Cord Read Online Jordan Silver (SEAL Team Seven #5)

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: SEAL Team Seven Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 97696 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 488(@200wpm)___ 391(@250wpm)___ 326(@300wpm)

By end of day, I was a wreck. Never in my life would I have ever thought one little girl could tie me up in so many knots. It was like going through withdrawals, any minute now I expected to break out in a sweat. The guys left me alone when they were no longer getting a rise out of me. And I have to admit to being relieved that that shit was over with.

They didn’t have to say the words, but I knew they were happy for me. And with the joking aside, they knew I would never hurt her. If I thought for one moment that I was too much for her I would’ve…no, that’s a lie. I would never have given her up, not for anything.


I sat through dinner at Zak’s but my heart wasn’t in it. I felt off not having her here, like I was missing a limb. No one made mention of my silent withdrawal but I knew they were all aware. And when I excused myself early no one thought anything of it.

I walked around my place trying to pick up her scent. I lifted her pillow to my nose and inhaled deeply. In the closet, I ran my hands over the clothes she’d left hanging there, but it wasn’t enough, I wanted her here with me, where she belonged.

I laid awake in bed, tossing and turning like a bitch until I finally settled it in my mind that I was never letting her do this shit again, that this was the last time I’d spend a night like this. It was the only way I could find enough peace to put my mind at rest. I called her one last time to say goodnight and the sadness in her voice convinced me that she missed me as much as I did her.


“Yes baby?”

“When can I come home?”

“Tomorrow, I’m coming for you tomorrow. Your mom’s just gonna have to deal.” That seemed to perk her up a little before we said goodnight and hung up. Only then was I able to nod off, but even then I didn’t let myself go in to deep REM, not while she was so far away from me.




“Mengele the fu…I mean what are you up to little girl?”

“Nothing daddy.” Nothing my ass! There were fumes coming out the beaker she was fucking around with. The pothead decided to give her a complete chemistry set and now I sleep with one eye open. The little shit scares me more than the fucks in the desert.

“I told you about lying to me?” She has this way of looking at me that makes me want to give her-her way in everything. “I’m not lying daddy, promise. Daddy can you get me some PVC?” That sounded innocent enough, but I’m not trusting that shit.

“What are you gonna use it for?” I folded my arms and waited for whatever was gonna come out of her mouth. Damn kid can twist the truth better than a politician. “Stuff.” What the fuck? I sighed and rubbed the bridge of my nose where a headache was just getting started.

“I’m not getting it unless you tell me what it’s for.” She studied me like she was the adult and I the pain in the ass kid. “Hmm, I’ll just have to ask somebody else then.” She started humming as she went back to her concoction. Shit, I have to put out a bulletin to everybody in the family. Fuck I forgot. Now she has a network of people she’d hoodwinked into buying her innocent act.

She’d worked the SEALs and their women when they were here for the holidays. Now she talks to them on the computer with the Face whatever the fuck. “Let’s go it’s movie night.” At least once a week Kat, and I along with the kids watch a show together. I’ve seen more brainless shit in the last couple years than I care to remember, but a man’s gotta do his part or he’ll get shit from the wife.

She sighed and mumbled some shit under her breath before putting away her little experiment. The way she moved told me that whatever the shit was it was dangerous. I’ll have to remember to toss the shit when she goes to bed later.

The others were already gathered in the theatre room with popcorn and enough candy to rot their damn teeth. “It’s your turn to pick the movie Catalina what did you choose?”

“SAW one through six.” She ran and jumped in her seat while the other kids groaned. I just looked at her while in my head I ran through all the facilities in the country that could do something with her before she ended up on the FBI’s most wanted list.

“Kat…” That one held up her hand as she tried to slide by me. “Mengele we’re not watching that, I thought I got rid of that crap.” I’ma sue the fucking credit card company for letting her order that shit. “Watch Cinderella or some shi…”

“That’s boring daddy, that’s for babies.” Why the fuck me? The others didn’t say anything because the last time they complained about her movie of choice, I lit into them for ganging up on my baby. Fuck did I know she was into this shit?

Now they were looking at me like this shit was my fault. I looked at Kat’s pregnant ass and my soul groaned. If even one of the triplets she was carrying turned out like this one, I’m not gonna make it. No fucking way.

I made her choose something else which pissed her off no end, but I’m accustomed to the females in this family being mad at some fuck any given hour of the damn day.

It sure did my heart good though that we could sit here like this. Little Cody was already in his crib asleep and the other five were glued to the TV. The only time the house was this quiet.

After the movie, I took Mengele up to bed because as usual, she fell asleep on the couch. I took my shower and locked up before heading upstairs to give Kat’s greedy ass her nightly dose so she could go off to sleep or stay up and read, whatever she was in the mood for. Pregnancy always makes her feisty and her pussy stays hungry. I’m not complaining though.


