Dark Song – Dark Carpathians Read online Christine Feehan

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 182
Estimated words: 165649 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 828(@200wpm)___ 663(@250wpm)___ 552(@300wpm)

Lorraine laughed. “As if you’re any different. And Ferro won’t even look at a computer.”

“What is the need when I can look into the mind and get the same information?” Ferro asked. “I learn how to use one, and retrieve the information I am seeking at the same time.”

Lorraine rolled her eyes. “You need to come into this century, Ferro. And why isn’t Elisabeta allowed to speak for herself? You introduced us and yet she hasn’t spoken a word. Andor told me that ancients do not always want their lifemates to speak with other men. We’re family, right? Andor is your brother and I’m your sister, so what’s with the old ways?”

Ferro shrugged his shoulders, no expression on his face. He looked down at the woman he held close to him. Elisabeta was tucked tight against him, his arm around her, nearly swallowing her, making it almost impossible for Lorraine and Andor, positioned on his other side, to see her clearly. He had set up the chairs deliberately for Elisabeta’s comfort, not for that of their visitors. So far, Elisabeta hadn’t given any indication that she wished to engage with the couple. Until she did, he was going to shield her.

Lorraine gave an exaggerated sigh while Andor coughed behind his hand, amusement lighting his eyes. She glared at her lifemate. “Don’t encourage him. Elisabeta, really. Ferro only acts like he’s tough. He’s really a sweet teddy bear. A little gruff sometimes, but he would never, under any circumstances, hurt you. If you want to talk without his permission, go right ahead. If he glares at you, I’ll kick him in the shins for you.”

Ferro not only heard the ring of truth in her voice but knew she had the audacity and courage to back up her threat with action. More, the smallest sound escaped Elisabeta, just in her mind, but he could swear it was a girlish giggle. That pleased him to no end. He knew his larger-than-life warrior-sister would bring his submissive lifemate a completely different perspective, one he wanted her to see. He had no idea Elisabeta would find Lorraine as amusing as he did.

“You, I cannot put over my knee, but my lifemate, I assure you, I can, and will.” In his mind, he made certain that he was rubbing Elisabeta’s bottom sensuously, massaging her buttocks, not in the least hurting her. To Lorraine, he sounded archaic, as if he would spank his lifemate, but he didn’t want his little songbird to fear anything in the way of punishments other than what he’d told her would happen—his kisses.

Lorraine leapt to her feet and paced across the room, all restless energy. “You horrible brute of a man. Don’t you dare threaten that poor defenseless woman.” She stalked right up to him, both fists clenched at her side. “I really am going to kick you in the shins. She needs care, not threats, Ferro.” She drew in air, clearly struggling to calm herself down. “I understand that you’re as old as dirt, but seriously, do you have any idea what she’s been through?”

“Lorraine,” Andor cautioned. “She is his lifemate. That means that they merge minds, just as we do. He knows everything that has happened to her. You are reacting as a human and thinking with your human mind. Think as a Carpathian. Lifemates must provide what the other needs. Ferro knows exactly what his lifemate needs.”

Ferro narrowed his gaze at his brother. You do not need to ruin all my fun.

Lorraine’s hands went to her hips and she stood in front of him for a long while, just staring down into the expressionless mask he wore. “You are such an ass, Ferro. You purposely let me believe you were forbidding her to talk to us just so you could see my head explode, weren’t you?”

“I do not believe you will ever find your Zen, woman. You jump to a conclusion before all the facts are in. My woman needs time to process things, including new people. Now she most likely thinks you are insane, although I did try to prepare her by telling her you are a hothead.”

Lorraine’s eyes narrowed on him. “You did not just call me a hothead.”

“It was difficult trying to get her to understand what that means, although now I’m certain she knows.” Ferro kept his tone droll.

Lorraine burst out laughing. “You’re so impossible. Elisabeta, I love this man like a brother, but I want to wring his neck most of the time. I hope eventually you can come to accept me as a sister in spite of the faults Ferro believes I have.” There was vulnerability in Lorraine’s voice, even though she was smiling.

Beside him, Elisabeta stirred. Ferro threaded his fingers through hers, hoping to give her courage. He could feel that she wanted to speak, but she was so timid.


