact.

“Furious. I’m gonna come.” Syn just barely finished his words before his ass clamped down on Furi’s dick hard enough for him to see stars. “I’m coming,” Syn choked out. His body jerked violently with his orgasm and Furi held him tight while Syn sprayed his jizz against the wall and all over his hand. He was so glad they were practically the same height because he loved watching the myriad blissful expressions that moved across Syn’s face. He’d never been with anyone who came so hard. “Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” Syn eagerly threw his ass back with each word he yelled, battling with Furi’s fierce thrust.

Furi didn’t stop fucking Syn until his guttural moans had turned into satisfied whimpers and his hole spasmed gently around him with the aftershocks of his orgasm. Syn was breathing heavily and the sweat from his back was dripping between them. Furi flicked out his tongue and lapped at Syn’s perspiration, loving the saltiness on his tongue.

“Ready for me to come, baby?” Furi held Syn close. Syn was completely spent, his hand lazily stroking his cock, and now Furi was ready to empty his balls too.

“Yes, come,” Syn’s words were slurred. His body was pressed flat against the wall but he managed to lift one hand to pull Furi’s head back to the crook of his neck. “Cock feels so good inside me, Furious. Is it always like this?”

“Yes, with you it is.” Furi licked Syn’s rough cheek.

“I’ll always want this. All the fuckin’ time.” Syn sounded like he was high. As if he was floating, the post coital bliss had his walls completely down.

He loved it when Syn spoke back to him, praised him for fucking him so good. It made him feel like a damn rock star. Furi rotated his hips in a slow sexy circle, pushing his orgasm through him. The grinding made Furi feel nasty. He started to talk dirty to Syn while he ground hard against him. “Gonna make you a slut for my dick, baby. Gonna make you want it all the time.” Furi’s balls drew up tight against his body. He bit down on Syn’s shoulder and slammed in to the hilt against Syn’s fuzzy ass. His cock throbbed inside Syn while he shot his load into the condom. Furi groaned low with each jet that rocketed up his length. “Fuck,” he gasped. Furi pulled out slowly and had to lean heavily against Syn to keep from sliding to the floor.

Syn was the first to stir. “Am I allowed to move now?” he asked, his sinful voice full of humor.

“Mmm. Yeah. I think you’ve earned it.” Furi laughed against his ear.

Syn turned around and looked into Furi’s eyes, and Furi liked what he saw. He saw surety and peace. “Feel better?” Furi whispered, softly kissing Syn’s moist lips.

“Yes. Much. Thank you baby.” Syn stretched and bent to pull his pants up, leaving them unbuttoned. “Come shower with me. You can wash my back.”

“Sounds good.” They kissed lazily for another few seconds until Furi backed up and pulled his own pants up.

They’d decided on Chinese for dinner, since it was late and they were both exhausted. While they ate, Furi filled Syn in on all the details about his new shop, and he loved how genuinely happy Syn was for him. Furi was elated at how well things were developing between them after such a rough start, but he had to be realistic. Although Syn seemed to be comfortable with Furi in his personal space, that could change any minute, and while he didn’t want to rock the boat, he didn’t want to be blindsided either.


