Cord Read Online Jordan Silver (SEAL Team Seven #5)

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: SEAL Team Seven Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 97696 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 488(@200wpm)___ 391(@250wpm)___ 326(@300wpm)

Though being caught up in this mess couldn’t have come at a worse time, I would never regret finding her. I smiled across the way before turning back to the room. Now isn’t the time to take my mind on that trip. Now I have to concentrate on making sure she stays safe, she and all my new sisters.

I went back over what we had so far in my head, but it was like walking into a brick wall every time. You know there’s something on the other side, but you can’t get to it because there’s something in the way. Maybe it was time to climb over that wall.

We might have to change things up a little though. Maybe it’s because I’ve always been the observant one, the one who took everything in and dissected it until it made sense. But I was beginning to think that we were going about this shit all wrong. We’ve never had this much trouble getting to the bottom of shit before, so why now?

I hadn’t said anything until now. I was more than happy to follow the norm. The way we always did on an Op. Logan as the leader of our little gang here had his own ideas about how to deal with the situation. I’ve been following his lead for so long now that I never questioned it. But this wasn’t the frontline where we were fighting for the greater good, to protect a faceless number of people in our home country from terrorist. This shit was personal. Maybe it was time we started treating it that way.

“You know Lo, I think we’ve been coming at this thing all wrong. We’ve been handling it like an Op, but we forgot, on those ops we had the military behind us, calling the plays. Now from all that we’ve gathered so far, it seems those same men or at least some of them, are involved in this shit, and we’re the enemy.” It wouldn’t be the first time a government had turned on its own.

“We’re no longer inside brother, it’s us and them now. I think it’s time we use what we learned on their dime and go to war, our own war. I feel like a fucking sitting duck with this back and forth shit and it’s getting us nowhere. I say from here on out we go for first strike and bring these fuckers down.”

“What the fuck are you talking about Cord? Open warfare against the Pentagon?” He’s such a hothead, that’s the difference between my brothers and I. I prefer a systematic destruction of my enemies; they like to go in guns blazing, so of course that’s what he’d think.

“No, just against the ones involved in this no matter how high up the food chain they are. They’ve been calling the shots so far. Whoever is in bed with The Fox has their ducks all in a row. I say we start taking out those fucks one by one starting at their flank. I’ve given this shit a lot of thought and in retrospect we’ve been playing defense this whole time, it’s time we make the first move on these fucks.”

“I see, you’re becoming like Ty, you’re taking lessons from Lyon now.” Ty threw him the finger as he came back into the room. “It’s done and we went over the rooms up there, we’re clear.” Ty dropped into a chair and folded his arms behind his head. “So what have we decided?” He’s been chomping at the bit since our time at Law’s. The fact that the man who’d worked his woman over was gone didn’t make much of a difference to him. Like the rest of us, he wanted the ones pulling the strings.

It was a fact that this thing was hanging over all our heads. It wouldn’t have mattered if they’d only gone after one of our women or all of them. We are a team always, inseparable. I want my happily fucking ever after, and I want it for my brothers and their women.

I want to watch Susie walk down the aisle and put her hand in mine, and I want to do that shit without worrying there’s a gun pointed at my back. “I have an idea-I was just telling the others that we need to take lead on this shit starting now. We have the players, we know some of what they’re up to, but waiting around for them to make the next move isn’t gonna get us any closer to finding out the rest. I say we use what we have now and make a move on them.”

“Sounds good to me. At least we know what would hurt the fuck up and his family, even if we don’t exactly know what the Fox’s stake is in this.” Of course Ty would be on board, no surprise there. But we all needed to be on the same page.

Quinn, Dev and Zak said pretty much the same thing. The only holdouts were Logan and Connor, which was not surprising either. Those two would make great CEOs. Thinking fucks. They like to have everything lined up from beginning to end and I know Lo especially, wouldn’t make a move unless he could see the end result.

No one said anything as we waited. I guess it’s hard to break out of that habit. We’d fit together as a team so well for so long, that it wouldn’t feel right to do anything else this late in the game. We’d planned out our lives together for fuck sake, even going so far as to build our own little compound so we could be together always.

Logan did his pacing shit, which always meant the wheels were turning, and Con tapped his finger on his chin. “Okay, let’s rock.” Lo looked around the room at all of us with that gleam in his eyes.

“As always we watch our six every step of the fucking way. These people have resources we can only dream of. But to tell you the truth, if it comes down to going head to head with them, or telling Gabriella that we have to put off the wedding of her dreams one more time, they’re pretty much fucked.”


