Dark Warrior (Warrior #2) Read Online Donna Fletcher

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Historical Fiction, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Warrior Series by Donna Fletcher

Total pages in book: 104
Estimated words: 97127 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 486(@200wpm)___ 389(@250wpm)___ 324(@300wpm)

He stepped away from her. “Sleep. Tomorrow we seal our vows.”

Mary watched the door close and she dropped to the floor, her trembling legs not able to hold her up a minute longer.

She had wed to the devil and had descended into hell.

Chapter 28

Mary woke feeling unwell the next morning. She could blame it on all the food she had eaten the night before, but her unsettled stomach had plagued her for the last three mornings, dissipating by midday. She had tried to ignore the signs but they had continued, and she now feared she was with child.

It was barely a month and yet signs warned of an impending pregnancy. She rose from bed and was grateful for the dry bread and honey, though ignored the fresh milk. It seemed to upset her stomach even more.

She did not know what to do. If she did not consummate her marriage soon he would never believe the child his. Then she would place Michael’s child at risk. As much as it abhorred her, she would have no choice but to be intimate with Decimus as soon as possible.

She slipped her husband’s dark green velvet robe over her linen nightshift and sat alone at the table near the window, enjoying the bread and honey. It was a dismal day, rain fell heavily, and she was grateful for the blazing fire that combated the chill.

The door suddenly opened and she looked to see her husband striding into the room, wearing the same clothes he had worn the night before. Loud voices, shouts and cries echoed in the hall and down the stairwell behind him, though the sounds turned to muffles as soon as he shut the door.

Decimus walked over to her, his hand reaching out to stroke her face. Mary had to stop herself from recoiling.

“Are you all right? You look pale.”

His concern startled her and the truth worried her. “A fitful night, that is all.”

He nodded, accepting her simple explanation. “Rest today, I have much to see to.”

“May I be of help, my lord?” she asked, hoping to gain valuable information whether for her or Michael.

“There is nothing you can do. You will remain in our bedchamber today.”

She looked concerned.

“Prisoners have escaped and I must see to their capture.”

She prayed with all her heart that those who had escaped remained free, and she prayed harder that the Dark One, if involved, remained safe from harm.

“Will you be long, my lord?” She suddenly wanted to seal their vows and have done with it.

“I cannot say. The servants have been instructed to see to your care. If they do not serve you well, let me know. You are to want for nothing.” He walked to his chest and retrieved a black cloak.

“I am satisfied to rest and wait on your return.”

He walked over to her and grasped her chin. “You learn your place quickly. That pleases me.”

She looked up at him and he shocked her when he leaned down and brushed his lips across hers.

“Until later, wife.” He then marched out of the room swinging his cloak around his shoulders.

She shivered and pulled the robe tightly to her chest. No one but Michael had ever kissed her, and she felt as if she had just betrayed him. Her stomach suddenly rumbled in protest and without warning she lost what food she had eaten.

Servants arrived to take her tray and see to her needs. They appeared upset when they realized she had been ill.

She assured them all was well, the food fine, that she was only a bit sick from her wedding celebration. They sighed in relief and asked if there was anything she needed. She explained that she wished to rest and not be disturbed until well after noon. They left assuring her no one would bother her.

Mary knew she was taking a chance, but with Decimus gone it would be her one opportunity to investigate the fortress. She did not know what she would find, but her search might prove useful to Michael. And she could not sit all day and do nothing.

She quickly dressed in a plain brown skirt and pale yellow linen blouse. She plaited her hair so as not to draw attention and to make herself appear a mere servant. Having not been introduced to most of the staff, and with the size of the fortress, she was certain no one would question her as long as she appeared busy.

With a pile of linens in hand she left the bedchambers and made her way through the halls and down the stairwell. What she hoped to find she could not say. But then Reena had taught her well about being aware and recording her findings, and being she did not possess Reena’s talents for drawing, she would need to record her findings in words once she returned to her room.


