Cyrus Read Online Jessica Gadziala (The Henchmen MC #9)

Categories Genre: Biker, Erotic, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Henchmen MC Series by Jessica Gadziala

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 79007 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 395(@200wpm)___ 316(@250wpm)___ 263(@300wpm)

She almost screamed out as the orgasm wracked its way through her, her pussy squeezing me so tight that it was hard to keep thrusting. I wasn't a quitter, though, and I fucked her through it, waiting until the waves were done crashing before I buried deep, and got to come myself, the intensity of which blacked out my vision for a long second.

"Oh my God," she gasp/whimpered a moment later, my hand still at her throat, but not squeezing anymore.

I smiled as I leaned down to press a kiss into her shoulder.

A little choking never failed.

Ask your boyfriend if auto-erotic asphyxiation is right for you.

It was.

It always fucking was.

You know, if the dipshit knew how to do it right.

"I changed my mind," I said as I pulled out of her and she rolled back onto her back to look at me. "That is how we say good morning now."

Her smile was a mix of bemused and dreamy. "I can get behind that," she agreed with a teasing smile.

"No, angel, you have that backward. I'm going to be the one getting behind you. A fucking lot," I added as I moved to jump off the other side of the bed, going into the bathroom to deal with the condom.

I realized as I tossed it, that I had never, not once in my life, fucked without one. And that this, this thing with Reese and me, it might be another first on that front too. Once we got there. Once we talked about it.

I walked out after washing my hands to find her sitting off the side of the bed, still naked, but her hair cascading around her, masking a lot from view.

There was a heaviness in the air that I couldn't place. "What's the matter, Ree?"

Her head lifted slowly, her eyes a little sad. "I don't want to go back," she admitted, shrugging her shoulder.

Whether she realized it or not, there was a question there, a need to know if maybe what we had here would stay here, if New York was New York, and Navesink Bank was Navesink Bank. If things would be different.

Given that I was who I was, well, I couldn't fucking blame her for worrying about that.

"Ree," I said moving over to her, dropping down in front of her to put a hand over where hers were clasped by her knees. "I know that all you have likely heard about me is that I'm a slut, that I get around, that I'm some outlaw biker, that that is all my life is about. There is some truth in that, even. I was a slut. I did get around. I am, and will continue to be, a Henchmen. But I think you know me well enough at this point to know that that isn't all there is to me."

"I know that," she admitted. And, given how much time we had spent with each other, sharing interests and passions, I knew she did. "It's just... we have such separate lives, Cy."

I let my smile be teasing though I didn't feel light-hearted in the moment. This shit was serious, and I was going to treat it as such. But Reese had a tendency to think and overthink a thought to absolute death, then raise it from the dead, only to stake it again.

"You want to come to the compound, bunny rabbit?" I asked, making her snort a little at the nickname, one I had a feeling I would be using a lot, if for no other reason than that it was unique to her, it was one I had never used on another woman, it was one that had personal meaning for us. "You want to meet Reeve? You want to get to know the guys I hang with? You want to be in that area of my life, Ree, you just need to tell me that."

There was a beat, her taking a deep breath, her eyes on my beard before moving up to my eyes. "I want to be in every area of your life," she admitted, her voice a small whisper.

"Well then, we will get you some leathers, combat boots and... what? Come on, you'd look sexy as fuck in leather pants. And a leather corset. Oh yeah..." I teased, closing my eyes to relish the idea.

"I've seen The Henchmen women," she said with an eye roll. "They dress normally."

"Fine. You can wear your cute as fuck nerd gear then. So, we done somehow thinking that this isn't serious? Because, let me tell you, this is as serious as my beard-care routine is to me."

She laughed at that, smile big enough to crease the skin beside her stunning green eyes. "You're ridiculous."

"You love it," I shot back, slapping my hands on her thighs to push up. "Come on, we gotta get dressed so we can grab some bagels or something on the way."


