Dirty Stack (The Devious Games Duet #2) Read Online D.D. Prince

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Billionaire, Crime, Dark, Mafia, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Devious Games Duet Series by D.D. Prince

Total pages in book: 183
Estimated words: 178343 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 892(@200wpm)___ 713(@250wpm)___ 594(@300wpm)

Violet’s face was lit up like a Christmas tree for the whole thing. Especially the bloopers and blunders.

Alana thought it was strange that I asked for tickets when she told me why she was taking the evening off. But the number of times I’ve watched Alana smile at Violet tonight, I’m thinking she gets that it was something I knew my wife would enjoy.



When we get home after the boys’ Christmas play, I’m immediately all over my handsome husband. It was so much fun to watch and I can hardly wait for when we get to watch our own children doing the same.

I’m stoked about the notion of volunteering at my kids’ school. Helping out with sewing costumes for plays. Being part of the PTA. My mom was very hands-on at my school and I plan to be the same.

Now that we’re home, it’s only nine o’clock, but my plan is to bed my handsome husband and then let him get some sleep. Given that our sex life has been cramped lately and we got permission to resume activities but haven’t yet, I’m hoping he’ll get his fill of me and then it’ll help him sleep for a solid eight hours. All day he’s been looking tired, eyes bloodshot and he asked me to drive home tonight, which tells me he has to be exhausted.

I purposely haven’t brought up questions about anything stressful today. I don’t even know if anything has been resolved or if there have been any complications. I only know that he looks completely exhausted. But as much as I want Christmas to be stress-free, there are definitely things weighing on me.

Our mouths are attached all the way to our bedroom, initiated by me, with my fingers loosening his tie, undoing his belt, then going for his shirt buttons, undoing them and getting my hands onto his hot, hard chest as we clear the doorway. Then he’s got my ass and is lifting me up, wrapping my legs around his waist while he moves toward the bed. My back is then touching our mattress as we’re sideways on the bed.

I kick my shoes off.

Killian undresses me slowly. As he does this, his piercing eyes rove my body while he removes my blouse, my long skirt, and my tights, caressing me along the way. He makes the sexiest sounds as he takes me in.

“I can’t wait to be inside you, baby,” he whispers against my skin.

There’s nothing clinical about this, and then the warmth notches up to straight heat when he sees the new, very fancy emerald green lace bra with matching underwear that Aunt Sara and Colleen bought for my shower. Killian devours me with his eyes, which match the shade of my undies just about perfectly.

He’s clean-shaven and smooth and I relish the feel of his soft face in my palm. I love it when he’s scruffy and I love it when he’s clean-shaven, too. He kisses my palm, then his head descends, mouth closing over my nipple before he draws it in with his hot mouth as his thumbs hook into the waistband of my panties at the hips. He shimmies them down and kisses my right hip, then my left one before he backs up and stands at the side of the bed and drops his shirt, pants, kicking off his shoes and pulling socks off. His underwear go last and then he climbs on top of me and lines up. I clasp his jaw with both hands.

“I love you,” I say, feeling a little emotional because it feels like forever since he’s been inside me.

“I love you too, baby. So fucking much.”

He slides into me slowly, face filled with love. “My favorite place,” he murmurs.

I tighten around him and watch more emotion burning in his eyes. “My Violet. All mine,” he says, thumb skating across my bottom lip as he tips my chin up with his index finger and his lips come to mine, tongues touching then tangling up. I rock into him, squeezing around him. His fingers go between us, playing with my clit.

He makes love to me so gently, sweetly, hands and mouth roaming as he gently rocks into me over and over. It doesn’t take long before I’m crying into his mouth with my orgasm and he has one, too, burying his face into my throat as he grunts out a husky, “Oh, baby.”


I’m coming out of the bathroom after cleaning up while he comes in with a water in one hand, apple juice in the other.

“All good?” he asks, looking a little concerned.

I smile. “All great. Tired?”

“Not too bad. Wanna watch a movie?” he asks.

“Nope. You didn’t sleep well last night. We should go to sleep.”

“Haven’t slept a full night since… you know. I can handle a movie. I might fall asleep during.”


