Deviant (Boys of Winter #3) Read Online Sheridan Anne

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Boys of Winter Series by Sheridan Anne

Total pages in book: 139
Estimated words: 127941 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 640(@200wpm)___ 512(@250wpm)___ 426(@300wpm)

The hand is small and not as rough as I’m used to. It’s almost sweet … sensual. I didn’t know the boys had it in them, but I’m here for it. I bet it’s Cruz. Only he can be this sweet.

Lips hit mine with a yummy cherry flavor and I open my mouth, wanting more of his sweetness as his tongue slips into my mouth.

I groan low. I want more. So much more.

I try to open my eyes. I want to see him. I want to watch him work my body, but it’s too hard. My eyes are too heavy. My whole body is heavy, and I know that the second I open my eyes, the dizziness will return, and my whole world will implode.

My tank is pushed over my head and I try to help Cruz to take it off, but my arms won’t work. I can’t help him, but I don’t need to. Cruz knows what he’s doing. He knows what I like.

The hands continue to roam over my body as his lips drop back to my neck, going lower to my collarbone and then dropping to the curve of my breast. His hands slip around my back to release the hook of my bra, and the second it falls to the ground, his lips come down over my nipples.

I try to arch up into him but he holds me still, not letting me move and taking control just as he likes it. Most of the time, Cruz and I will fight for control, both of us needing that dominance in our lives, but right now, he can have it all. There’s nothing I want more than to just lie here in bliss.

Cruz reaches for the button on my pants and starts undoing them as he continues his sensual torture over my nipples. My leather pants are dragged down my legs as the music from the party continues to thump and vibrate right through me.

He kisses his way down my body, and finally I feel him climbing over me, his head down between my legs. He parts my legs and I feel his breath against my wet pussy as his sweet fingers trail over my clit, taking his time and teasing me with what’s to come.

His fingers push deep into me just as his warm mouth closes over my clit.

I suck in a needy breath, knowing that something is different but unable to figure out why. His tongue works my clit, and as his fingers massage deep inside of me, every last thought falls from my mind. Who cares why it’s different? It’s too good.

Everything deep inside me clenches as that familiar burning builds within me. I need that release and I need it now. My body is too exhausted to hold on. All I want is to fall into a deep unconsciousness, but I refuse to do it until I’ve felt that intense orgasm pulsing through my body and making every single one of my nerves scream from pure satisfaction and pleasure.

Cruz’s tongue works over my clit making tight, pulsating circles as his fingers work in and out, building me higher and higher and when he sucks my clit into his warm mouth, everything explodes.

I come hard, my orgasm pulsing through my body as my pussy convulses around Cruz’s fingers. I feel his smile against my pussy and if I had the energy right now, I’d be returning the favor, sucking his big, thick, veiny cock, choking on it until I feel his sweet cum hitting the back of my throat.

I guess I’ll just owe him one.

Cruz pulls away from me and my body relaxes as the light is switched off and true darkness surrounds me. A blanket is draped over me and not a second later, my world fades away into the sweet blissfulness of sleep.


The bed creaks beneath me and my eyes peel open into the darkness to find Grayson sneaking out of my bed. He slinks across the room being way too obvious that he’s sneaking out. Had he just gotten up and walked to the door, I wouldn’t think much of it, but the way he’s tiptoeing and being extra careful not to make a damn sound has my spidey-senses on high-alert.

My mind is still foggy from whatever the fuck I did last night, so I have to focus extra hard to make out his frame as he walks across the room, collecting his phone and wallet off the top of my dresser, but it’s his smell that lingers on my body and pillow that tells me it’s him. If it were a little muskier, it would have been King and add a hint of pine and you’ve got Cruz.

Grayson reaches the door and just as he pulls it open to the brightly lit hallway, he looks back at me and I quickly close my eyes, not wanting him to know that I’m onto him.


