Embracing His Syn Read online A.E. Via (Nothing Special #2)

Categories Genre: Crime, Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Nothing Special Series by A.E. Via

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 116280 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 581(@200wpm)___ 465(@250wpm)___ 388(@300wpm)

“Where’d you get that?" Syn had to ask.

Furi climbed back on the bed and nudged his legs apart again, settling comfortably between them, as if he belonged there. “In your linen closet.”

“I have a linen closet?” Syn frowned.

Furi just grinned and shook his head disbelievingly. “You have a quaint bed here, Syn. I like that it’s not overly huge. Makes things more cozy.”

“Thank you,” he whispered absently, still eyeing the items Furi had laid out. The small, weird, cock-shaped device held his attention the most. He finally looked back at Furi, who was smiling in amusement.

“Do you know what that is?” Furi’s eyes were so dark and simmering with lust, Syn just lay there staring at him. “It’s a prostate massager.”

“You’re gonna put that thing in me?” Syn’s deep voice was hardly recognizable to him. He knew what a prostate massage was ... in theory. He’d heard things, good things. Suddenly he was anxious.

“I’m gonna do anything I want to do to you, and you’re going to let me,” Furi said lasciviously and ducked down to take one of Syn’s nipples between his teeth.

Syn’s back bowed at the erotic feeling. “Furious,” he hissed. Damn, he’d never realized how sensitive his nipples were until Furi swiped his tongue repeatedly over one taut bud while pinching the other one. “Oh, fuck yeah.”

Syn thrust up hard, desperately wanting more friction on his weeping cock. Furi pushed back, answering him and moved his hot mouth over to the other nipple. Syn dug his hands into Furi’s hair and pulled lightly while moaning, “Fuck, feels good.”

Furi looked down between their connected bodies and chuckled slyly. “I love how fucking responsive you are. So damn needy and ready. Mmmm. Look at that beautiful dick, just begging to be licked and sucked.”

“Yeah. Suck it, babe,” Syn pleaded.

“You are not in control, Syn,” Furi said matter-of-factly against his abdomen. Teasing him with quick flicks of his tongue.

“No, no. I don’t want to be in control, I just want you to suck me, please.”

Furi laughed softly, traveling down further until his lips were poised over Syn's dick. Syn held his breath, waiting on that first lick. Come on, damnit. Furi just braced himself over his groin, rubbing his stubble along Syn's inner thigh. “Reminds me when I first blew you, baby. You came so goddamn hard, I thought I was going to choke on all that come.”

“Furious,” Syn groaned again, squeezing his eyes shut.

“Look at me.” Furi stuck his pink tongue out and slowly dragged it up the underside of Syn’s cock, flicking it against the cap when he got to the top.

“Yeah, that’s it.” Syn watched his man put on a very erotic show.

Syn’s hips seemed to move with a will of their own. He braced his feet on the bed, legs spread wide and watched as he thrust his wet cock between Furi’s pretty lips. Oh it was wonderful getting familiar with that talented mouth again. Furi’s brow was creased in concentration and it drove Syn crazy that he was so intent on pleasing him. Although he wasn’t thrusting fast, he was pushing in deep – almost to the base – and Furi was taking it. One hand rolled Syn’s balls around in their sack while Furi’s hand jacked the base of his cock in time with his thrusts. His head instinctively fell back and his eyes rolled in his head. I’m gonna fuckin’ come! Damn, Syn was there already. Furi hadn’t even been sucking for two minutes. “Right there. Fuck! Yes!”

“NO!” Syn yelled out, not caring how loud he was. Syn felt something tight clamp around his cock and balls, quickly suppressing what may have been his most explosive orgasm ever ... a desperately needed orgasm. “Augh, fuck! What are you doing?”

“You’ll come when I say you come,” Furi said, way too calmly for Syn’s liking, and grabbed more supplies off the nightstand.

Syn threw his head back against the pillow and gritted out, “Take that fucking thing off me, Furious.”

Furi stopped what he was doing, dropped the prostate massager on the bed beside his thigh, and dragged his body slowly up Syn’s, his chest making sparks fly along Syn’s ultra-sensitive cock. Syn thrust upward but Furi rose up on his elbows and looked down at him. “What was that? I didn’t hear you.” Furi glared down at him. “Your cock is mine to do with what I want tonight. Until you just relax and feel, trusting me to take care of your needs, then I’m gonna make you wait for it.”

Syn was more turned on than before – damn, how was that even possible? Furi all dominant made for an extremely sexy sight. Syn rubbed Furi’s arms trying to show him he was calm and he trusted him.

“That’s good, baby." Furi lowered himself back to Syn’s chest and attacked his mouth with a ferocity he hadn’t felt before. All that long, chestnut hair fell against both sides of Syn’s face, cocooning him from the world outside him and his lover. Syn brought his hands up and ran his fingers through the thick strands, turning his face to deeply inhale the intoxicating scent that always lingered within those waves. “You smell so good ... all the time,” Syn moaned. Furi was smiling against his forehead, laying soft, sweet kisses there as he braced himself over him on his elbows and Syn shamelessly buried his nose in Furi’s armpit, enjoying the light-headed sensation basking in his man’s scent caused.


