Cyrus Read Online Jessica Gadziala (The Henchmen MC #9)

Categories Genre: Biker, Erotic, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Henchmen MC Series by Jessica Gadziala

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 79007 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 395(@200wpm)___ 316(@250wpm)___ 263(@300wpm)

Then, when I was too far gone to even care about divots, stretch marks, or anything of the sort, his bare, calloused palm started slamming down hard on my cheek, making my body jolt in surprise even as a tightening started in my core, showing me yet another side of my desire I hadn't known existed before.

It was fast. Too fast.

I had never really been one for multiple orgasms at all, let alone through sex. But there was no denying that I was almost there as his hand landed one hard, final smack before his body curled over mine, his hand yanking my hair to the side, then his other hand closing around my throat again just as the orgasm ripped through me, pressing in just hard enough to make crying out as loudly as we both knew I would impossible.

When I was spent, collapsing forward, he let me, releasing my hair as he buried deep, and came with my name on his lips.

His knees hit the edge of the bed as he sucked in a deep breath, reaching down to sink his fingers into my hip, giving it a little squeeze, before he pulled out of me to walk to the bathroom.

I scooted up on the bed, climbing under the covers, my butt kind of burning as it scraped across the sheets from the spanking I hadn't been expecting, but certainly found just as hot as it was in all those eroticas I had read.

Cy came back a moment later, sliding under the sheets, and pulling me to his chest for a change.

"You okay?" he asked, fingertips gliding over the skin of my back, making a shiver course through me. "That was unexpectedly, ah..."

"Intense?" I supplied, knowing it was the right word for me. "Yes, I'm fine. Amazing, actually."

"Yeah, I'm pretty amazing, I know," he agreed, deadpan, making me turn my head up to find him smiling down, making me let out a laugh. "You're pretty amazing too, Ree," he added, but this time he wasn't smiling; he was as serious as I had ever seen him. "And let's just decide that whatever comes our way - be they annoying bikers who can't mind their own business, or your big, scary brothers, we just deal with it as it shows up. There's no use harping on it until it is actually a problem."

That wasn't exactly my go-to method. I was a harper. I harped hard. But, somehow, in his arms, body tired, mind a little fuzzy with all the feel-good hormones, I felt like just this once, I could maybe not harp.

I could take things as they came.

I didn't know, though, that what was coming the following morning wasn't some annoying bikers who couldn't mind their own business or even my big, scary brothers.

Oh, no.

What came the next morning was possibly even scarier.

It was the girls club.


I woke up to a frantic pounding on the door, making me spring up in bed, completely disoriented by my surroundings as I tried to wipe the sleep from my eyes.

The slamming just kept coming, and I was acutely aware that I was still completely naked, and that the spot beside me was empty.

Cyrus had left.

Maybe to get me a cup of coffee.

Maybe that was him at the door.

But why would he be knocking like that.

My stomach clenched hard as I dropped onto my belly, reaching for Cy's discarded shirt from the night before, slipping it on, worried that if whoever was there didn't get an answer soon, they would just barge right in on my nakedness.

"Ree!" a female voice called through the door. "Ree, you don't have a lot of time," it added, making me realize I knew that voice. But it didn't belong in The Henchmen compound.

Yanking the shirt down to make sure it covered my behind, I flew off the bed and toward the door, pulling it open to find her standing there.

My brother's girl, Elsie.

"Elsie, what are you doing here?" I whisper-hissed at her.

"The girls club is coming. And I mean now. So you need to get some pants on. I only got here first because I cut Janie off, and got her stuck at the light."

"Wait... what?" I asked, not awake - or caffeinated - enough to fully grasp what she was saying, or, you know, how Elsie managed to look absolutely flawless at eight o'clock in the morning in her tight gray business dress, five-inch nude heels, styled blonde hair, and made-up eyes. What time did she get up in the morning?

Elsie gave me a smile, pushing into the room to close the door. "Where are the pants you were, oh here," she said, finding them, balling them up, and tossing them at me. "Put these on. Brush your teeth. Splash some cold water on your face. You have T-minus two minutes before they all burst through that front door."


