Embracing His Syn Read online A.E. Via (Nothing Special #2)

Categories Genre: Crime, Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Nothing Special Series by A.E. Via

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 116280 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 581(@200wpm)___ 465(@250wpm)___ 388(@300wpm)

They opened the back door of the restaurant and jogged up the alley. Day peeked out. “They’re two cars down.” The men walked fast, approaching the vehicle from behind. Syn could see that there were two girls in the car, the backseat empty. God went around to the passenger side and Day walked up to the driver. The window was already down so Day squatted and peered inside. As soon as she noticed them the girl scrambled to grab something in her lap, but Day grabbed it first. It appeared to be a walkie-talkie.

“Why are you following us?” he asked calmly. God was watching the passenger closely while Syn opened the back door to make sure no one was in the back.

“Hey! Close my door. You don’t have a warrant to search my car!” the driver yelled.

“Don’t need one. Tell me why you’re following us and maybe I won’t take you to jail if it’s a good enough reason,” Day said staring intently at the women for any readable tells.

“Like I said. We're not.” She looked back at Syn and gave him an angry glare before turning her attention back to Day.

“Give me my phone back, I’m leaving.” She held her hand out the window.

“This isn’t a phone, it’s a radio. Who’s on the other end?” Day asked.

“None of your–”

The radio interrupted her answer. “Girls what are they doing now?”

Syn immediately recognized that voice. Syn knew that voice as sure as he knew his own. That voice almost bought Syn to his knees.

Syn barely registered Day pulling his weapon – always the fastest to act. He grabbed the woman by the back of her neck and her passenger started screaming bloody murder. God slammed his hand over her mouth. “Scream again and I’ll slap a fuckin’ muzzle on you.” Her eyes were wide as saucers, but when God pulled his hand away she didn’t make a peep.

Day pointed his 9mm at the driver. “Tell him were still inside, nothing new.” Day pressed his gun to her temple. “No fuckin’ code words.” Day’s face was a mask of anger.

Syn was barely registering what was going on. All he knew is that Furious was in trouble and that bastard had him and had been keeping tabs on Syn. God was already on his phone with 911, running back to his truck, but Syn was stuck. He couldn’t move, all he could think about was how long had that monster and his brother had his love and what they might have done to him.

Syn vaguely heard the radio crackle and the women saying exactly what Day told her too. After Furi’s ex acknowledged the check-in Day yanked the door open and jerked the woman out of the car. The passenger still mute as a statue. She stumbled back into the utility pole, looking terrified and angry. Syn finally snapped. Pulling his own weapon, he grabbed the woman by the hair. “Where the fuck are they?” he yelled, pointing his weapon at her forehead. What he was doing was illegal but he didn’t care. This bitch had helped set Furi up, so he’d pistol-whip the hell out of her if she didn’t start talking. He didn’t give a fuck if he never worked as a cop again, all he needed right now was to get to Furi.

Day was there, yelling at him to stay calm, but he ignored everything and everyone except the woman at the other end of his gun.

“Where is he?” Syn screamed in the girl's face, causing her to cringe away from his rage.

“Your house, your house,” she cried cowering down on the street.

The sound of tires squealing around the corner had Day and Syn running to jump in God’s truck.

“They’re at Syn’s,” Day said jumping inside, barely getting the door closed before God was burning rubber down the deserted street. They were less than five minutes away. He was glad Day was smart enough to tell the girl to answer, otherwise Patrick would’ve have time to either kill Furi or get him away from the apartment.

Syn was shaking in the back seat. He held his gun tightly in his lap, his finger hovering over the trigger. He rocked back and forth, wanting to get out of the confines of the truck and run to Furi. He felt so helpless right then. Day’s hand on his leg made Syn jump. “We’re gonna get to him,” Day assured him.

Syn could hear the police radio on God’s dash dispatching all units to his address and rattling off information on the location they’d left the women that tailed them. What if we don't make it in time? He squeezed his eyes shut trying not to think of the worst possibilities.

Please be okay. Please be okay.

Furi watched Patrick walk around Syn’s room observing the space.

“It looks like we’re good on time, darlin. Can you believe your boyfriend decided to stop to get some food and hang out with his pals instead of coming home to be with you?” Patrick sucked his teeth. “Any time I went away, I couldn’t wait to get home to you.”


