Cyrus Read Online Jessica Gadziala (The Henchmen MC #9)

Categories Genre: Biker, Erotic, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Henchmen MC Series by Jessica Gadziala

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 79007 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 395(@200wpm)___ 316(@250wpm)___ 263(@300wpm)

"I have to get to work," I grumbled.

"Mhmm," he agreed, moving to me, taking my hips, and pulling me against his body. "We can't say good morning like we are supposed to." Even the mention of it made my sex tighten in anticipation. "So I will have to fuck you twice later," he added, smile wicked. "Your place this time?"

Realizing suddenly exactly how loud I had been the night before in a club full of bikers, ah, yeah, I was pretty sure it would be my place from then on.

"Sounds good."

"I'll listen to you bitch for an hour about Barb first," he promised.

"Sounds even better," I agreed, kissing him back for a short moment after his lips claimed mine.

"Alright, go finish getting done so I can walk you to your car, and give you a big, embarrassing kiss right out front for anyone to see."

He totally did that too.

And I was riding the high of it all through work, Barb's ranting and raving just barely registering as I went about my work, my mind focused on what was coming after, who would be waiting for me at home.

For the first time, that 'who' was not actually a fictional character.

And it was pretty darn exciting.



It was only a matter of time.

Once the news was out to the girls club, no matter how loyal Elsie and Alex may have been about allowing Reese to clear the air in her own time, those two being the biggest threats to the secret getting out there to them, the group was simply too big for it all not to get around. Everyone knew everyone who knew everyone else.

It was going to happen.


I just maybe hadn't anticipated how soon though.

"Wait," I said, shaking my head. "They're still keeping V locked up?" I asked Reeve, not understanding the logic there.

"Yeah, we don't get it either. I guess maybe whoever this is, isn't from around here, doesn't know the problems V caused. Or, if they do know, they don't know how to handle it yet. She's got contacts they might want. She's a conniving, evil, unpredictable person though too. And, you know, she's a woman. Maybe it is as simple as not wanting to kill a woman. Who knows."

They still hadn't seen the new player's face. Not since Michael fucking Jackson was someone so devoted to keeping their face hidden. It was only a matter of time though. Roan, it seemed, was obsessive when given a job. Reeve claimed he would pull a sixteen-hour surveillance shift all by himself night after night if everyone else needed to get some sleep.

"He's a machine," Reeve agreed when I said that to him though. "He won't stop until he knows. Did you get the text from Wasp this morning?" he asked.

"I don't even know where my phone is," I admitted.

His smile then was a little devilish, something you didn't often see on Reeve, likely thinking I was too come-drunk to remember shit like my phone. "Of course not. Well, she's still in town."

"Wait, what?"

If there was one thing you could count on with Wasp, it was her wanderlust. I swear she started to twitch if she stayed in one place for too long. She was always on the move, always seeing new places, experiencing new things, bringing down new men. She had always been an antsy kid, always needing to be up and doing things, not lounging on the couch like the rest of us. She wanted to be out. And then when she was old enough, she wanted to be out of our little corner of the world.

She would blow into town on a whim, then was gone before you could even fully catch up with her. If we got to see her the whole day of Christmas, it was a small miracle.

"Yeah, apparently the situation with Raven isn't clearing up as fast as Wasp was hoping."

"So this guy isn't a mark?"

Reeve shrugged. "If he was, it seems like he isn't anymore. And Wasp doesn't want to leave her behind."

They had been attached at the hips for too long for that. I didn't know how they did it, spending every waking (and sleeping) hour in a small RV together, in each other's space, never able to get any true privacy. But they had somehow always managed. Actually, not just 'managed' because that implied there was some form of hardship. No, they seemed to love every minute of it. There were Instagram posts to prove it.

This must have been driving Wasp up a wall, staying put for so long, but also being away from her partner in crime as well.

"Where is she holed up?"

"She drove the RV up to some place by the beach where they let her keep it. She's trying to make the best of it. She wants to have dinner or come hang here one of the nights this week. And I think she wants to meet your girl."


