Darkest Desire (Kindred Tales – The Twisted System #2) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Alpha Male, BDSM, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi Tags Authors: Series: Kindred Tales - The Twisted System Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 85794 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 429(@200wpm)___ 343(@250wpm)___ 286(@300wpm)

“I’m very glad that my woman could be of service to you, Your Majesty,” Sirex said to him. “But now the two of us would like to go. Phoebe has been through a lot today—I need to take her home.”

“You are, of course, free to go with my blessing and my gratitude,” the Emperor said courteously.

“Thank you.”

Sirex nodded and went back to unfastening Phoebe from the X shaped cross she was hanging on. She was completely naked but he didn’t have time to look for her clothing now. He took her by the shoulders and looked down into her face.

“Phoebe, are you all right? Can you stand?” he asked her anxiously.

She nodded and instinctively tried to cover herself—only to gasp when the golden manacles shocked her.

“Ouch! I’m okay except I’m really tired of wearing these damn things!”

“Of course you are.” Sirex remembered that Thruck had the only keys to the non-con bracelets. “Hold on,” he told her.

A quick rummage through the dead Trollox’s pockets revealed a set of dainty golden keys. Phoebe held out her wrists eagerly and Sirex unlocked her and let the golden manacles fall with a clink-clank to the floor. Then he took off his black leather vest and gave it to her to wear. It probably wouldn’t quite fit around her large breasts, but it was definitely an improvement on being fully nude.

“Thanks.” Phoebe put on the vest gratefully. But when she tried to pull it closed, she winced. “Ouch! Sorry, I’m too sensitive,” she said, nodding down at her newly pierced nipples.

Sirex felt a stab of guilt—he had done that to her. He had hurt her when she was helpless. True, Thruck had forced his hand, but he had still done it and he hated himself for it.

“Come on,” he said, taking her by the hand. “Let’s get out of here.”

“Yes, please!” She nodded fervently. “Let’s go!”

They left the Grand Salon, where the Emperor was giving orders to various servants. Several of them were already trying to get rid of the Trollox’s carcass while others were tying the nurse who had helped Thruck with his plot to the X shaped cross that Phoebe had so recently vacated.

Sirex didn’t know what was going to happen to her and he didn’t care. She was getting her just deserts, just as Thruck had. Her fate wasn’t going to be pleasant, but that was too damn bad.

Right now, he just wanted to get Phoebe off this planet and away from the Twisted System as soon as possible.



Phoebe was trying to be okay—she really was. But her nipples were throbbing and her nerves were shot. She’d been sure for a while there that she and her mentor were going to die. It looked like Thruck was going to kill her and Sirex both. Thank goodness the Emperor had come out with his flaming sword to save them at the last minute! It was amazing how different he had looked when he was no longer an old man—his dull platinum skin had been a dazzling silver and his snow-white beard had turned to gold.

Maybe that’s why they call him “The Shining One,” she thought as she soaped herself and watched as the warm water sluiced over her body and ran down the reclamation drain.

They were finally aboard the long-range shuttle and Sirex was getting the ship ready for lift off. But the very first thing Phoebe had done when they got into the ship was to make a B-line for the bathroom—or the “fresher” as the Kindred called it. She’d let Sirex think she had an urgent need to pee when the truth was what she really wanted was to get The Goddess’s Finger out of herself.

It was amazing that it hadn’t fallen out before, she thought, as she finished rinsing herself. But it had stayed inside her even when her legs were spread while she was tied to the X shaped cross. Indeed, she’d been a little apprehensive about getting it out. But the minute she made an effort to remove it in the shower, it came out with no problem at all—it was almost like it knew she was safe and it didn’t have to hide anymore. Which made no sense—it was an inanimate object, after all. Still, that was the thought in Phoebe’s head as she washed it off thoroughly and dried it with a towel.

A moment later she was drying herself as well and then—thank goodness!—putting on some normal clothes. Well, trying to, anyway. She found that she couldn’t stand to button the blouse she put on along with her plain black slacks—her nipples were still too sensitive.

Feeling self-conscious, she pulled the soft silk blouse around herself loosely and just let it hang open. Then, holding The Goddess’s Finger wrapped in a towel, she made her way to the front of the ship.


