Embracing His Syn Read online A.E. Via (Nothing Special #2)

Categories Genre: Crime, Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Nothing Special Series by A.E. Via

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 116280 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 581(@200wpm)___ 465(@250wpm)___ 388(@300wpm)

‘From Good to Sexy to Bad to Totally Fucked’

It was almost seven before Syn got home. It was Saturday for fuck’s sake. After he’d returned from lunch it was hours of watching Jason Starman fuck every female member of Illustra’s roster, as the Detectives tried to decipher what woman liked it and which could possibly feel violated. Starman had definitely been one of the more popular entertainers, he had really great ratings. Luckily Day had called an end to it, because Syn was unbelievably horny.

He’d been at the pub for almost forty-five minutes before concluding that perhaps Furi wasn’t working tonight. He’d just come out the restroom, heading back to the bar to pay his tab when he saw the gorgeous man making his way through the crowd. Syn’s heart rate picked up and he berated himself for feeling this for a man that’d blown him off the last couple times he’d seen him. His damp hair was pulled back into a ponytail and the tip of it just reached the middle of his shoulders. He had on the pub’s t-shirt tucked into his low-slung jeans. Syn saw he had a five o’clock shadow darkening his otherwise soft face. Damn, he looked fucking edible. He didn’t think, he just reached out and wrapped his hand around the man’s tight bicep. Furi angrily yanked it away and spun as if he was about to strike him.

“Hey, easy. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to grab you,” Syn said quickly.

Furi gave him a half-smile that vanished way too fast for Syn’s liking. Now narrowed dark eyes stared back at him. “If you didn’t mean to, why are you still holding my arm?” Furi’s voice held a sensual bass that he’d secretly missed.

Syn looked down where his hand still rested, and removed it. “Right,” he mumbled.

Furi’s eyes were so mesmerizing; Syn could’ve stared into them for the rest of the evening. He honestly didn’t know what to say. Syn hadn’t realized how much he needed someone until he came here … until he saw him. He thought he saw a flash of heat in Furi’s eyes as he watched him, obviously waiting on Syn to speak. Say something.

Furi leaned in, not quite coming into contact with Syn’s cheek and told him, “I gotta get to work.”

Syn didn’t want him to go. He looked so beautiful, smelled so good. He needed to talk to him, maybe ask if Furi was seeing someone. “I have to go back to work too, but can I give you a ride home after your shift?” Syn had never felt so exposed. After he’d asked the question he immediately wanted to take it back. He’d never liked putting himself out there but this was what he needed to work on. He’d never get anywhere if he didn’t at least try. Furi stepped in closer to him and Syn fought his reflex to take a step back. Furi grabbed his wrist and moved him quickly through the customers waiting for the bathrooms and pushed open the back door that led to the parking lot.

Syn quickly took in his surroundings before focusing back on Furi.

“What’s wrong, why’d you bring me back here?”

“What’s your angle, Detective? Why are you lingering around my job and offering me rides, huh?” Furi forced those questions through gritted teeth.

“Why are you angry? It’s just a ride. I was trying to be nice,” Syn said with little conviction, while avoiding answering Furi’s questions. He didn’t have an angle and he wasn’t sure why he was drawn to him. He just wanted to be around this guy, if for nothing else then to at least be friends.

Furi narrowed his eyes again and stepped into Syn’s space. “Are you gay, Detective?”

There it was. The million-dollar question. Was he gay? He’d never asked himself that. He’d only slept with women before, but had never felt anything more for them than an easy friends-with-benefits involvement. Rhodes was the only person that he’d ever felt a connection with. A man. Syn felt his mouth move, but no sound was coming out. Fuck.

Furi looked at him skeptically. “Uh huh. Just like I thought. Who are you working for? Him. He send you? Did he hire you to find me? Are you a private detective?”

That accusation cut through Syn's speechlessness. “Whoa. I work for the city of Atlanta. What are you talking about? Who is him? Is someone after you?” Syn didn’t realize he’d grabbed Furi’s shoulders, forcing him to look into his eyes until Furi threw his arms up and dislodged Syn’s grip.

“Take your goddamn hands off of me! I’m sick of people thinking they can put their fucking hands on me! Stay the fuck away from me, Detective.” Furi shoved past him and reached for the door.

Syn jumped in front of it before Furi could get it open. He yelled right back at Furi, “My name is Syn! I’m not here as a Detective! I don’t know who him is, nor do I work for him.” Syn put up air quotes for the word him. “I just wanted to talk to you!”


