Dirty Wars – The Lion and The Mouse Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 247
Estimated words: 248926 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1245(@200wpm)___ 996(@250wpm)___ 830(@300wpm)

To my surprise, she pouted. “You better be.”

The emotion between them was so thick it seemed to have an aching physical form. Even more, an ominous fog of unspoken words enveloped them in this suffocating stillness.

Surely, David and Blue felt the same way, I did—powerless and uncomfortable with watching them stumble through a heartfelt goodbye. It was obvious that Emily and Maxwell should hug, yet that awkward unbearable void between them was palpable, remaining an invisible roadblock to their healing.

This will need to be fixed. If Baba is right, then Maxwell can help Emily and Lunita too.

Still, David, Blue, and I watched and said nothing.

“Em. . .” Maxwell’s cheerful façade suddenly cracked. Worry registered all over his face. “It’s not that I don’t think you can kill him.” His voice trailed off in a whisper. “I’m more worried about. . .the other shit.”

She moved her view to the ground. “Me too.”

Maxwell shifted his weight to his other foot. “You know what though?”

Emily looked up. “What?”

“I asked Baba to do a reading for me, due to the trip and. . .leaving you and shit. You know?” Maxwell gave her a sad smile. “Even though I don’t fuck with all that voodoo card mumbo jumbo and visions. I just. . .had to know. . .about us and if I was doing the right thing by leaving you.”

“W-what did she say?”

“Baba wouldn’t tell me about the trip or the shit with you and Fela, but she did describe this vision of our future.”

With shaking hands, Emily took off her glasses as if to do so would help her see Baba’s vision clearer. Her eyes had already clouded with tears that threatened to overflow, but I knew she would hold them in as much as possible.

My heart ached to see her this way.

Goddamn it.

Her voice grew shaky. “What did Baba say about our future?”

“She talked about how one day you and I would be in the kitchen of my huge house, stirring a big ass pitcher of pink lemonade for our kids and that. . .” His voice cracked. “And that you would be yelling at me for putting six cups of sugar in it.”

One tear left her eye. “Too much sugar is bad for kids.”

I wanted to hold my mouse and protect her from any pain and anguish this moment brought her. But I wouldn’t intervene. They needed this.

“And Baba said the lemons came from Lemonisha.” Maxwell reached out his hand and held his fingers close to her face as if waiting for permission to touch her.

The fragility of the moment suspended me in silence.

But, then Emily leaned forward.

Sighing, Maxwell wiped the tear away and then quickly lowered his hand.

And I released the breath that I didn’t know I was holding.

Perhaps, they are on a path to healing.

Maxwell gazed at the finger that touched her. “I was glad that Lemonisha was in the vision too. I wasn’t sure if the Nigerian climate would be bad for her or not.”

Sniffling, Emily placed the shades back on her face. “I can take Lemonisha with me if you want. I swear on everything I would protect her.”

“I know you would, Em.” Maxwell turned my way and frowned. “But, I don’t trust the Lion to not gorge on all my baby’s fruit.”

I scowled at him. “No one wants to taste fruit off of that stupid tree.”

“Then, why do you always sound crazy jealous every time I bring Lemonisha up.”

“It is not jealousy, Maxwell. It is pure and utter annoyance.” I straightened my expression into a stern one. “By the way, I expect you to go with Ufuoma, help her bury Fela, and then safely hurry back to Moscow for the birth of our child.”

“Hells yes.” Maxwell nodded. “I got to be the first motherfucker that Max Jr sees when he pops out of Em.”

I twisted my face in annoyance. “Did you say Max Junior?”

“Yeah, man. Maxwell Xavier Solonik Junior. And get this.” Maxwell raised his hands. “For my nephew’s nickname, I’m thinking Bubba Kush or Sour Diesel. Those are my two favorite strands of weed so, of course they would rep my little man.”

“Perhaps, it is a translation error happening. I cannot tell if you are joking with me.” I glared at him. “Or if you are actually trying to get me to be violent with you?”

Maxwell stepped back. “What?”

Smiling, Emily cleared her throat. “Unfortunately, we should go.”

“Yeah. True that.” Maxwell bobbed his head and stepped back again. “Time to kill the big bad villain, and get Italy over with.”

“Yeah.” Em headed my way. “Bye, Max.”

“No.” I held out my hand.

She stopped. “What? Don’t tell me you are back on my outfit.”

“I should be, but no that’s not why I’m stopping you.”

“Then, what?”

I pointed to Maxwell. “Go. Hug him. Now.”

She trembled.

“You will be pouting and thinking about him the entire time he is gone, and your sadness will make me crazy.” I lowered my hand to my side. “Perhaps, a hug will lower some of your suffering.”


