Double Love Read online Cassandra Dee

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 25
Estimated words: 23136 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 116(@200wpm)___ 93(@250wpm)___ 77(@300wpm)

I quit talking because Zander had popped my boobs out of my bikini top and was stroking my nipple now, and making me moan and writhe in ecstasy on the lounger. Unsurprisingly, the session morphed into another joining of our bodies, hot cum and vaginal juice dripping everywhere as our moans rang in the sunny California afternoon.

But Lauren’s voice on the phone later that day brought me back to reality with a jolt.

“Are you coming back for the Anthro 1 exam?” she asked. “I hear it’s going to be pretty easy. Probably A’s and B’s for everyone.”

Oh shit, I’d forgotten. But I was actually somewhat prepared for the exam, so it should be okay.

“I’ll be back in town Wednesday,” I affirmed. “Pick me up from the airport?”

“Sure no problem,” said my roommate. “And Mel,” she added. “There have been some frat boys acting weird, and asking questions about you.”

“Really?” I asked, completely perplexed. “I wonder why?”

Lauren’s voice lowered. “Well, do you know Matt and Rick from Sigma Chi?”

Hmm, that was odd. I’d been to one of their house parties a month or two ago, but those names didn’t ring a bell.

“No, but who knows?” I said with a shrug. “Maybe they just wanted to borrow notes or something. I do have a reputation for being a thorough note-taker.”

“I’m sure that’s it,” Lauren replied. “Okay, just wanted to let you know. Cool, see you Wednesday,” she chirped before hanging up.

I didn’t want to leave California and my brothers. After all, my life here was heavenly, between the dips in the pool, the hot loving at night, and the all-around love and attention they showered at me. But now that Zander and Zeke were covering my tuition, I was even more determined to do well academically. As a result, I got back on a plane to Virginia with every intention of finishing my degree.



Ah, Virginia. It was nothing like California. The sun was mild instead of bright, and the school quad filled with leafy trees and imposing stone buildings. I liked it. I’d forgotten how regal Trinity was, and enjoyed the elite, private school feel permeating my bones.

After entering my dorm room, I logged onto my computer and immediately received a “ping” in Gchat from a user named johnc1995.

“Hey girl,” the message read. “Shake that a$$, luv seeing you on-screen.”

I squinted. Whatevs. It was probably just some horny dude in Indonesia spamming whoever and whatever, hoping to get a reply.

But another anonymous chat request came in minutes later, this time from Bobbyboy321.

“So is your stage name MelMelMel?” read the text. “Or was that just a random tag?”

What the? Who were these dudes and what were they talking about?

“Lauren,” I called out to my roommate. “What were the names of those two frat boys you mentioned over the phone?”

She sat up on her bed, glancing up from her textbook.

“Matt Parker and Rick Donovan,” she replied. “Why? Did they contact you?”

“No,” I said. “But two anonymous dickheads just spammed me. Probably just randoms. God, there are so many freaks in the world.”

To be sure though, I flipped over to Trinity’s online directory and looked up the two Sigma Chi guys. They were meatheads: typical frat boy types wearing backwards baseball caps with sloppy grins. Good-looking in their own cocky way, but definitely not desperate enough to be sending misspelled, poorly punctuated Gchat texts.

But things just got weirder as the day went on. As I walked to campus, people stared at me. They stood in huddles, stopping to whisper as I walked past. Wtf? Maybe it was my imagination.

But it was even worse when I entered the classroom. A hush descended over the crowd, and people literally turned around in their seats to look at me, craning their necks my way. Fortunately, we had an exam that day, and it was about to begin. I took a seat in the back and pulled out my blue book, reminding myself to focus on the task at hand.

But the whispers and weird looks started up again after the test was over. Walking back to my dorm, again I noticed hushed voices and curious looks from total strangers. Okay, this was definitely not my imagination and was getting seriously creepy.

When I got back, Lauren stopped me at the door, her face pale.

“Mel,” she said slowly. “There’s something you need to see.”

She swiveled her monitor so that it faced me, and surfed over to a website called Nubile Girls. Oh my god. She scrolled down to a still, and all I could see was a cunt held apart by fingers, the folds dripping and wet. Frankly, it looked kinda hot. The woman was obviously aroused, and her clit stood up hard and taut, waiting to be kissed.

I made myself act normal though.

“So what?” I asked. “What does this have to do with me?”


