Down & Dirty: Dawg Read Online Jeanne St. James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Biker, Erotic, MC, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 75
Estimated words: 74122 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 371(@200wpm)___ 296(@250wpm)___ 247(@300wpm)

Lord, this man was good in bed. He knew exactly what to do to her to make her lose her mind. He was not a selfish lover at all. As his mouth tugged on one nipple, his fingers dug under her dress to find the other and when they did...

Her back arched, and she cried out.

“Like that?” he murmured against her damp skin.

“Oh, yes,” she whimpered. “Love it.”

He moved up and pressed his mouth to her ear, his warm breath and his words made a shiver skitter down her spine. “More than you love me?”

“It’s a close second, baby.”

He took her mouth then, dragging his tongue over her lips, then dipping it inside, the tips of their tongues touching. She couldn’t help but groan. He got her so wet, so ready, so quickly.

“Baby,” she managed to get out.


“Is there a reason why you’re doing this before we talk?”


She waited for his explanation as he kissed down her neck and then scraped his teeth over her collar bone before working his way down and latching onto her nipple again, which made her forget what she just asked.

He tugged the dress farther down her body, kissing her skin as he went. Over her belly, her hips, his breath hot and damp, making her break out in goosebumps. Cupping her breasts, she thumbed her own nipples as Dawg finished sliding the dress down her legs and over her feet. He tossed it aside, then sat back on his heels, watching her touch herself, his green eyes dark, his nostrils flaring.

“Baby girl,” he murmured, his eyelids heavy, his cock long and hard jutting away from his body. “Can’t get enough of you.”

“Same here.”

“Want the beard?”

“Yes,” she moaned, spreading her legs to give him access. Hell yes, she wanted the beard.

With a grin, he got into position and his mouth on her wasn’t gentle, it was rough. The way she liked it. He sucked, and bit and flicked her clit, shoving two fingers inside her, curling them, driving her hips off the bed as he found the spot he liked to tease.

“Yes, baby, that’s it,” she encouraged him, her mind spinning out of control, her heart beating furiously.

“Taste so good, baby girl,” he murmured against her mound, then ground his face harder against her. “Gonna taste like you the rest of the night.”

What? “No!”

“Yep. Ain’t gonna wash my face an’ gonna go back downstairs knowin’ that none of those fuckers will ever get to taste you. All mine, baby girl.”

“Dawson, that’s gross.”

“No, it ain’t. Wanna savor you the rest of the night.”

Emma groaned and threw her head back onto the pillow. There was no way she was letting him go back downstairs like that. She’d be embarrassed the rest of the night, whether anyone else realized what was lurking in his beard or not. She’d know.

He moved back up her body and went nose to nose with her. “Wanna see how good you taste?’

“Not really, I—”

He kissed her anyway, letting her experience her own flavor. After she completely melted into the bed, he lifted his head. “So hot.”

“What?” she asked then bit her bottom lip, playing innocent.

“You tastin’ yourself.”

“Hmm, we might have to try that with you.”

He frowned. “Ain’t gonna happen.”

She forced herself to keep her expression serious. “Why? It’s okay for me but not for you?”

“Right,” he grunted.

She laughed. “Men!”

He shrugged. “Now time to get down to business.”

“You mean our talk?” she teased.

“Got somethin’ better to do first,” he said as he settled between her parted thighs and pressed the head of his cock between her slick folds.

Yes, they did.

“Want me?” he asked, his eyelids heavy, his green eyes dark. The intensity in his look made a warmth spread through her.

He was pressing just enough to make her want more but not enough to satisfy her. He was being a total tease. “Yes. Do you want me?”

“Fuck yeah.” He grunted as he thrusted forward, filling her, making her feel complete. “Nobody but you.”

The man knew how to move his hips in a way that caused her neck to arch, her mouth to part with short bursts of breath and whimpers, to encourage her to wrap her legs around his hips and dig her heels into the backs of his thighs.

The man who looked so rough on the outside had such surprising finesse in bed.

They fit.

They weren’t anything alike, but they fit together perfectly.

He grunted again as she raked her nails over his shoulders and down his back. Digging her fingers into the flesh of his ass, she encouraged him to move faster, harder. But he didn’t.

He kept his pace slow and steady until she was squirming beneath him, crying out, cursing him, begging him to give it to her the way she loved it. No, the way she loved it with Dawg. No, with Dawson.


