Dirty Stack (The Devious Games Duet #2) Read Online D.D. Prince

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Billionaire, Crime, Dark, Mafia, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Devious Games Duet Series by D.D. Prince

Total pages in book: 183
Estimated words: 178343 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 892(@200wpm)___ 713(@250wpm)___ 594(@300wpm)

“You don’t have to worry about me judging this.” She waves her hand. “Some people deserve to be locked up or put out of their misery. Wish I had the guts to take out revenge against my enemies.”

“You’ve got enemies? Shocker.”

“Never mind that. Anyway, since you’re happily married and off the market, I’ve decided I’m done trying to get with you.”

“About time,” I say.

She rolls her eyes. But where the fuck is she going with this?

I wait for whatever she’s about to say, because there’s definitely something.

“I think I wanna keep seeing Tony. He’s sweet.” She smiles big. “And he’s kinda ruggedly handsome. Besides, he’s got a big dick. And I mean really big. He thinks I’m so above his paygrade, he’ll do anything I want. But yeah. I like him. I think I’ll go for it.”

I give her an assessing stare as I consider all the variables here.

“So, can I go? Are you done with me?”

“I think it goes without sayin’, but I’m gonna say it anyway. I can’t have you repeating anything about what happened to anyone. No one.”

“Of course not, Pooky. You can rely on me. Have I ever been known to have a big mouth?”

Jag is back.

“Not that I know of,” I say.

“She won’t say a word, Kill,” Jag says, looking me dead in the eyes.

“I won’t. I know when to keep my mouth shut, believe me. But have you punished Tony? Or are you planning to? Because if you do anything to hurt that big teddy bear, I might have to get nasty.”

I’m unable to hide my surprise.

“Tony’s lost some street cred with me for lettin’ the likes of you wind him around your finger, but no. He’s not about to get punished.”

“I am pretty tough to resist,” she says, smiling. “For most people.”

“This is true. I had trouble resisting you before Violet and me got together.”

She smiles, looking satisfied. “You ‘n me are good, Killian. If he’s good, you ‘n me are good. Now, I think I’m gonna go see him.”

Do I believe her? This seems too easy.

My eyes bounce to Jag. He gives me a nod. He’s reading my mind and wants me at ease.

“I’ll hop a ride back with you and meet up with him. Okay?” she adds.

“I’m flying. Already have a flight booked.”

“Oh. Oh well. Before you go, call him and tell him he’s allowed to see me. He’s being shy with me right now on account of you being angry.”

“Before I do that, you still thinking about starting that interior design business?” I ask.

“If I had the capital,” she says. “It’s what I’ve wanted to do since I graduated college. Jag doesn’t believe I’m serious enough so he won’t front the money.”

Jag smiles. “Who says I have that much cash lyin’ around?”

“You’re living well, baby brother. You’re holdin’ out on me.”

“She thinks being born six minutes ahead means she can call me baby brother,” Jag muses.

I pipe up. “We’ll talk, but just throwin’ this out there. What if I put the money up and hold 51%? Silent partner. You’ve got control and keep it as long as it’s profitable by the end of eighteen months. We’ll sign a secondary agreement then up until five years. If it’s all still good with us, I’ll sell you two per cent back and maybe we’ll even finesse details for a complete buy-out. You willing to put in the work?”

Her brows fly up. “You serious?”

“Do I look like I’m joking? Sweat equity, Jess. I put up the money, you put in the work. All of it.”

She purses her lips and then her eyes light up.

“If you’re ready to dig in and work hard, I’ll have a contract drawn up,” I offer.

“Yes,” she says without hesitation. “But what sort of a contract?”

“You can have a lawyer look it over. I’m not twisting your arm. This is an opportunity.”

“An opportunity to keep me on my best behavior, you mean.”

“A side effect, but yeah. You know Jag’s my boy, I’m not about to fuck his sister over, not unless she fucks me over first. Right Jag?”

Jag jerks his chin up. “I trust you. You should trust him, too, Jessa.”

“Okay,” she says. “Soon? And how much capital? I don’t wanna start up some Mickey Mouse operation. Go big or stay home, baby.”

“Late January if you want. Show me a business plan in a couple weeks and we’ll finesse everything.”

She claps her hands.

“One sec,” I say, pulling my phone out.

I dial Tony and he picks up on the first ring.


“I’m here with Jessa. You avoiding her waiting for my go-ahead or you done with her?”

“Yes, boss. I’m done unless I have your blessing.”

Fucker sounds like a dog whose been kicked.

“What if I give you my blessing? You want it?”

“Can we talk? I think we should talk. In person.”

“Where are you?”


