Daddy’s Little Artist – Daddies For Dollars Read Online M.A. Innes

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic, M-M Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 73035 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 365(@200wpm)___ 292(@250wpm)___ 243(@300wpm)

No wonder he’d giggled.

But since that was better than him getting weirdly mad, I took a deep breath. “Happy Dom can be turned into aroused Dom very easily.”

Yes, that was logical.

“I have to figure out what his limits are since we haven’t gone on that many dates.” Yes, I didn’t want to rush him. “I just want to make him happy and touch his cock and—”

He appeared behind me.


I might’ve screamed.

Just maybe.

But it was more like a manly inhale.

Yes. That was it.

His eyes sparkled as he clamped his lips together while I caught my breath. As my heart slowly stopped racing like we were being attacked by zombies, he managed not to laugh. “I’m sorry. I had no intention of startling you, but when I kept asking if you were okay and I didn’t hear anything but mumbling, you made me nervous.”


When I could breathe, I looked at him in the mirror. “You called out?”

He nodded slowly. “Several times. Are you okay?”

“Um, well, I’m slightly mortified and I might’ve lost a few years off my life there, but overall I’m not dead?” My answer had his trying not to laugh face coming back for a moment.

But thankfully, the humor faded from his eyes quickly as he stepped closer and trapped me against the vanity. “Would it help if I kissed you to make it better?”

Effortlessly shifting from finding me adorably ridiculous to something sexier, Daddy slowly inched down until his lips brushed against my neck. As he kissed right under my ear, reminding me of the first time he’d come over so mad, he let out a soft, sexy sound. “I liked your plan, baby. Making me happy and touching my cock sounds like a wonderful to-do list this morning.”

The way the blood in my body was rushing back and forth between my head and my dick was making me almost dizzy as it fought to keep me hard and blush at the same time. It was the overachiever of the day because it somehow did both.

Daddy didn’t seem to mind either one, though.

As he started nibbling on my neck, this time as he chuckled, it sounded wicked and sexy. “Were you trying to work up the courage to ask me to use you, baby, or did you want to be in charge of making me happy?”

Oh, either.

Yes, both?

He made it almost impossible to get the words out as his teeth started sending shivers through me. It took a few long moments to find where my brains had wandered off to. “I…either, Daddy. But…I…”


He chuckled again, pressing one last kiss on my neck before pulling back to let me think. “Better?”


Leaning back against his chest, I closed my eyes and nodded. “Yes. I…either, Daddy, but I guess I was thinking of making you happy?”

I wasn’t going to say I’d been thinking about being in charge because that’d honestly never occurred to me, but I liked the idea of kissing him and touching him.

“Then how about you come back to bed, baby, and I’ll let you explore Daddy any way you want since you’ve been so good.” His sexy tone and talking about rewarding me had me wanting to melt and my dick got even harder.

Daddy didn’t miss my reaction.

He brought one hand up and started caressing under the shirt, stroking over me as he went back to sprinkling kisses along my neck. “You can use your hands or your lips to explore every inch. I’m hoping that pretty mouth of yours eventually finds its way to my dick, though.”

The dick in question was barely restrained by his boxer briefs and was pressing temptingly against my ass.

The way he was rocking it against me felt incredible, especially with the way he had me trapped, but as he continued to inch up my shirt, I got distracted…and worried…again. “Daddy, I was…my clothes…”

Frowning, I closed my eyes and just soaked up his touch. Not watching definitely made focusing easier, but it took me a moment to get the words out…Daddy didn’t seem to be in a rush, though.

“It didn’t matter to you that I wasn’t little when I woke up dressed in my little stuff?” When he didn’t react to the question immediately, I continued. “I mean, I have my teddy shirt on and no pants. I probably look—”

Daddy cut me off before I could finish the sentence. “Oh no. You’d better not be saying anything mean about my sweet boy.”

And the blush came back.

“No, Daddy.” It wasn’t lying. I hadn’t been going to say anything mean, just honest. There was a difference.

He scoffed, not believing me for a second. “Naughty boy. But I’ll forgive you this once because you’re not thinking right.”

He was ridiculous.

But he went back to kissing me, so I decided to forgive him.

“Yes, you’re cute when you’re in your little clothes, and I loved watching you light up last night when you got dressed in your pajamas, but clothes aren’t why I like you, baby.” He took a moment to nibble on my ear, scrambling my brain again as he sent waves of pleasure through me.


