Daddy’s Obsession (Crime Boss Daddies #1) Read Online Laylah Roberts

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Kink, Mafia, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Crime Boss Daddies Series by Laylah Roberts

Total pages in book: 153
Estimated words: 154595 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 773(@200wpm)___ 618(@250wpm)___ 515(@300wpm)

Fuck. His head spun slightly. A mix of pleasure and exhaustion flooded him.

He slumped back on the bed, feeling drowsy and relaxed. In fact, he wasn’t sure of the last time he’d felt this relaxed.

“Come up here, girl. Get your clothes off and then sit on my face. I wanna eat you out.”

“I’ve just got to go to the bathroom real quick.”

He grumbled, but he supposed he couldn’t stop her.

“You have three minutes, and then I’m coming after you.”

“Okay, Grampy. Why don’t you just lie there and get yourself comfortable.”

“That nickname is not happening, brat.” After he’d eaten her out, he intended to have her ride him. He wouldn’t mind bending her over and fucking her. But that would have to wait for another day. Maybe tying her to the table and fucking her mouth then her pussy. Hmm . . . that had possibilities.

Or she could sit on his lap and he’d fuck her as she bent forward. Yeah. Another good idea.

He had more . . . lots more . . . he just couldn’t think of them all right now. But later . . . yep . . .

Maeve tiptoed out of the bathroom.

She’d had a feeling he was going to fall asleep if she just left him alone for a few minutes. Not that she hadn’t wanted to sit on his face. Nope, her clit was complaining loudly about getting left out.

But she could put up with that. Especially if it meant that he’d get some sleep. She didn’t like the dark marks under his eyes. He looked like he could use a good night’s rest. And if he needed her to help him . . .

She’d noticed how extra grouchy he was too. Not that it worried her. She thought it was funny when he was all grumpy. She stared down at him, wondering if he’d wake up if she put a blanket over him. He was bare from the waist down, his cock still at half-mast.

It was so cute.

She had to grin at that thought. She was pretty sure he’d scowl and bluster at her if she called his cock cute.

Hmm . . . that did give her an idea, though.

No, she shouldn’t.

It was too naughty.

But it would be sooo funny. Did she dare?


Gray stretched.

Fuck. When did his bed get so uncomfortable? A strawberry scent hit his nose.

That wasn’t the way his bed smelled.

And his sheets weren’t this scratchy. The pillow wasn’t practically non-existent. Fuck, he thought he had a permanent crick in his neck now.

He sat up suddenly, looking around.

Yep, he was in Maeve’s bedroom.

He’d fallen asleep on her bed.


“Oh, you’re awake.” Maeve looked over at him sleepily from where she was sitting on the sofa. She had something on her lap. Material? Was she making something?

“I fell asleep,” he grumbled. “What are you doing?”

“Making a dog outfit. That’s what I do for a living.”


“You should sleep some more. You were tired.”

He glanced down at his watch. Fuck. It was midnight.

And he had to piss. Badly. Getting up, he glanced over at Maeve with a frown. “Why didn’t you wake me?”

“You know, for some reason, I thought you’d wake up in a better mood.”

He walked into the bathroom, still feeling half-asleep.

Standing at the toilet, he reached down for his dick, only to feel something around it. What was . . . was that . . . oh no, that brat hadn’t.

Then he heard the giggles.

“Maeve!” he yelled. Yeah, he probably shouldn’t scream. These walls were likely thin as fuck. Plus, he didn’t want to scare her. He knew he could be intimidating

“Yes!” she yelled back.

Okay, maybe he didn’t intimidate her like he thought he did.

“Did you tie a red ribbon around my dick?”

She slid her face around the edge of the door. He was aware he was standing over the toilet about to piss, but he didn’t care. Wasn’t like he was shy.

“Me? Surely not.”

He raised his eyebrows. “You’re saying someone else snuck into this place while you were otherwise occupied and the only thing they did was tie a bow around my cock?”

“Well, maybe they thought it was a present . . . a gift . . .” She broke into giggles.

Good. Lord.

Yeah, she was really intimidated by him. The laughter continued as he drew the ribbon off. She’d somehow managed to thread it through the bottom button hole of his shirt first before tying it.

How the fuck had she managed to do that while he was sleeping? He never slept that deeply.

You were exhausted. And she’d just sucked you off.

He never fell asleep after coming.

That was just fucking humiliating.

Christ, what was he thinking? She could have done anything to him, and he wasn’t talking about his gift-wrapped dick.

Obviously, he needed to get some more sleep. He was making bad judgment calls.

“Are you going to pee?” she asked. “Do you need help unwrapping your dick?”


