Embracing His Syn Read online A.E. Via (Nothing Special #2)

Categories Genre: Crime, Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Nothing Special Series by A.E. Via

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 116280 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 581(@200wpm)___ 465(@250wpm)___ 388(@300wpm)

Furi shook his head. “I’m sorry did you say, Chef Vaughan as in–”

“Chef Prescott Vaughan,” the Frenchman smiled. “This is his yacht. He and his two partners are here in Atlanta visiting.”

“Holy shit. I’m gonna kill Day. He knows Prescott Vaughan. I mean; knows him, knows him. We’re on his goddamn personal yacht.” Furi was beaming with excitement and Syn loved it. Although he hadn’t a clue who this Vaughan person was.

“He must be a great chef.” Syn tried to join in.

Furi pfftd. “There’s no must. He’s the best! He was blind for like five years, it was a miracle that his sight came back, but he never stopped cooking. He has like ten restaurants, his own television show, tons of cook books, and a line of cook-wear,” Furi rattled off on his fingers and Syn grabbed his hands and pulled them down to his sides.

“Breathe baby,” Syn laughed. “If you want, I’ll see if Day can arrange something so you can meet him.”

Furi turned to look at Syn. His smile faded, revealing a look of seriousness. “No. I don’t need to meet him. I don’t need anything else. This is a wonderful surprise, Syn. Thank you so much.”

Syn first introduced himself to the chef and then pulled Furi into his side introducing him as his partner. The handsome chef didn’t bat an eye as he welcomed them and informed them when dinner would be served. “Do either of you have any special requests or food allergies?"

Syn shook his head and looked to Furi who did the same.

“Wonderful.” The chef stepped back and the other man stepped forward and set the tray down on a white cloth covered table adorned with formal place settings. “Please enjoy this amuse-bouche while we prepare the first course.”

“Thank you,” Furi spoke up and took his seat across from Syn. “Wow! This looks delicious.”

“What is it?” Syn looked at the single bite-sized hors d’oeuvre in confusion.

Furi tucked his hair behind his ears and picked up the appetizer fork. “An amuse-bouche is French; it literally means ‘entertain the mouth’. It’s a tiny appetizer. I believe this is a seared scallop topped with chutney,” Furi said, quickly cutting the delicate seafood in half, eager to taste some fine cuisine, it’d been a while.

“Okay,” Syn said hesitantly. “What’s this green stuff underneath?”

Furi loved Syn’s boldness when he was out of his element, and it appeared elegant cuisine was one such place. “It’s a pea puree.”

Syn picked up his dinner fork and stuffed the entire scallop in his mouth, chewing heartily. “Man. That’s pretty good. You like this type of food?” Syn asked with his mouth full.

Furi chuckled at Syn’s crude table manners. It was such a relief from his ex’s uptight critique anytime Furi used the wrong fork, or fidgeted in his seat, or reached too far across the table. Syn could care less about Furi’s dinning etiquette and he found himself breathing a relieved sigh as he stuffed the rest of the bite into his mouth. “Yeah. I love this type of food. I used to have to attend a lot of snooty dinners, fundraisers, and formal functions when Patrick entertained his clients. The only good thing was the food. I enjoyed learning about it too. Sometimes, I’d escape into the kitchen to talk with the chef.” Which I always paid painfully for later.

Furi looked up and saw Syn staring back at him. “We have functions and fund raisers for charities too, but I’d never make you go to one if you didn’t want to.”

Furi reached his hand out and Syn quickly intertwined their fingers. “I know. But I’m sure I’d want to go with you.”

“Most of them don’t have food like this, but the annual policeman’s ball does. You’re gonna love that,” Syn said it like it was obvious Furi would be on his arm.

“That sounds real nice,” Furi said roughly. His voice betraying his calm exterior. God he loved this man in front of him.

The captain maneuvered them just off the coast while not drifting out too far. They ate the five-course seafood meal and were barely able to waddle to the stern after the decadent chocolate lava cake dessert.

Furi’s hair blew with the night breeze and Syn stayed buried in it while he licked and kissed his neck. Furi let his head fall back to gaze up at the stars while Syn held him tightly. Things were getting heated fast. Syn pressed Furi hard against the railing, gripping his ass and grinding his hard dick into him. Furi’s own cock jerked excitedly in his pants while Syn dug his hand into his crease, skimming over his hole.

“Fuck, Syn,” Furi gasped. His hole was clenching, wanting to be filled by this man. “Say it’s time, please,” Furi whimpered. He didn’t give a fuck tonight. He was beyond ready to bottom for Syn he needed to so badly. Needed to completely wipe out all the times he’d been made to bottom for Patrick.


