Dark Lies (House of Sin #2) Read Online Clarissa Wild

Categories Genre: Angst, Billionaire, Dark, Romance Tags Authors: Series: House of Sin Series by Clarissa Wild

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 75792 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 379(@200wpm)___ 303(@250wpm)___ 253(@300wpm)

And I can’t fucking stop.

Can’t stop letting him touch me, his hands grasping my boobs, his mouth moving down to suck on my nipples until they’re taut. And dammit, if it wasn’t the best feeling in the world.

I thought my torment was going to stop once I found out what I did. All this time, I worked so hard toward getting to know my own secrets, and now that I finally do … nothing’s changed. I’m still in his clutches, still desperate for him to take me.

Why didn’t it end when it should have?

“I thought this was supposed to stop when the sinner had confessed?” I say through heated breaths.

“It doesn’t have to,” he whispers against my skin. “It can go on forever … and ever … and ever.” His tongue dips out to lick me, circling my nipple before he comes back up to claim my mouth again.

And boy, does he claim it. It’s like he wants to lay waste to me. Conquer me and leave nothing behind. Not even scraps. As though he’s afraid that if he doesn’t take all I have to give, someone else will.

And I yield to his powerful gaze, his all-consuming kiss, even when I told myself I never would again.

“Oh, Angel, you undo me,” he murmurs.

But I’m no angel. I’m a liar and a sinner. Just like him.

So maybe he’s right after all …

Maybe we do deserve each other.


Finally, I have my angel in my arms again.

I knew she would come to me eventually. It was only a matter of time before she succumbed and let me in again. And I waited patiently for the moment to arrive.

But I’ll save the arrogant smirks for later. Right now, I want nothing more than to bury my face between these tits and fuck her until she screams my name. No amount of kisses will ever be enough when it comes to her. I must have her in every way, shape, and form.

All this time spent apart has been too much for both my heart and my body to take, and I want nothing more than for her to surrender to me. Be mine, not just the body but the soul too.

And as I plant kisses all over her body, I can feel the barrier between me and her break. Slowly but surely, she’s opening up to the idea of being with me, and it exhilarates me to no end.

My tongue swipes over the roof of her mouth, and a groan follows. I can’t stop myself when every inch of her body begs to be taken. I grasp her waist with both hands and lift her up from the floor, swiping aside everything that was on my desk before I set her down. Screw the consequences because any mess can be cleaned up later. Before she protests, I fiercely fist her hair and cover her mouth with mine, leaving no second wasted.

Her hands rest on my chest, my pecs tightening in response to her every touch. I’d be lying if I said she didn’t have an effect on me. She has more than any other woman before and more than I’d ever let on. No one has gotten this close to me before, this close to unraveling my heart. But she has. She’s twisted me in ways even I didn’t see coming from miles ahead.

When I found her, after years of searching and searching, I thought I would be content with watching her, waiting until she sinned so I could take her into the house to fuck her until she’d confess, and that everything would be over then.

But I was wrong. It was far from over. It was only the beginning of our tumultuous affair. Every time I kissed her, I grew closer to the only truth that ever existed. I didn’t just want to punish her for her sins. I wanted her to be mine … forever.

So I take and I take, planting greedy kisses all over her body, groaning with delight at the idea that I get to do this every single day. Fuck the others, and fuck the consequences. I don’t even care about the house anymore. If I can have her, I’m more than happy.

I kiss her hard and fast, not giving a shit in the world about what it means or how addicted I’ve become to the taste of her lips, to the feel of her tongue wrapping around mine, to the scorching heat between our bodies as we collide.

With my palm, I shove her down onto the desk and grasp her dress, tugging it down and off until her bare pussy is exposed. No more panties; she’s learned that much since she came here. And I enjoy nothing as much as the sight of this pussy right here.

I grasp her waist and tear down my underwear before spreading her legs and thrusting into her. Her mouth forms an o-shape, a moan escaping right before I smash my lips onto hers. My body is on hers as I bury myself deep inside her, her pussy clutching firmly around my cock. She shivers underneath me but still wraps her legs around me.


