Dirty Stack (The Devious Games Duet #2) Read Online D.D. Prince

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Billionaire, Crime, Dark, Mafia, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Devious Games Duet Series by D.D. Prince

Total pages in book: 183
Estimated words: 178343 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 892(@200wpm)___ 713(@250wpm)___ 594(@300wpm)

I stick my tongue out at him. “It now has far less than that since I went Christmas shopping.”

He chuckles and finishes his drink before wrapping an arm around me and pulling me close, rubbing his nose against mine.

“Why? You buy me something?”


“Pay for the lawyer out of the other joint account. The one at Susanna’s bank.”

“Fine,” I relent. “It so happens, I’m seeing someone in the practice you use that’s specializes in employment law. Jennifer… uh… Cross, I think. And I’ve just decided I’m fine to let you pay for my lawyer since it’s partly your fault I’m unemployed.”

“It’s not my fault Shara is a cunt, but I’ll let you think that if you let me pay for it.”

I laugh. “Yeah, Shara had it out for me, but you totally threw gasoline on the fire when you threatened her.”

“Don’t know Jennifer, but it’s a good firm and they’ll just bill me since you’re my wife. Glad that’s organized. What’s after that?”

“Then, the next day, doctor’s appointment at ten o’clock. I told Wes you’d be coming with me so he probably didn’t need to. Then Christmas Eve. We don’t need him Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, right?”

“Right. What are we doing Christmas Eve and Christmas Day?” he asks.

“Christmas Eve, I was thinking we could invite everyone over here. What do you think about that? Food, drinks, Christmas music.”

“Works for me.”

“Christmas Day at Mom and Dad’s for dinner. The whole family is coming. I’m making the sweet potatoes and you’re responsible for the dinner rolls.”

“I am?” he asks, looking surprised.

“I’ll buy them. Everyone gets a chore. I sent Will a text that he should bring something desserty. But told him no protein powder allowed in those desserts.”

“You’re figuring my brother out already. But I can make the dinner rolls. Master dough maker over here.”

“If you’re sure. And oh… hey, stay out of the account transactions until after Christmas so it doesn’t ruin the surprise..”

He looks at me with interest.

“I mean it.” I poke his chest.

But most of the presents I bought him were bought on my own credit card, so at least I know he can’t snoop on that one. At least I don’t think he can. He’s proven pretty resourceful so far.

“Fine,” he fake-grumbles.

“So, talk to me and fill me in on everything that’s happening before we watch a movie. Jingle All the Way or Deck the Halls?”

“Whatever you wanna watch. And you sure you wanna hear all this?”

I poke his chest. “You’re cruisin’ for a bruisin’ if you think you’re gonna keep me in the dark.”

“Cruisin’ for a bruisin’?” he smirks. “Where are you gonna bruise me?”

“Your bum,” I deadpan.

“Are you hankering for a … spank-” he chuckles, “ering?”

“Maybe.” I roll onto him.

He taps my bottom playfully.

I sober. “No, really. Talk to me. What’s happening with Ray? What about this New Year’s Eve thing? What was the trip to Seattle about?”

“Violet, I really don’t-”

“Start talking,” I order, poking his chest.

He spanks my bum again, this time with a little more oomph.

I squirm and he smirks, then rolls me to my back and his lips meet mine hungrily.

“Are you distracting me with spankings and kisses?” I ask.

“Mm. Yes.” He thrusts his finger into my hair “And this.” He nips at my throat.

I squirm under him and this gives room to slide his fingers into the waistband of my pajama pants. I arch as his finger dips inside me before he rubs my clit.

“Killian, c’mon.”

“You come on.” He circles my clit again.

I grab his wrist. “Stop.”

He lifts his face out of the curve of my neck and his expression is playful. “I’ll fill you in while I play with you. How about that? Then you won’t feel any stress because you’ll be feeling what I’m doing.”



His mouth moves down to my chest and he nips at my boob.

I grab his face with both hands. “Talk or you’re cut off until you do.”

He rolls to his back. “Angle shooting, Mrs. Coulter? I might be a little impressed.”

I roll, too, so I’m snuggled into his side, my head on his arm and then look into his eyes and bat my eyelashes. “I don’t know what that means, but is it working? Because I don’t like the idea of withholding sexy time, but I will…”

“Raymond kidnapped Jessa when he left the beach house in Tony’s car. She was in it and he pointed the gun at her, then drove off.”

I sit up and my mouth drops.

He pulls me back to where I was. “She’s fine. He didn’t lay a hand on her. She was here the other day, the day Susanna came, trying to bait me and wound up playing with Tony instead. She got messages from his phone Saturday about not needing to go to Tillamook because I went and finagled her way there with him, bein’ nosy. He never got my text sayin’ I’d been there that day because she replied to me and then erased that string. So Tony’s fault for letting his guard down with Raymond and with Jessa. Also partly my fault because I also got into Raymond’s head when you were waiting in the car and my words about what might be coming next got him tweaked enough to make him make that bold move.”


