Daddy’s Little Artist – Daddies For Dollars Read Online M.A. Innes

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic, M-M Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 73035 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 365(@200wpm)___ 292(@250wpm)___ 243(@300wpm)

Since he wasn’t wrong, I shrugged. “Should I ask why the FedEx guy hangs around long enough for you to smell him?”

That got me another quiet laugh as he shook his head.

“Okay, then maybe I should be here the next time you get something delivered because it sounds like the pothead has a crush on you.” I didn’t think it was too overprotective, but Camden’s head popped up and his eyes went wide.

When he finally managed to close his mouth, he swallowed as his brain came back online. “He does?”

“Sounds like it.” Yep, I was absolutely going to say hello to the FedEx guy.

My cutie was definitely taken and the pothead needed to know that.

“That’s…uncomfortable. Yes, that’s definitely uncomfortable.” Camden’s delightful brain took off running with that tangent and as his gaze went thoughtful and distracted, I knew I had my chance.

“He doesn’t know you as well as I do, though. I know you wouldn’t buy sex toys online or anything like that. You have much more important things to buy, like chicken nuggets and new crayons and all kinds of things.” He was so lost in thought he just nodded.

“Yes…I…important things.” As he turned and looked toward the front of the house, I stayed very still so I wouldn’t accidentally distract him.

“He wouldn’t have been able to guess about your surprise for me. He just doesn’t know you that well.” When Camden nodded again, I knew I’d guessed right.

“Yes, I like surprising you, Daddy, not strangers. That’s why I’m not going to take pictures and put it on the internet no matter what.” That seemed to be the point when his brain tuned back into our conversation instead of whatever he’d been imagining.

Clamping his lips together as his eyes went cartoon-sized, he decided hiding against me was the best course of action.

I couldn’t help it.

I laughed.

It was quiet, though.

Very quiet.

And as I got my nearly silent laughter under control, Camden sighed. “Daddy, you’re very naughty.”

I had to be to stay ahead of my wicked boy.

“What kind of surprise did you get me, baby?” I wasn’t sure if that was the best place to start, but his groan said it was going to be an interesting discussion no matter how we got to the end. “I like surprises.”

“I know.” His dramatic tone was utterly adorable and didn’t tell me a damned thing about what he’d done. “I like surprising you too. I like making you pictures and sundaes and drawings and lots of things.”

Kissing his head, I had to agree with his list. “And you like making me cookies too. You did a wonderful job with those and you even helped make the soup.”

He’d mostly just stirred and watched it like it was some kind of witch’s brew from an old cartoon, but he’d helped.

“I’m very good at doing things for you, Daddy.” The way he gave himself props had me smiling. “But sometimes I have to surprise you with things I can’t make. So I have to order that kind of stuff. I can’t really cook or make sex toys or even make clothes.”

Okay, so he’d bought clothes of some sort. “You’re learning to cook, though, baby, and don’t forget, you made me dinner on our first date. I thought those were the best ABC nuggets ever.”

My response had him going still and then sighing as he tried not to laugh. “Daddy, that’s not what you were supposed to say.”

“Why? They were very good and you were a wonderful host when I showed up unexpectedly.” He really had done spectacularly well considering my mood and the situation in general. “You were delightful and pulled me right into being a Daddy. Yep, magical.”

That got another giggle from him, but it didn’t last long and soon the sigh was back.

How many new pairs of pajamas had he bought?

Little Camden had an impulse control problem, but it was usually associated with things like hording chicken nuggets in that ridiculously sized freezer in the garage he somehow thought I still didn’t know about.

This was the first time he seemed to feel guilty about clothes, so I knew I was missing something. Had he found a new passion besides the bear theme? I could see him feeling guilty over having impulse purchased an entire new wardrobe for his little side, but it wasn’t like he couldn’t afford it.

Was I supposed to have bought it and he thought I would be upset?

Was this a Daddy rule I hadn’t realized I needed to implement?

Okay, new plan was still the old plan…ignore it until he confessed the problem on his own.

“You even offered me my choice of things to dip them in.” And so confidently too. “I was very impressed.”

When he giggled again, he shifted so he could curl into me and have most of his body lying on the couch. “You’re so silly.”


