Dark Hope – Dark Carpathians Read Online Christine Feehan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Magic, Paranormal, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 155
Estimated words: 142916 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 715(@200wpm)___ 572(@250wpm)___ 476(@300wpm)

Benedek knew it was impossible to wait any longer. Moonlight danced over her skin, bathing her in dazzling, glimmering rays. Her long hair fell down her back in silvery waves, the feel of it against his skin unbelievably sensual. Sweeping her hair off her neck, he kissed that perfect pulse that drew him like a beacon. That sweet spot that beckoned him, a temptation impossible to resist. His need for her grew. He needed the taste of her filling him.

He felt his teeth lengthen. His blood turned hot, rushing to his groin. Come closer to my world, o jelä sielamak. I need you with me.

He continued to inflame her with one hand stroking her breast and tugging on her nipple while his teeth gently scraped back and forth over her frantic pulse. His tongue tasted her skin, tasted her heartbeat. His own heartbeat matched the rhythm of hers, pounding through his veins straight to his cock.

Say yes.

He needed to be skin to skin, to feel her feminine softness against his hardness. He wanted to savor every moment with her, drawing out their time alone together.

It will always be yes to you.

Her voice stroked caresses into his mind just as his fingers stroked them over her curves. His lips found the proof of her life in her neck, and he pressed several kisses over that pulse, needing the affirmation that she was alive. She was his. They belonged.

He sank his teeth deep, connecting them. She cried out, not in fear but in passion, throwing her head back and arching her back to push her breasts into his palm. The taste of her burst through him like a rare aphrodisiac. It wasn’t a simple passion rushing through his veins. His blood turned to molten fire. The fiery blaze spread through his body, settling low, filling his cock with searing heat.

Benedek didn’t distance her from the act of her lifemate exchanging blood. She trusted him. Found the ritual erotic. Sliding one hand down her hip, he caught her thigh, lifting her leg to wrap it around his hip. Skin to skin, her body aligned with his, he moved deeper into her until he felt every curve, every muscle running beneath satin skin.

She moaned, burying her fingers in his hair, unable to keep herself still, her hips rocking into him, her breasts moving subtly against his chest.

I love that you have all this hair, Benedek. It feels so sensual against my body.

Merged as they were, he knew she could feel everything she was doing to his body. Reluctantly he swept his tongue across the twin holes to close them, trailed kisses down her throat to the curves of her breasts. He took his time worshiping her. Spent time bringing her to a fever pitch using his mouth, his tongue, his teeth. He slipped one hand along her inner thigh where her leg wrapped around him. He had never expected to feel so intensely. He hadn’t known it was possible.

I need you, Silke. I will always need you.

Benedek’s teeth scraped along the curve of her breast. His tongue lapped gently in the deep valley before flicking her nipples. Very gently, he lowered her onto the soft blanket he’d brought, immediately kneeling over her so that her body was trapped beneath his.

Silke’s breath escaped in a long gasp as his frame blanketed hers, skin to skin. He knew she could feel the thick hot length of him pressing aggressively against her thigh. When he touched her mind, he felt the chaos of her emotions. Anticipation, excitement, desperate need. Fear, even panic. She felt all of those emotions at once.

I’ve got you, o jelä sielamak, he reassured.

Benedek nudged her thighs apart, spreading her legs wider, allowing him to press the hot crown of his cock against her slick entrance. Her body responded, spilling more honeyed spice in welcome.

Maybe you should hurry, she whispered into his mind. I suddenly have to have you.

We are going to go as slow as possible until I know you are feeling nothing but pleasure.

He hoped he could stay in control long enough to make her first time with him good. His breath left his lungs at the feel of her tight silken sheath gripping him as he eased inside her. Clenching his teeth, he forced himself to go slow, to use his control to allow her body to adjust to the invasion of his. It was nearly an impossible task with Silke moving her hips mindlessly, gripping his shoulders, her nails biting into his skin.

Suddenly she gasped, freezing beneath him. Benedek went still, his mind merge allowing him to feel the pain she was experiencing.

Framing her face with his palms, staring down into her eyes, he held her to him. See me, Silke. Keep your mind merged with mine.

I can’t do this with you.


