Committed (Brides of the Kindred #26) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Brides of the Kindred Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 118
Estimated words: 110492 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 552(@200wpm)___ 442(@250wpm)___ 368(@300wpm)

“Mmmm…” La’Gross’s slitted eyes lit up with considerable interest. “What’s that then?” he wanted to know, staring down at the jar.

“This is a batch of artisan cinnamon apples—a delicious gourmet treat from my planet,” Torri told him. “Not only that, they were handmade by a world-renowned chef who specialized in sweets.”

She didn’t know what Nana would think about hearing herself described like that, but her grandmother certainly had been good at desserts and her cinnamon apples were undeniably delicious.

Torri hoped they would tempt the alien mechanic enough that he would take the mason jar filled with cinnamon apples in lieu of the last fifty yorns they owed him. She hadn’t forgotten what Vic had told her about the Gemmites having a “sweet tooth” in the middle of their mouths.

Indeed, as she watched, La’Gross’s top lip pulled up, revealing a pulsing red tooth-like thing right in the center of his upper line of broad, plate-like teeth.

“Well, well—an alien delicacy, you say?” he rumbled, sniffing with his tiny, slit-like nostrils again.

“One that no one on your planet has ever tasted,” Torri assured him. “You could serve them to your guests at your next dinner party to impress them. Or you could keep them all for yourself,” she added enticingly.

“Mmmm…they smell so good they make my tooth itch!” La’Gross rumbled. He looked at Torri. “And how much do you want for this alien delicacy?”

“Fifty yorns,” Torri said promptly. “I won’t insult you by asking any less,” she added, as she had heard several of the Gemmite merchants say the night before.

“Fifty yorns it is,” La’Gross agreed. “And I suppose you’ll want that added to the four hundred-fifty you generated last night to finish paying your bill?” he asked.

“Exactly.” Torri smiled at him as she recapped the apples and handed over the glass jar carefully. It was a rather large mason jar, but it looked tiny in the Gemmite mechanic’s broad, blunt hands.

La’Gross unscrewed the lid with surprising dexterity, considering his fingers were the size of sausages, and sniffed the contents again.

“Well, I might be crazy to pay so much, but the smell makes my tooth itch, so it does,” he declared, staring down at the jar. He nodded at Vic. “Kindred, consider your debt paid in full. Have a safe trip and come back and see me next time your ship needs service.”

“Many thanks, La’Gross. It’s always a pleasure doing business with you.” Vic nodded cordially as the mechanic stomped out of the room again, still sniffing the contents of the glass jar.

“You didn’t have to do that,” he said, as soon as the mechanic was gone. “I could have paid, Torri.”

“I know you could.” Torri came to stand by him and put a hand on his broad chest, looking up at him anxiously. “Don’t be mad—I just couldn’t stand the thought of you being hurt!”

“Oh, sweetheart…” Vic’s blue eyes softened and he leaned down to plant a soft kiss on her lips. “Thank you,” he murmured. “For paying the last fifty yorns and also for helping me earn the first four hundred and fifty.”

Torri felt her cheeks getting warm.

“That was, uh, my pleasure,” she murmured.

“It was mine as well,” Vic said seriously. He sighed and a troubled look crossed over his face. “Unfortunately, now I find myself even more reluctant to end this mission and go back into stasis.”

Torri felt her heart sink.

“I don’t want you to go back either,” she whispered. “I mean, I know we have to contact the Mother Ship and ask them to come to Earth, but couldn’t we run away together after that? Maybe travel the galaxy together?”

“I wish I could.” Vic shook his head. “But my positronic net is programmed for absolute loyalty. The Kindred are my people and they will need me again in the future, the next time they have to scout a hostile planet.”

“It doesn’t seem fair.” Torri blinked tears out of her eyes. “You’re finding a whole planet full of brides for all of them, but you can’t even take one for yourself!”

“I’m so sorry, Torri.” Vic took her in his arms and held her close. “If I could change the situation, I would. But unfortunately, I cannot. My loyalty protocols forbid it.”

“I know.” She pressed her face against his chest, breathing him in, and tried not to let the sobs take her. “I just…I’ll never forget you, Vic. And after what we shared last night… I know I’ll never find anyone like you ever again.”

Vic just held her close and stroked her shaking shoulders. Torri knew he was sorry to be leaving her, but there seemed to be nothing he could do about it. As a cyborg, he didn’t seem to have the same rights the other Kindred did.

Which isn’t fair! she thought, still trying to hold back tears. Just because he’s half robot, doesn’t mean he can’t love and that he doesn’t have needs!


