Eden High: Series 1 Read Online Jordan Silver (Eden High #1-6)

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, New Adult Tags Authors: Series: Eden High Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 112163 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 561(@200wpm)___ 449(@250wpm)___ 374(@300wpm)

“Hey sis this is Shane he’s the star running back for the team. Shane my sister Sian.” I shook his friend’s hand but noticed Jared was staring at Belle.

“Hi Shane pleased to meet you, Jared this is my friend Belle, Belle my brother Jared or as you so quaintly referred to him this morning the new…hmm mpppm huuuuh.” The rest of my statement got lost behind the hand she used to cover my mouth while stomping my foot under the table.

Jared gave us a strange look and stole my apple off my tray. “So how was it so far sis? you seem to be doing okay.” I smiled and told him that I was and the conversation turned to his day so far and of course football practice.

Belle I noticed, was suddenly uncharacteristically quiet and kept her head down but her face was red as fire.

“So Belle what happened to your friend, she was supposed to help me this afternoon with the calculus but she was a no show.”

“I don’t know Shane I haven’t seen her either. Weren’t you two supposed to get together yesterday before school started to hammer out a schedule?”

“We were but something came up and I had to bail. I hope she doesn’t flake out on me I really need to pass that class or coach is going to bench me.”

“I’m sure she has a good reason.” She looked around as if searching for her friend with a worried look creasing her brow.

Across the way there was a group of very unhappy cheerleader types. I caught the glares and the upturned noses, but decided to keep it cool since I was going to be trying out for the squad later and didn’t feel like dealing with the drama.

I’ve been cheering since middle school and never had a problem making the squad, but I know how these things work. There’s a hierarchy that rivals the royal houses of Europe when it comes to this stuff, but I’ve never been one to follow the crowd.

From everything Belle had shared, I kinda got the idea that she and her friend weren’t very well accepted by the ‘it’ crowd.

Understanding that, I knew there was going to be some flack heading my way because I’ve already made up my mind that this chick and me were going to be pals. If they don’t like it they can stuff it.

Hopefully the coach here is as cool as my last one and doesn’t put up with that kind of mess, but we’ll see. If they give me any shit I’ll just set Veronica and Jackson Claiborne on their ass, mom can be a beast when it comes to us kids.

I have to get out of this new habit of wanting my mommy, damn, I haven’t been that way since kindergarten and it was beginning to tick me off.

I don’t think I’m intimidated per se, but I do feel a little out of my depth, which is so not like me. I hadn’t even checked out any of the guys they had on offer.

Now that I can date you would think that would be the first thing on the agenda, but so far none of them had peaked my interest.

Shane wasn’t bad looking with his broad shoulders and windblown blonde locks, but I wasn’t feeling him. Oh well, it was only the first day there’s time enough for that later.

My brother was acting kind of strange and I kept giving him the look, but he ignored me and carried on talking to his friend.

Pretty soon more of their teammates showed up and joined us, and I thought Belle was going to shit herself.

A couple of the other girls got up and came over to our table, all smiles and sashaying hips.

One of them draped herself over the Shane guy, while the other two honed in on my brother. It was as if Belle and I weren’t even there.

Oh I know this game, juvenile. I was becoming less and less unsure of myself.

I thought for sure these Hollywood types would have a whole new play, but idiots were idiots no matter their zip code it seemed.

“So boys, aren’t you going to introduce us to your new friend?” This from queen bitch as Belle had dubbed her.

Up close I have to admit she’s a knockout. Blonde hair a few shades lighter than mine, though that could be a bottle job, and innocent baby blue eyes.

Her body was centerfold ready, and I only had one moment of cattiness when I questioned the originality of her chest.

She dripped designer wear from her Gucci flats to her diamond studs. But beyond that there was something missing in her eyes.

“Girls this is Sian, you already know Belle.” Shane made the introductions while his new playmate tried to involve him in a game of tonsil hockey.

He wasn’t looking too interested and that earned me a scathing look. Whatever.

This one, whose name turned out to be Liz Summers, was a raven-haired beauty with amazing brown eyes, that’s where the differences between her and Mandy ended.

She had the same brand everything on as the other girl, and I was really beginning to think they shared the same plastic surgeon.

“Sian, cute name, so, are you planning on trying out for the squad?” Mandy sized me up and I guess found me lacking in some way, if the flare of her nostrils was any indication.

“I am.” I noticed that she totally ignored Belle as she spoke and went so far as to place her body between us like the other girl wasn’t there.

“Why don’t you come on over to our table? We were just discussing some new routines.”

I looked at Belle who looked like she was dying to say something but held her tongue. I knew what was going on here and I’m sure she did as well; too bad for Mandy that I wasn’t that easily led.

I might still be working on getting my bearings here, but there was no way I was going to do anything out of the norm. Might as well make my stand starting now.


