Dirty Stack (The Devious Games Duet #2) Read Online D.D. Prince

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Billionaire, Crime, Dark, Mafia, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Devious Games Duet Series by D.D. Prince

Total pages in book: 183
Estimated words: 178343 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 892(@200wpm)___ 713(@250wpm)___ 594(@300wpm)

“No problem, bro. You need help?”

“Don’t know,” I say. “Keep ya posted.”

“Trouble brewing in your eyes, man. I read you.”

“Later, okay?”

“Yeah, Kill. But you should know, I can handle it. The shit I’ve seen lately?” His eyes widen.

I bristle. Another mention of shit with the Ferranos that has me grinding my teeth. Knowing Dario was trying to live cleaner is why I sent Will his way. My protective instincts are clearly still rampant when it comes to my brother.

“Anything you need, Kill. I mean that. Put your piece in your desk drawer.”

Could be my mind playing tricks but I’m pretty sure my brother’s eyes don’t look as innocent as they did the last time I saw him.

“Thanks, bro. You good?” I ask, making a mental note to move it and the gun I’ve got on me back where it belongs.

He swallows thickly, but then nods. “Yeah.”

He’s not good. But looks like he’s tryin’ to be. I resist the urge to ask more questions. He’s a man now. He’ll let me know if he needs me.

“Be back in five. Just gonna change.”

“Yeah, man,” Will says.


When I come out, Will is still by the mouth of the hallway, doing something on his cell.

Violet approaches us. “Tell him the news. I told my family before he got here but figured you’d want to tell your brother yourself, so I’ve asked everyone to not say anything and I think my mom is about to burst.”

“I am!” Daphne Gates calls out, eyes alight with excitement.

Will’s eyebrows jut up. “What’s up?”

“Violet’s pregnant,” I say, deciding I need to take my brother out for a drink, spend some time talking to him. Make sure he’s all right. I had a few instances of working on shit with the Ferranos that shook me.

Willie throws his massive arms around me and hugs me. And then he pulls Violet in for a group hug. She gives him a big smile with dimples and fuck, looking at her, I fucking love this girl.

“Congrats, guys. That’s awesome. And totally explains all the cookies.”

Violet laughs.

Will releases us and I put my arm around her and kiss her temple. “What’s for dinner? Chinese takeout? I haven’t had anything since yesterday.”

“Oh. Yeah. Enough to feed about twenty people. I’m not sure if I can hold any of it down, but I’m certainly going to try. And judging by the amount of stuff I ordered when I saw the menu, you might want to brace. Once I get through this first trimester, I have plans to gain about a hundred pounds. I’m going to eat for pleasure. A lot of pleasure.”

I smile at her. “Sounds like a plan. Maybe I’ll gain a hundred with you.”

She startles. “Don’t you dare.”

“What? Not lookin’ forward to the dad bod?” Cody steps up and reaches out to shake my hand. “Congrats, man. Happy for you guys.”

“No dad-bod,” Violet warns, talking to the room instead of me. “Not until we’ve been married at least ten years.”

“Deal,” I say, heart lifting.

Ten years. Fuck, yeah. Forever, baby.

I give the kid a back slap and then I’m getting a handshake from Violet’s grandfather and then her father, who goes from shaking my hand to giving me a hug.

“I like my dad bod,” Kev says. “Tacos versus abs? Tacos win every time.” Kev playfully socks me in the gut. “You got a lot of work cut out for ya gettin’ rid of those. Start tonight.”

“Sounds like a plan,” I say.

“Work out hard enough, you can have both tacos and abs,” Will interjects.

“Teach my husband your ways, please,” Daphne jokes as she approaches and grasps my face in both hands, excitement in her eyes. “I’m going to spoil this baby rotten. Fair warning.”

“So am I,” I say with a shrug. “And this baby’s mother, too.”

“Grampa bought champagne when we went to the store, kids,” Violet’s mom continues looking pleased with what I’ve just said, “Sparkling alcohol-free apple cider for the mommy-to-be. Come help me pour the champagne, Kev. We’ll have a toast, then let’s eat so we can decorate this beautiful tree.”

“Look,” Violet says. “My grampa brought me some of my grandmother’s decorations.”

“That’s awesome, baby. Thank you for that, Mr. Gabriel. We’ll take good care of them.”

Violet’s grandfather gives me a thumbs up without looking in my direction. He’s poking through the takeout bags on the counter. His eyes light up as he lifts a cardboard box and pulls out an egg roll, then gives the room a big smile before he bites into it.


In the middle of dinner, Violet’s mother pipes up with, “Are you going to be a stay-home mommy or are you planning to put the baby in daycare and go back to work?”

Violet’s mouth is full of fried noodles, so she raises her index finger as she sips from her glass to wash it down.


