Double the Fun Read online Jenika Snow

Categories Genre: Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 54
Estimated words: 49074 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 245(@200wpm)___ 196(@250wpm)___ 164(@300wpm)

“That was…” She couldn’t even find any words to describe the intensity.

“Yeah, baby. I know.” He wrapped his arm around her back and kissed her shoulder.

Then she realized he hadn’t put a condom on. “Rys. You didn’t use a condom.” Looking over at him, she tried not to let her concern consume her.

“Hey, don’t be scared, baby. Will and I are here for you, no matter what.”

She trusted the twins with her life, but the prospect of a baby right now scared the hell out of her. “I’m not on the pill or anything.”

His smile was soft, and he used his finger to trace one of her eyebrows. “We’ll go get you birth control tomorrow if you’d like, or we can use condoms.” He leaned in and kissed her. “Although, if I’m being honest, I’d prefer not to have anything between us. I know Will feels the same way. It’s up to you, baby. You call the shots.”

She called the shots? Of course she didn’t want anything between them either, and after she had sex that one time years ago, she’d gotten tested despite the fact that he’d worn a condom. “I’ll get on the pill, but, Rys, I can still get pregnant from this one time.” The thought of carrying Rys’s or William’s baby wasn’t nearly as frightening as she would have thought.

“Baby.” Cupping the side of her cheek, Rys watched her intently. “The odds of you getting pregnant this one time are pretty slim, but even if you did, Will and I would take care of you and our baby. Don’t you believe us when we tell you that we aren’t going anywhere, that we love you more than anything else and will do whatever it takes to make you happy?”

Looking away, because his eyes were too piercing, she felt tears prick her eyes. They were so good to her. How in the world had she gotten so lucky? “I believe you, both of you.”

He exerted a bit of pressure on her cheek until she was looking at him again. “I love you, Jane.”

She smiled and really felt it down to her very marrow. “I love you too, Rys.” She felt peaceful, but she couldn’t help but think that maybe things were a little too good. There was bound to be something that fucked it up. She just knew it was coming.

Chapter 20

Jane ended up giving Lonnie her Friday shift, which was actually kind of nice, because she had Rys and William over, and she and her mom fixed them dinner. They had spent all day helping repair the house. The shutters were no longer hanging on by a nail, the hole in the porch where the wood rotted out was patched up, and a hundred other little things were fixed. It helped structurally, of course, but the house was still a little rundown shack.

“Thank you again, boys.”

Her mother got up to clear the table, and Rys and William stood and said in unison, “Let us clean up.”

“Oh, I don’t think so. You boys did so much today already. Go relax in the living room, or maybe you three can go catch a movie.” Bridget left the dining room and headed into the kitchen.

The twins smirked at her.


William shook his head, and Rys leaned forward.

“We can think of something a little more entertaining than going to the movies if you’re up to it, Jane.”

Instantly, her cheeks heated, because all she could think about was being between the two of them without anything on.

“Stop, Rys,” William said through a grin. “You’re embarrassing her.” He took her hand in his, his thumb rubbing over her fingers. “Want to go to a bonfire over at Brooklyn’s?”

Normally, she would have declined, because when alcohol was involved, people tended to lose their inhibitions. Things were said, and then fights broke out. She was tired of Rys and William having to defend her honor. It wasn’t their job, and she needed to learn to take care of herself, because even though they said they loved her, which she didn’t doubt, how much could they take?

Soon, they would get tired of being in a relationship with a girl the town hated all because of her lousy father and her family’s empty wallets. But she felt a little more comfortable going, since Brooklyn was the host and most certainly wouldn’t let anyone over who was willing to start shit for the hell of it.

“Yeah, okay.” She stood. “Just let me get cleaned up.” She had repainted one side of the house in hopes of finishing it up on her next day off. What she needed to do was wash off the splatter of paint and sweat from her body.

“We’ll do the same. How ’bout we pick you up in say—” Rys glanced down at his watch. “—an hour?”


