Dirty Stack (The Devious Games Duet #2) Read Online D.D. Prince

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Billionaire, Crime, Dark, Mafia, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Devious Games Duet Series by D.D. Prince

Total pages in book: 183
Estimated words: 178343 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 892(@200wpm)___ 713(@250wpm)___ 594(@300wpm)

Her brows just up in surprise. “Do you have cold feet?”

“Oh, I am happy about the baby. Let’s say things have been an adjustment lately. Lots of things have been, um… happening.”

“Ah,” she says, nodding, like it’s a perfectly reasonable explanation.

My pregnancy is serving as a good cover for why Killian and I have been on the outs. It kind of makes me feel guilty that I’m letting people think this, by being generally vague, other than Suse who also doesn’t have the full picture but thinks it’s my husband’s stalkery ways.

Things have been a whirlwind and I feel like doing my chameleon act and rolling with the punches is my only option. And while it’s not entirely unlike how I handled some things in my last relationship, it feels different.

I covered for Ray because I didn’t want to admit he was doing unacceptable things and failing me.

I’m covering for Killian because he was doing unacceptable things to protect me.

Well, and avenge me and himself, but yeah… it feels different. And now that Ray’s not in Killian’s basement any longer, maybe it’ll help me move forward. Though, the fear of both Ray blabbing and of Killian making sure he can’t blab are both real.

Killian emerges from the bedroom showered and dressed to impress in a suit. He looks sleepy though, and heads straight for me.

And the look in his eyes, it’s like his day is complete at the sight of me. I get a burst of affection for him.

Patricia moves aside as he takes me into his arms.

“Good morning, baby,” he says gruffly, kissing me while squeezing.

“Hi,” I greet, tucking my head into his neck.



“Congratulations on the baby. Very exciting.”

“Thank you,” he says and then his hold loosens on me, though he doesn’t let go entirely, just enough to tip up my chin so he can lock my gaze with his. “Sorry, but feel the need for coffee. If you don’t wanna smell it, baby, I’m sorry but I need it. Want me to drink it out on the balcony?”

“I’ll vacate,” I offer.

“Alana couldn’t stomach coffee either when she was pregnant,” Patricia says. “But after having kids, her coffee consumption doubled.”

“I miss it,” I pout.

“How are you feeling so far today?” Killian asks.

“Not terrible so far,” I reply.

The lobby phone rings, sending all our gazes swinging that way.

“Are we expecting someone?” I ask.

Killian shakes his head while heading that way to answer.


His eyes go concerned.

“Their names?” he asks.

What now. My heart is beating too fast.

“Send them up,” Killian says and hangs up, then looks to me. “The police are here.”

My stomach drops while my heart begins racing. Bile also climbs up the back of my throat and to top it all off, I wobble unsteadily.

He shakes his head and quickly speaks, coming to me and hooking an arm around my waist to steady me. “Friendly visit. The cops I’m working with on the Felix Hoffman case are here. You feel faint? You okay?”

“I’m okay.”

“Amber’s boyfriend. That situation.”

“Right.” My heart takes a minute to recover.

“They’ve been tryin’ to catch him.”

“I’ll get to work,” Patricia says and heads for the laundry room.

“You all right?” he asks.

“You know what I just thought,” I say.

“I know. Don’t worry. In fact, make yourself scarce because you’ve got guilty written all over your face and cops pick up on that shit.”

I jolt back.

“Not tryin’ to be an asshole, baby. It’s just a fact.”

“Ugh,” I grumble and bury my face into his shirt.

Patricia breezes by us, heading to the bedrooms.

He caresses the back of my neck and showers me with kisses.

Patricia is then back yet again. “There’s no laundry to be done in your bedroom?”

I laugh nervously. “I did it on the weekend.”

She points at me. “That’s my job.”

“Sorry.” I shrug.

She smiles. “I’m very angry with you.” And then she laughs.

I look to Killian. “I’m gonna take a shower,” I say. “Come see me when they’re gone.”

As I take a gingerbread cookie, there’s a knock on the door.

He kisses me quick and swats my butt before heading to the door. I make my way down the hall to our bedroom and swallow down some nausea with the cookie.



After a short meeting with the two cops, I go to the bedroom to see Violet.

The police got word from a confidential informant about a ploy to rob Numbers. Evidently, I’ve got a new employee who is fucking Craig, the manager. Her name is Stephanie Whitley and she’s Hoffman’s stepsister. They don’t think Craig knew her before she was hired but they’re digging into Craig to see if they think he’s in on it. So far, it looks like he isn’t. Listening to all this, I’m not happy that they’re obviously watching Numbers because is it only about Hoffman and that ploy or are they watching me, too?

The cops say their C.I says there’s a plot to rob Numbers on New Year’s Eve, says they originally had plans to rob Numbers opening night, but something went wrong, C.I doesn’t know what.


