Daddy’s Soul – Crime Boss Daddies Read Online Laylah Roberts

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Contemporary, Crime, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 153
Estimated words: 155903 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 780(@200wpm)___ 624(@250wpm)___ 520(@300wpm)

Or if her parents wanted her there.

“It will be fine,” Cat reassured her. “You know that Reuben won’t let anything or anyone hurt you.”

Yeah. That was partially what she was afraid of. Reuben Jones and Public, Missouri did not really seem to mix.

“Will you be all right flying?” Charlie asked with concern.

“I don’t know. Alejandro and Cat are lending us their private jet which will help since Reuben thinks it will be better for me to travel in Little headspace.”

“You got this,” Charlie told her, clasping her hand.

“And if anyone isn’t nice to you, then tell me and I’ll kick their butts,” Cat told her.

Her phone started ringing and Faith picked it up, surprise filling her as she saw who it was.

“Who is it?” Cat asked.

“It’s Cammie.”

“Whoa. Have you heard from her since she here?” Cat asked.

“No.” And it had hurt, she wasn’t going to lie.

Faith had sent her a message to wish her luck, but she’d heard nothing back.

They’d been friends a long time and she’d really thought that Cammie would have been in touch before now.

“Are you going to answer?” Charlie asked.

“Put her on speaker,” Cat urged.

She nodded and answered, putting it on speaker. “Hi, Cammie. How are you?”

“I need to know where he is.”

“Sorry. What?” she asked in confusion.

“Where’s Eric, Faith? What did Reuben do to him?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Cammie,” she said coldly. Was Cammie going to ask how she was? Faith had kind of hoped that once she got away from Eric, her friend would realize what a horrible person he was.

But perhaps not.

“Eric has gone missing. Reuben had to have something to do with it. The house is in foreclosure, there’s no money in the accounts, his boss fired him and hasn’t heard from him since. So where is he?”

Cat stared at her with wide eyes.

That was it.

She was done.

“I have no idea where Eric is and I don’t care,” Faith told her coolly. “Eric is a complete prick and he always has been. It’s not my fault that you can’t see it. And if he’s disappeared, then that’s on him. Not me. Not Reuben. We had nothing to do with it. And if Reuben hears that you’re going around saying that he had something to do with it, then he won’t be pleased. And neither will I. Obviously, Eric is running from his problems. Instead of worrying about him, you’d be better off moving on with your life. I’m going to block your number after this conversation. I’m sorry it came to this, Cammie. And I do love you. But I can’t be friends with you anymore.”

She ended the call before the other woman could say something. Then she immediately blocked her number.

“Faith, are you all right?” Charlie asked.

“I . . . I don’t know. I think I’m in shock. I can’t believe I did that.”

Cat hugged her tight. “She deserved it. She’s a shitty friend. But hopefully she can move on with her life.”

Where was Eric, though?

Did Reuben know?

“I need something to take my mind off this,” she said.

“Oh. I have just the thing.” Cat climbed off the bed and grabbed her large handbag and pulled out a packet of water balloons and a container of blue dye.

“Oh no,” Faith said.

“Oh yes.” Cat grinned. “We’re going to fill these up with blue-colored water and pelt our Daddies when they walk out of Reuben’s study.”

“I’m out.” Charlie stood, holding up his hands.

“But you’ve got to help us, Charlie.” Cat pouted. “All for one and one for all Littles.”

“That isn’t how the saying goes,” Faith told her dryly.

“Eh. Well, we’re all in this together. I don’t know about Reuben, but Alejandro is being very extra, and he needs to chill out.”

“Cat, you were arrested,” Charlie pointed out. “Of course he’s being extra.”

“He spanked me every night for a week after it happened!” Cat cried. “That’s just not cool. I need to find someone to complain to. There must be a Governing body of Littles, right? Or laws against smacking your Little’s bottom so much.”

“Yeah. I don’t think there is,” Faith told her with a commiserating smile.

“You just have to take your licks,” Charlie added.

“Well, now, I’m going to have some fun. Now, who is with me?” She held up the water balloons.

They filled up the water balloons. Cat reassured her that the blue dye wouldn’t stain.

And then they’d crept down to wait outside the office door for Reuben and Alejandro.

Cat and Charlie hid behind a hall table while Faith was behind a big potted plant.

The door opened, and Cat jumped out with a yell, her hands already filled with balloons, which she threw at an unsuspecting Reuben and Alejandro.

Both of them had quick reflexes, though. They ducked back into the office. Cat ran after them with a cry that brought Rafael running from the kitchen.


