Embracing His Syn Read online A.E. Via (Nothing Special #2)

Categories Genre: Crime, Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Nothing Special Series by A.E. Via

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 116280 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 581(@200wpm)___ 465(@250wpm)___ 388(@300wpm)

“Figures,” Furi said like he was disappointed. He smiled, motioning that he was going to put some pants on. Furi yelled from down the hall. “Figures, God couldn’t be that damn hot.”

Syn rolled his eyes when he saw the shit-eating grin on Day’s face. Wonderful.

“Your guy thinks my man is ‘hot.’” Day slowly pulled out the other dinette chair, sitting gingerly, crossing one leg over the other, carefully placing both clasped hands in his lap in a classic psychoanalytical posture. With one eyebrow cocked high, he asked Syn in a monotone, “So how does that make you feel?”

“You know what? Get out. Both of you.” Syn pointed to his front door.

Furious came back in still laughing. He easily lowered Syn’s pointing arm and kissed his slack mouth. Syn thought he'd feel uncomfortable kissing in front of other people, especially his bosses, but he didn’t. Besides, his bosses weren’t exactly typical. Syn pulled Furi in and kissed him properly before releasing him to sit.

Furi would swear his heart stopped for about ten seconds when he thought he’d embarrassed Syn in front of his coworkers. The Gladiator comment was an obvious jibe that Furi had really put it to Syn last night. He thought Syn was alone, cooking for him, otherwise he never would’ve said that, but Syn was okay about it.

Furi was shocked when Syn pulled him in for a sexy kiss right in front of his hot ass friends and damn, they were fucking hot. Furi sat down and glanced over toward the stove. “That smells awesome. What is it?”

“It’s a bacon, potato, and egg breakfast casserole,” the shorter of the duo answered. He was all smiles and funny energy. “Help yourself.”

“Make sure you fix yourself the Gladiator portion,” the big scary one said roughly. His voice was raw and gritty and there wasn’t the slightest hint of a smile on his tight mouth. Furi wondered what the man sounded like if he got in your face and yelled. He hopefully would never know.

Furi ignored the comment and got up to fix himself a plate of the delicious-looking dish. After he sat back down he thought it appropriate to introduce himself. “I’m Furious,” he said extending his hand to the short one first then to the huge one.

“We know who you are.” The man smiled charmingly. “I’m Leonidis Day but you can call me Day or Leo, and this is my partner in every since of the word. He’s Cashel Godfrey, you can call him Cash if God is a little too off-putting for you ... it is for people who aren’t used to him."

“God seems fitting,” Furi said in a low whisper. He watched the big man pull the corner of the paper down and wink quickly at him.

“Fuck, I think I’ve just come.” Furi winked back.

“Holy shit. I love this guy!” Day laughed loudly. “Syn, your boyfriend is a riot.”

“Yeah. He’s a regular fuckin’ Jim Carey.” Syn gave Furi the evil eye, obviously not liking his ‘I’ve just come’ comment, but Furi blew a kiss at Syn, loving that he didn’t try to correct the use of the boyfriend title.

“So you guys work with Syn?” Furi asked around a mouthful of bacon and eggs

“Yep. We’re his Lieutenants,” Day answered, picking up the largest coffee cup Furi had ever seen and taking a huge gulp. “You guys had a trying evening last night, so we thought we’d check in on you.”

Syn just nodded. “Hmm. Right.”

“Nice bandage.” God peeked around his paper again angling his head at Syn’s hand. “Nothing broken?”

Syn looked at his hand. “Furi wrapped it up for me last night. Just a little torn skin, it’s nothing really.”

“He tried to be all tough but I had to blow on it to make it feel better.” Furi’s teasing had Syn smiling.

“Glad you’re okay, Syn.” Day winked mischievously.

Furi looked at Syn. “You just don’t realize how awesome it is to have such great bosses. Came to check up on you, considerate enough to bring you breakfast, I mean just all around awesome guys.”

“Just wait for it, Furi,” Syn cut him off.

“What?” Furi’s brow creased in confusion.

“All the warm compliments you’re giving God and Day ... just wait for it.”

Furi looked confused. “I don’t know what you’re–”

“What else did you have to blow on to make feel better?” Day said around a snort. “Really hate to have missed that show, spanky.” Day smiled broadly at Furi.

Furi groaned and dropped his head as he ran both hands through his hair. “You guys watched my videos.”

“Hell yeah.” Day grinned.

“For evidence and research purposes only,” God chimed in.

“Five times,” Day yelled, punching God in his large bicep.

“Okay guys. Shut up," Syn huffed.

“I’m just saying, you lucky fuck. You get to date a hot porn puppy and we can’t say anything.” Day stared at Furi, completely ignoring Syn’s fuming.


